He suddenly gritted his teeth and looked directly at Jiang Fan!

"Betrayed? No! I didn't betrayed! You betrayed me!"

"You, you regard our Bao family as a chess piece occupying Xiangzhou!"

"Our Bao family worked hard, but we were slightly dissatisfied with you, but you designed the Dou family to take action and destroy our Bao family!"

"Do you think I don't know what you mean by leaving me? Treat me like a brother? I babble!"

"You are just using me to control Xiangzhou!"

"Once you wait until you think I'm useless, then you will kill me like you did to the rest of our Bao family!"

"Jiang Fan, for a shameless villain like you, I Bao Dabao just act first to be strong and take revenge for my Bao family!"

Bao Dabao said more and more loudly, and at the same time, the guilt on his face had disappeared completely. Instead, he was full of a sense of righteousness for revenge for the family!

Perhaps, he himself believed this kind of lie!

However, Jiang Fan's eyes looked at him getting colder and colder, gradually turning from disappointment to indifference!

Uncle Zhong is right, Bao Dabao is indeed hopeless!


Slowly exhaling a foul breath, Jiang Fan was too lazy to deal with Bao Dabao anymore, but looked directly at Qiuyuan Peak!

"You tricked him into betraying me?"

"Hehe, don't say it so ugly! I can only say that Mr. Bao wanted to open it himself!"

Qiu Yuanfeng became more proud, and his eyes were filled with a kind of joy of revenge!

"Want to drive? It's really you, when you betrayed our Jiang family and told the Zhou family our details, you comforted yourself this way, right?"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"Well, if you don't mention it, I almost forgot about it!"

Qiu Yuanfeng exclaimed deliberately!

"Jiang Fan, doesn't it feel good? Your father must have the same mood as you back then!"

"It's just a pity, I couldn't see with my own eyes his expression at that time!"

"Otherwise I must record it and enjoy it every day! Hahaha!"

"You beast!!"

Murderous flashes in Jiang Fan's eyes!

"Don't worry! This is just the first little surprise, you don't want to know, how is your Jiang family now?"

"Jiang Family?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

"Yes! Since Bao Dabao has already cooperated with me, I know the truth and fiction of your Jiang family!"

"what have you done?"

"Hehe, you can think about it, among the wealthy family, besides the Zhou family, who else wants you to die!"

"Song family?"

"Yes! Your strongest subordinates have all been seriously injured, but now is when your lair is most empty! If the Song family didn't make a move, wouldn't it be a waste of this great opportunity!"


Jiang Fan's expression suddenly changed!

Then he took a deep look at Qiu Yuanfeng!

"Qiu Yuanfeng! Next time I meet, I will definitely want you to die!"

"Hehehe, Jiang Fan, I know you must have hole cards. If you want to go, maybe even the grandmaster may not be able to keep you! But you don't want to see, your childhood friend?"

Qiu Yuanfeng smiled gloomily and suddenly clapped his hands again!

In the next moment, Qiu Yuanfeng's confidant, Qiu Lu, had already led a man with disheveled hair and an iron chain around his neck, and came to Qiu Yuanfeng's side!

The body of this man who was chained was rickety, his face was completely concealed by long hair, but he was breathing heavily, just like a wild beast that constantly exudes a dangerous aura!

However, when he saw him, Jiang Fan didn't know why, and suddenly a very familiar feeling arose!

"He, who is he?"

In Jiang Fan's voice, there was a trace of vibrato!

"Don't you remember? It's okay, then I will help you remember!"

Qiu Yuanfeng suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at a guest of the Cao family!

"kill him!"

That person was shocked!

The man who was **** by the chain had already roared, his hands suddenly raised!

"Swish swish!!"

Numerous ox hair needles suddenly spurted out of the man's hands, and then suddenly blasted onto the guest like a heavy rain!

Those cow hair needles are thin and soft, but when they hit the guest, they are more powerful than a sniper rifle. Not only do they penetrate the entire body of the guest, but also the humans, tables, chairs, ornaments, and even the walls along the way. Permeated by all!

Almost just for an instant, the guest was completely blasted into debris!

Everyone was scared to see it!

Jiang Fan's eyes widened, and he suddenly exclaimed!

"Miaowu Tianluo?!"

In Jiang Fan's memory, only two people would use this trick!

One of them is the worship of the Jiang family!

And the other one is the apprentice who worshipped, and one of his best friends, Wan Wu!

This person turned out to be Wan Wu?

He is actually alive!

In an instant, a glimmer of light suddenly flashed in Jiang Fan's eyes!

And Qiu Yuanfeng was already laughing!

"Jiang Fan! I didn't expect it? Your friend will still be alive!"

"Yes! Back when I told you the Jiang family that Wan Wu was dead, I actually lied to you!"

"How could I let him die for such a master, such an assassin of a strong man!"

"Are you curious, why does he listen to me like this?"

"To tell you the truth, I once spent a lot of effort to get lost in Miaojiang, and I put it in his food every day!"

"But I didn't expect this kid to be terribly strong, and it took three full months to take effect!"

"But this time is not in vain. Now, he is the most loyal dog under me, let alone murder, even if I let him eat shit, he will eat it obediently!"

"Hahaha! Jiang Fan, come and say hello to your friends!"

Qiu Yuanfeng was extremely proud, as if showing off a toy, patted Wan Wu's head constantly, looking at Jiang Fan eagerly!


Jiang Fan's fists squeezed and crackled, but he stopped dead, just staring at Qiu Yuanfeng coldly!

"Why? Very angry? Ha ha, then make you angry more!"

Qiu Yuanfeng triumphantly took out his cell phone and dialed a number quickly!

next moment!

"the host!"

The cold voice suddenly rang from the phone!

"how is she?"

"Still the same!"

"Very well, let her listen to the phone!"


Accompanied by the two people exchanged.

"Qiu Yuanfeng! You beast!!!"

On the phone, Qiu Mingyue's voice suddenly rang!

"Hehe, don't be so excited! Mingyue, Jiang Fan is right across from me now, would you like to chat with him?"

Qiuyuanfeng laughed!

But Qiu Mingyue was silent for a moment, but suddenly spoke!

"Jiang Fan! Are you really there?"

"I'm here!"

"Is there anything wrong with you? Are you in Qiu Yuanfeng's game?"

"Well, come in, there are a lot of masters!"

"Then you be careful!"

"I know, where's your side?"

"My side is very good, cold feeling is with me now!"

Unexpectedly, by this time, Jiang Fan's voice was unexpectedly calm!

There is no hint of anger at all!

It seems to have known that Qiu Mingyue was kidnapped a long time ago!

The same is true for Qiu Mingyue, there is not the slightest worry about being trapped!

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