God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 141: Eighteen is good, eighteen is good

Chasing girls?

Jiang Fan looked sluggish!

It is worthy of the third class!

Sure enough, there are surprises everywhere!

"Ah! Classmate Ni Wen, this, school, is not allowed to fall in love!"

Ni Wen, nodded again and again!

"Teacher, the girl I like is not from our school!"


"Neither does other schools! You are really not suitable for your age now..."

"Teacher, she is not a student!"


Jiang Fan was startled!

"She, she's a waiter in a hotel, it's me, I met when I went to dinner before!"

Jiang Fan can't do it anymore!

Ni Wen, with a look of intoxication, began to tell about the process of getting to know that girl!

After listening to the beginning, Jiang Fan understood what was going on!

Ni Wen went to the Baxianlou for dinner with Cao Le and others some time ago, and fell in love at first sight with a waiter named Yan Xiaomei in the restaurant. Yan Xiaomei was about the same age as Ni Wen, and he had a good impression of him. After the meal, both added WeChat!

After chatting for a few days, Ni Wen became more fond of Yan Xiaomei, and he couldn't help himself!

Just two days ago, Ni Wen plucked up the courage to confess to Yan Xiaomei, but the other party refused!

In the past two days, Ni Wen tried his best, but Yan Xiaomei never agreed!

Therefore, Ni Wen had to turn to "Miracle Teacher" Jiang Fan for help!

"Okay! I can help you!"


Ni Wen, with a look of excitement!

"But! I have the conditions!"

"I know! Teacher, as long as you help me, this semester exam, my results will definitely satisfy you!"

"Okay! That's it!"

After school in the evening, Jiang Fan took Chen Ling and others directly to the Eight Immortals Tower!

Baxianlou, which belongs to the masses, is no problem for Jiang Fan’s take-out money. It’s okay to have a meal here!

Several people sat down in the hall, Jiang Fan immediately waved!

"Waiter, order!"

Soon, a very delicate girl ran over!

"Sir, what do you want to eat?"

Jiang Fan's expression changed, Ni Wen showed him the photos, this girl, it is Yan Xiaomei!

"Hehe, little girl, how old are you?"

Yan Xiaomei was taken aback!

Then, his face blushed!

What a handsome little brother!

Chen Ling's expression sank!

Damn Jiang Fan! Are you intentional? You can't see me such a beautiful snow lotus, but you are going to molest a child!

"I, I am eighteen!"

"Eighteen? Eighteen is good, eighteen is good!"

Jiang Fan, nodded again and again!

Chen Ling clenched her fists angrily!


Eighteen? Great? Does it mean that when you are an adult, you can do whatever you want?

"Ahem! Teacher Jiang, or, shall we order first?"

When Hu Guang and Yang Jianye saw Chen Ling's face, they were so scared!

In a hurry, he said to Jiang Fan!

"Oh! Yes, yes! Teacher Chen, what do you like to eat?"

You have a conscience!

After a few people ordered the dishes, Yan Xiaomei reluctantly left!

"Teacher Chen, what do you think of the little girl just now?"

Jiang Fan looked at Chen Ling eagerly!

Brother! You want to die, don't take us both!

Hu Guang and Yang Jianye's tears are about to come down!

I thought it was a potluck, it was a decapitated meal!

"good, very good!"

Chen Ling, in her eyes, has a faint trace of murder!

"That's good! Ni Wen, this kid, has a good vision!"

"Ni Wen? Isn't that your student?"

"Yes! That kid likes this girl, let me find a way to help pursue her!"


Several people were taken aback!

Chen Ling couldn't wait to find a seam to get in!

Damn it!

Own, it's shameful!

Teacher Jiang, how could it be that kind of swinger! Why do I always misunderstand him? Is it true that care leads to chaos?

Blame, Teacher Jiang is so good!

"However, Ni Wen said, this girl rejected him directly!"

Jiang Fan scratched his head and continued!

"They are all students, what kind of love are you talking about!"

Hu Guang looked disapproving!

"Can't say the same, who hasn't had a young memory in the student days?"

Jiang Fan smiled: "Moreover, Ni Wen and I made an agreement. As long as we help him catch Yan Xiaomei, this kid will study hard!"

Chen Ling, when she heard Jiang Fan's words, her eyes lit up!

"I come!"


"After all, I am a woman!"

Chen Ling looks confident!

Hehe! Finally I can help Teacher Jiang! So happy!

"Little girl, can you come here?"

Chen Ling, directly, beckoned to Yan Xiaomei!

Yan Xiaomei walked quickly: "Miss, do you have any needs?"


Chen Ling, just said a word!

Yan Xiaomei actually sat down involuntarily!

"Little girl, we are all Lan Ying's teachers, do you know Ni Wen?"

Yan Xiaomei was surprised and hurriedly explained!

"Several teachers, I didn't fall in love with Ni Wen, you guys, don't make him embarrassed!"


Jiang Fan was startled!

Yan Xiaomei's words obviously have feelings for Ni Wen, otherwise, he would not be defended at all!

"Don't worry, we not only don't stop us, but also support you! After all, who hasn't had a young memory in the school days?"

Chen Ling, directly said what Jiang Fan said just now!

"That you……"

"Looking at your appearance, you also have feelings for Ni Wen, why don't you agree to him?"


Yan Xiaomei hesitated and finally said, "Actually, I also like him very much, but his character is too weak!"

"He once drove me home, and met a bad boy whistling to me on the way, he, he actually ran away by himself!"

After saying this, Yan Xiaomei, got up and left!

Chen Ling and others, collective silence!

"This little bastard! It's all like this, and there is a face to let me help him!"

Jiang Fan was angry and took out his phone directly!

"Ni Wen! Eight Immortals Tower, come here!"

"Huh? Teacher, isn't it..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Come here now!"


Twenty minutes later, Ni Wen finally arrived out of breath!

"Teacher! Did it happen? Hey? Isn't that Xiaomei? She..."

Before Ni Wen finished speaking, Jiang Fan spoke with a gloomy expression!

"Why didn't you tell me before, when you two met a bad boy, you ran by yourself!"

Ni Wen was taken aback for a moment, and then he looked ashamed!

"I, I, I'm so scared..."

"Bah! You are not afraid, you are not responsible at all!"

"I, I didn't! I came back later!"

"and then?"

"Then Xiaomei was reprimanding the bad boys. I was a little scared, so I left again..."


Jiang Fan is so angry that he can't wait to slap Ni Wen directly!

However, at this moment, not far away, an angry shout suddenly sounded!

"Are you **** blind? This is the new Armani I bought!"

I saw a man with a look of scorn, yelling at Yan Xiaomei!

And Yan Xiaomei looked blank!

"Little girl, the vegetable soup you served just now, the clothes for Lao Tzu were soiled, you said, what should I do?"

"Sir, just now, you obviously got it dirty by yourself!"

Yan Xiaomei looked wronged!

"Nonsense! Are we short-sighted?"

"That is, the newly bought clothes, will we get dirty with vegetable soup?"

"Stop talking nonsense and talk about what to do!"

The five or six men at the same table shouted endlessly!

But, on the face, all the triumphant triumphant triumphs!

Jiang Fan frowned!

However, when he saw the Armani on the man, he immediately knew what was going on!

Especially this is a piece of parallel imports to touch porcelain!

"Ni Wen, your chance is here!"

Jiang Fan, sneered!

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