At this moment, because Cao Wentong was in the way before, many people got out of the car. Seeing Pang Shiyong roaring like this, all of them were all stupid!

"Patriarch! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Mr. Jiang, don't listen to the Patriarch, he is just joking!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Jiang, how could our Pang family hate you!"

"Yeah, if it weren't for you, our Pang family would have died long ago!"

"Patriarch! Apologize to Mr. Jiang quickly!"

The crowd rushed forward, all pulling out Pang Shiyong!

And Pang Shiyong finally woke up, his whole person was like falling into an ice cave!

That's it!

Why did you shout out all those things in your heart just now?

Isn't this looking for death?

Just relying on Jiang Fan's previous methods of cutting weeds and roots, it is absolutely impossible to keep the Pang family!

That's it!

Completely finished!

For a while, his full hatred turned directly into fear!

If the whole person's feet are soft, it will fall down!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan gently stretched out his hand and directly supported Pang Shiyong!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang..."

Pang Shiyong was startled suddenly.

But Jiang Fan suddenly lowered his head and spoke softly in his ear.

"Pang Shifang is not dead, how can you be the head of the family? The Pang family's industry in Xiangzhou is immortal, how can you win the faint city with more benefits? Do you want to be an unknown **** of the Xiangzhou Pang family, or do you want to be a faint city peasant? The founder of the family?"

Pang Shiyong trembled all over!

Look at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

"You, what did you say?"

"You heard, I want to help you, take down the entire faint city!"

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth twitched, and he smiled softly!

Pang Shiyong's eyes widened, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat for a moment!

The heart is beating almost out of the chest cavity!

Jiang Fan's methods, he knows!

He knows Jiang Fan's strength better!

Jiang Fan said that if he wanted to help him win Faint City, he would definitely be able to do it!


The founder of the Pang family in Faint City!

Thinking of this title, Pang Shiyong's hatred for Jiang Fan, like thin smoke blown by the wind, disappeared in an instant!

Not bad!

Pang Shifang is not dead, and he will always be an unknown **** of the Pang family in Xiangzhou!

I will not have the opportunity to be the ancestor of the new Pang family in Wucheng!

Winning Faint City, such a glorious achievement, is enough to surpass any ancestor of the Pang family!

He is Pang Shiyong, enough for a hundred generations!

However, the next moment, he suddenly looked terrified!

Two sentences!

Jiang Fan actually used only a few words to completely remove all his hatred!

This, this guy, his understanding of the human heart is like a demon!

Do not!

In other words, this guy is a demon!

Such a person, let alone the Pang family, I am afraid that the four great families will fall into his hands sooner or later!


Pang Shiyong took a deep breath, and suddenly kneeled to Jiang Fan respectfully without hesitation!

"Mr. Jiang, I, my Pang family, starting from today, are willing to be completely loyal to you! If there is any violation, the Pang family will definitely cut off children and grandchildren!"

Everyone was taken aback!

Looking at Pang Shiyong incredulously!

Just now Jiang Fan just said something in his ear, how could Pang Shiyong change from hatred to the sky to the current Jiang Fan's loyal fan in an instant?

What did Jiang Fan say?

And Pang Shiyong has suddenly turned around and looked at a group of Pang family!

"What are you doing in a daze?"

A group of people suddenly reacted and knelt down almost at the same time!

"Mr. Jiang! From today on, I am willing to be completely loyal to you! If there is any violation, my Pang family will definitely rule out our children and grandchildren!"

All three of Yumingzi looked silly!

What is this special situation?

Obviously it was Jiang Fan who killed the former Patriarch of the Pang family and forced the entire Pang family to leave their homes. They fled to Faint City like a mourning dog. The Pang family's hatred of Jiang Fan should definitely be endless!

But now, the special Pang family is loyal!

What kind of Ecstasy did Jiang Fan give Pang Shiyong just now?

This is too evil!

However, when I thought that I and others had come to Jiang Fan for trouble, and now I was begging for nothing by Jiang Fan's side, the Pang family's reaction seemed to belong to the normal category!


What else can you do if you face Jiang Fan in the opposite direction?

The three of them shook their heads, quite a feeling of someone who came over!

Soon, as the Pang family was completely subdued, a group of people had surrounded Jiang Fan into the living room of the Pang family.

The banquet has been prepared here long ago, headed by Pang Shiyong, and several powerful figures in the Pang family are all seated.

After three rounds of wine, Jiang Fan finally spoke.

"Okay, let's talk about it, what happened to the Pang family?"


Pang Shiyong nodded, then smiled a little ashamed.

"Sorry, Mr. Jiang, what I said before was not true..."

"I know, if it's just such a small matter, you will never use that opportunity!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Everyone was taken aback!

And Pang Shiyong respectfully agreed.

"What you are saying is that this time, in fact, it was the Cao family who took the initiative to find us!"

"Take the initiative to find you?"


Pang Shiyong nodded, and then began to slowly tell the story of the matter.

"After all, our Pang family is the first Xiangzhou family, and we have cooperated with the Cao family several times before, so the Cao family still has some understanding of the strength of our Pang family!"

"Even afterwards, even though your Pang family was hit hard, they still left some family background, so the Cao family is still a little jealous of us!"

"During the period when our Pang family came to Wucheng, many small local forces have always come to trouble us, but we all know that these people are all in favor of the Cao family!"

"This is a temptation on the one hand, and on the other hand, I want to find an excuse to do it on us."

"So even if we clearly have the strength to crush those small forces, we can only swallow our anger if we are afraid of leaving a handle to the Cao family!"

"The Cao family should have seen our Pang family's current shrinking strategy, so we placed an invitation early today to attend the birthday banquet of the Cao family's head, Cao Shanqing!"

"It stands to reason that attending a birthday banquet is not a big deal, but because of business relations, I met a senior Cao family privately. Soon after the invitation was sent, the person sent me a message telling me Cao The family is going to make some tricks at the birthday banquet, but they blame the Pang family so that they can do something to my Pang family!"

"Mr. Jiang, my Pang family has already swallowed their anger in order to survive, but Cao Jiaran hasn't given up yet. I have to drive us to death, so I contacted you!"

After Pang Shiyong finished speaking, everyone's complexion suddenly changed!

"No wonder the Patriarch has to find Mr. Jiang!"

"So that's the case!"

"Why didn't Patriarch say before?"

"It must be afraid of leaking the news. Our Pang family is now dying. Once the news is leaked, I'm afraid it will really go away!"

The crowd spoke one after another, and at the same time looked at Jiang Fan nervously.

Now, the entire Pang family can only rely on Jiang Fan!

"Haha, the Cao family... the timing of this invitation is really a coincidence!"

Jiang Fan laughed softly at this time!

"You don't want to visit the Cao family tonight!"


Everyone was taken aback!

"Mr. Jiang, but if no one of our Pang family goes, wouldn't it be a refutation of Cao Shanqing's face? By then, the Cao family will do something..."

Pang Shiyong looks anxious!

Jiang Fan's strength is strong, but the Cao family is not a soft persimmon. If the Pang family is caught in the middle of the war, I am afraid it will be over!

It's just that he hasn't finished speaking!

"Who said no one will go? I'll go!"

Jiang Fan's mouth curled up, and that smile was very meaningful!

It is estimated that it will be a little burst in the past two days... I regretted writing the previous sentence, but I wrote it all, well, burst it!

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