This person also wore a weird mask on his face, but compared with the previous GBL believers, the aura was not at the same level!

"Yes, it is the great sacrifice of GBL!"

"Hurry up! Once this monster goes mad, we will all be unlucky!"


The crowd is in chaos!

And Ophelia continued to scream at Jiang Fan like a pig!

"Little brother! Help me!"

"I don't want to be taken away! I don't want to be a monster!"


Ophelia, the cry of the future leader of GBL is called a desolation!

"It's all right, come and save you!"

Jiang Fan passed through the crowd and finally came to the opposite of the GBL high priest!

"Hey, let her go!"

"who are you?"

"My name is Jiang Fan, I'm a takeaway!"

"Takeaway? No matter who you are, get out of here!"

The high priest spoke coldly!

"What if I don't?"

"Then die!"

As the high priest spoke, Jiang Fan only felt that the surrounding area suddenly became dark!

This hand, the signature skill of the High Priest, is blind!

And at the moment Jiang Fan couldn't see, the high priest had already thrown out a dagger!

The dagger was silent, but extremely fast, and it arrived in front of Jiang Fan in an instant!

"Huh! Looking for—Nani?!"

Before the high priest had finished speaking, the whole person was stunned!

The dagger was indeed fast enough, and Jiang Fan did not avoid it, but the dagger pierced Jiang Fan's head, but it seemed to pierce an indescribable alloy!

Just hearing the sound of "dang", the dagger smashed two sparks on Jiang Fan's forehead, and then it broke into two directly!

Everyone was stunned!

Even the escaping crowd stopped in their tracks!

Nima is too nonsense, right?

What is this man's head made of?

It's so hard!

Is this the legendary gold head of krypton?

Although Jiang Fan couldn't see it, his true energy was like ripples, rippling in an instant, directly grasping everything within a hundred meters around him!

At the same time that the high priest looked shocked, Jiang Fan moved his feet and appeared in front of the opponent in an instant, and then he blasted out with a punch!


A loud noise!

The high priest who frightened the crowd ran away like a small stone, flying directly upside down for several tens of meters, and rammed into a house in the distance!

The high priest in seconds, the opponent's blindness technique is directly invalidated!

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled and looked at Ophelia!

"Are you okay?"

"You, you are amazing! Actually, he knocked down the high priest with one punch!"

Ophelia looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

"It's normal for a trash fish that doesn't reach level ten to fly him!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Okay, you will be careful in the future, don't always get caught, go quickly!"

Jiang Fan said and waved his hand, ready to go to Kaili!


"Brother Jiang Fan! Please stay!"

Ophelia suddenly grabbed Jiang Fan!

"Brother Jiang Fan, you are so strong, why don't you help me kill that monster and rescue all the followers of our GBL teaching!"

"Do not have time!"

Jiang Fan didn't even think about it, so he refused!

I want to know with my ass, the monster Ophelia said must be the long-footed Rotes, one of the apostles!

This monster is very good in the game, but in reality the name of the apostle is not for nothing, it is absolutely outrageous!

Jiang Fan has no plans to deliver food now!

But if it becomes stronger in the future, you can find a way to kill this stuff!

"Brother Jiang Fan! Then when do you have time?"

"do not know!"

"Then where are you going now?"

"Go to Huttonmar to find..."

Jiang Fan didn't finish speaking, but he was taken aback!

In the game, it is not far from Huttonmar to the West Coast, but once it turns into the real world, the distance is different!

Although the system rarely transmits itself directly to the customer, it is never far away!

So, Kelly should be here?

Just after Jiang Fan's dazed effort!


"Look! Something has fallen from the sky!"

"It seems to be a person!"

"So fierce, she is definitely a woman!"

Jiang Fan looked up, only to see a woman falling from the sky on the sea in the distance!

Fall directly into the sea!

In the sky, how could a woman fall for no reason?

You know the sky of the Arad continent, but there is still a sea of ​​sky!

And above the sea of ​​sky, is the heaven!

Could it be that this woman fell from the heavens?

Jiang Fan thought, and directly took out the compass!

"Position Kelly!"


The compass actually pointed straight at the woman who fell into the sea!


Jiang Fan opened his mouth wide!

I actually came when Kaili just fell from the sky!

save trouble!

Wait for her to come up for a while and finish the takeaway, and leave by herself!

It's just that Jiang Fan waited for a long time, but the sea was still calm!

Doesn't this guy know how to swim?

When I think of the dry environment where the heavens cannot be brought, it seems like it is impossible!


Without saying a word, Jiang Fan plunged into the sea with a fierce man, and then almost like a yacht, rushing towards Kaili with a wave of breaking waves!

A group of people on the shore were dumbfounded!

This swimming speed is simply exaggerated!

Ophelia opened her mouth even more!

It's too fierce!

If Jiang Fan's brother is willing to help himself, he can definitely take back the GBL from the monster's hands!


Jiang Fan was as fast as lightning, and finally found Kaili in the sea!

At this moment, this guy was motionless, just widened his eyes, looking helplessly at the dimming light!

Jiang Fan dived quickly, grabbing Kaili by the collar, and finally dragging her out of the sea!


As soon as her head came, Kelly gasped for breath!

At the same time, the body trembled violently!

This is a sign of a lot of physical loss!

Jiang Fan's figure moved, and he soon brought Kaili to the shore!

Then he took out the braised pork and handed it over!

As soon as the braised pork appeared, the charming taste directly made everyone sigh at the same time!

Kelly even sat up abruptly, grabbing the plate and eating!

"It smells so good! It smells so good!"

"Fat but not greasy, lips and teeth leave fragrance!"

"Not only is it delicious, I feel that I have regained my strength!"

"Even the injuries suffered in the heavens are healed!"

"It's amazing! What the **** is this?"

Kaili quickly finished the braised pork with braised pork, and she immediately refreshed!

"This is called braised pork!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Broiled pork? It sounds like top-notch!"

Kelly admired her face!

But she immediately saw Jiang Fan on one side!

At this look, she was excited all over!

So handsome!

There is such a handsome man in the human world!

Could it be that God let me live just to meet him?

"Thank you, thank you for saving me!"

Kelly looked ashamed!

"You're welcome, I just delivered you takeaway!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


Kelly was taken aback!

Before, she was secretly calculated in the heavens and was forced to fight a decisive battle with her former friends. As a result, both fell into the sea of ​​sky, but she did not expect to fall into the human world!

However, her physical strength was so severe that she couldn't even move her eyelids and couldn't save herself at all!

Just when she was thinking that food that would increase her physical strength would be good, this handsome boy appeared!

God willing!

This is God's will!

"Little brother, you saved me and gave me such a delicious delicacy. I can only promise by myself!"

Kaili looked directly at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!


Jiang Fan's eyes twitched!

No wonder Kelly has that catch phrase—that guy on the roadside is so handsome...!

Turns out to be a nympho!

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