God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1401: Legendary item harvester

The compass that doesn't point north: It will give directions if you think about it in your mind!

Item level: legend!

Item function 1-selection: the host enters the world and can choose one of the options such as causality, experience, props, skills, descent, equipment, special items, etc. The compass will give the exact method to obtain it!

Tip: This feature can be used once every time the host increases a level, but the items obtained must not exceed the legendary level!


Jiang Fan took a deep breath!

Too tough!

This compass is simply a good harvester!

Although I can only use it every time I level up, in other words, as long as I level up, it means I can get a legendary thing!

Get one at the first level!

It is simply a legendary item harvester!

This is especially true for an epic without changing it!

Don’t say anything else, just follow this one, and you won’t be in vain to unblock yourself so hard!

Jiang Fan continued to look down!

Prop function 2-positioning: positioning a target, the compass will not be disturbed, and always point there!

Item function 3-curse: Because your behavior angered Calypso, the item was cursed by the opponent! Once the host uses this item on the ocean, any world except the real world has a certain chance to be tracked and located by the sea **** Calypso, and the opponent will cross over to chase the host!

Note: Once the sea **** Calypso appears, the hunting time will inevitably not be less than three minutes!

Damn it!

three minutes?

That thing really came out, let alone three minutes, he might not be able to handle it for three **** seconds!

But this one looks pretty fucking, but as long as you don't use it on the ocean, it's over! And even on the sea, it does not mean that Calypso will be tracked by Calypso!

And this one is not necessarily a bad thing!

On the other hand, as long as you are strong and you don't need to enter the world of Pirates of the Caribbean, you have a chance to kill Calypso!

And at the thought of the causal point that Calypso could get by killing Calypso, Jiang Fan trembled with excitement!

As for function 2, although it looks inconspicuous, it is definitely a real practical function. At least with it, there is no need to spend money on positioning in the future!

nice one!

Really good stuff!

Carefully put away the compass, Jiang Fan finally rubbed his hands!

The compass is unblocked, but there is a legendary item waiting for him!

"System! Extract Tiadora's collection!"


Accompanied by Jiang Fan's low drink, the light and shadow around him suddenly distorted, and finally turned into the appearance of the house of Tiadorman!

The next moment, a ball of light suddenly appeared, and it began to jump around in the room!

Jiang Fan was stunned, and then he understood that it seemed that it was where the ball of light finally jumped, and that thing was his own!



It's best to all jump on the legendary treasure!

It's just that the ball of light jumped and fell directly to the ground!

And as the light ball stopped, the system prompt also sounded suddenly!

"Ding! It's a pity, it's a bye!"

"Fuck Nima!"

Jiang Fan cursed directly!

"Fucking me? Isn't this thing so special?"

"Ding! The host, please pay attention to the word extension! From a probability point of view, byes is normal!"

"Normal your uncle! Give me the ball of light! I throw it myself!"

Jiang Fan grabbed the light ball, threw it away, and threw it directly!

The ball of light jumped for a long time, and finally landed on a jar of eyeballs on the table!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a jar of eyeballs!"

In the next moment, the attributes of the eyeballs have directly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

A jar of eyeballs: Unfortunately, this thing is used to attract eyeballs and is useless!

Jiang Fan pressed his lips tightly, forcibly suppressed the desire to swear, and finally threw the ball of light again!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a pot of dirt!"

A pot of soil: Double Eleven is over, are you ready to eat soil?

"Your uncle..."

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth and was about to throw the ball of light again!

But at this moment, there was a flash of inspiration in his mind!

In the original plot, Jack once sneakily took a ring from the table. What he can see must be a good thing!

Jiang Fan suddenly looked at the desktop!

That ring is actually still there!

Jiang Fan suddenly closed his eyes, carefully recalling the speed and angle of the light ball before!

for a long time!

Jiang Fan opened his eyes sweating profusely. No, all the angles are random, and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with strength!

The system really doesn't give any loopholes!

Well, let's look at luck!

Jiang Fan tried his best to slow down and toss the ball of light on the table!

Accompanied by the continuous bounce of the light ball!

for a long time!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the obsidian ring!"

It really hit it!

Jiang Fan couldn't wait to look at the ring attribute!

Obsidian Ring: Gold Grade Jewelry

Level requirement: Level 3

Incidental attribute: dark conversion

Dark conversion: Activate the ring, you can convert all your own power into dark attributes!

Note: This is a ring carefully polished by Tiadora, even Jack Sparrow covets it!

Attribute ring!

This is actually a ring that can convert attributes!

And it can still convert power into a dark attribute ring!

Jiang Fan was excited in an instant!

It's very simple. Once he wears this ring, not only his internal power will be transformed into dark attributes, but also his magic power!

And as long as he knows the spells, he can perform his exclusive dark magic like the Dark Mage!

And the most important point is that the dark attribute, like the holy light of the light council, is the signature sign of the dark council!

In other words, as long as Jiang Fan thinks about it now, the two camps can switch at will!

The value of this thing, for him, is definitely not just a gold level!

Almost in an instant, Jiang Fan's stomach of bad water was about to gush out!

"Hehehe! Calm down!"

Jiang Fan put on the ring directly, and then tossed the ball of light casually!

Anyway, there is one last time left, and it will definitely be a legendary one. As for what you can get, let's get what!

The ball of light kept jumping, and finally landed on a black bead!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining the-Eliminating Halo!"


What is this?

Dispelling Aura: Legendary

Function: Crush this bead to activate the halo, and any seal or imprisonment surgery of legendary level and below will be completely invalid for you!

Note: Since Tiadora was sealed by the nine pirate kings, she has been working on researching how to avoid being sealed again. Obviously, she succeeded!

This thing... doesn't seem to have any eggs--

and so on!

Jiang Fan, who was dismissive of this thing, suddenly trembled!

There are definitely many worlds with sealing technique!

At least what he can think of now is Hokage, Death, and even Journey to the West!

And even more disgusting, it is the kind of imprisonment!

Just like the one Calypso had fixed himself before!

Jiang Fan definitely doesn't want to experience the taste of being slaughtered a second time!

But now, once the aura is added to him, as long as the person who shoots is no more than 25th level, no one can restrain him!

In the wild laughter, Jiang Fan crushed the bead!

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