Everyone looked at Jiang Fan with a dull expression!

But Qiu Yuanfeng looked ruthless!

"Okay, okay! Even if you know everything, but the Song family has arrived, your foundation in Los Angeles is destined to be destroyed!"

"Not necessarily!"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

"As far as I know, among the masters of the Song family, there is no master!"

"So what? All of your masters have been abandoned! Even if there is no grandmaster, they will undoubtedly die!"

"Hehe, Qiu Yuanfeng, you really don't give up. In that case, why don't you call and ask over there?"

Jiang Fan smiled, but suddenly shook his head!

"Forget it, let me fight for you!"

As Jiang Fan said, he had already dialed Wang Yi's number!


Wang Yi's voice sounded directly!

"Our Qiu always wants to hear about the Song family's achievements, you can report it!"

"Yes! Mr. Qiu, please listen to me! The Song family has 13 people, five people at level 13, four people at the top of the fourteenth level, four half-step masters, and one person at the fourteenth level. According to our master All of them have been...executed!"

Wang Yi said with a grin!

"Oh, by the way, sir, do you want to send a picture to Mr. Qiu to see?"

"Okay, then send one!"

With the phone hanging up, Wang Yi has sent a photo to Jiang Fan via WeChat!

The corpses in the photo are almost everywhere, and almost all the masters of the Song family have different heads, and one of them has been cut off!

And the wound was actually burned by a raging fire!

You don't need to ask, this is definitely the damage that Lu Bu's Jiuyang Overlord can cause!

"Hey! Mr. Qiu, appreciate it slowly!"

Jiang Fan casually threw the phone to Qiuyuan Peak!

"No, it's impossible..."

Qiu Yuanfeng looked ashamed!

And Bao Dabao sat down on the ground!

for a long time!

"Hahaha! Hahaha!"

Qiu Yuanfeng suddenly looked at Jiang Fan with a grim look!

"Jiang Fan, you are really amazing! But you missed the last thing! No matter how you plan, you are in the game like us now!"

"Your head is good, but what about your strength? There are five and a half step grandmasters, four fourteenth-level limit, and two full grandmasters!"

"You are dead!"

"it's useless!"

at this time!

Bao Dabao, who had always been silent, suddenly spoke with a crying voice!

"Qiu Yuanshan, it's useless! I know Jiang Fan, he is not sure, he will not enter the game at all! And once he enters the game, all of us will only die!"


Qiu Yuanfeng's eyes are red!

Almost madly, he looked at a group of subordinates suddenly!

"Do it! Kill Jiang Fan!"

next moment!

The five and a half step masters and the four fourteenth level limits have already shot at the same time!

In an instant, the entire Cao's house was completely shrouded by the terrifying aura of these masters!

All the guests in the Cao’s Mansion felt that they were like ants in a hurricane, they could be torn apart alive at any time!

However, in the eyes of this hurricane, Jiang Fan's ridiculous voice suddenly sounded!

"Qiu Yuanfeng, you should really listen to Bao Dabao!"

next moment!


A splendid sword light suddenly rushed to the sky!

The scary sword intent attached to the above directly caused the two grandmasters who were self-reliant to their identities to change their expressions!


Both of them stared at the same time!

And the next moment!

"Puff puff puff puff puff puff!!!"

Nine human heads suddenly soared into the sky like fireworks!

The blood splattered, like a torrential rain, instantly filled the entire sky!

Five and a half-step masters, four fourteenth-level limits, were beheaded by Jiang Fan in an instant!

"It has to be..."

Everyone saw their teeth shaking!

Many guests even got wet from their crotches!

However, any one of them seemed to be choked and couldn't make any sound at all!

"No, impossible, impossible..."

Qiu Yuanfeng stared blankly at the nine masters who did not look at him, his whole person was stunned!

And Jiang Fan had already turned and looked at the two masters of the Zhou family!

"Two choices, one, get out! Two, die!"


"Boy! How dare you be so rampant!!"

Zhou Yuanqi and Zhou Yuanhai were furious!

However, Zhou Yantang trembled all over!

"Two uncles, yes, or else, let's go..."

"What are you fart! Although this kid is great, he is definitely not a master!"

"That's right! There are ants under the master! Today, let us get rid of this week's major trouble!"

Zhou Yuanqi sneered, and a little bit of his feet had appeared in front of Jiang Fan in an instant!

Then he pointed to Jiang Fan's forehead!

However, he had just shot, and Jiang Fan's left and right shoulders suddenly had two more heads!

Three heads and six arms!

Zhou Yuanqi's eyes widened suddenly!

And Jiang Fan had already ticked the corner of his mouth, and directly threw a mental shock!

Zhou Yuanqi's body trembled suddenly!

And Jiang Fan has put away his three heads, and his sword falls!


Zhou Yuanqi hadn't reacted yet, Dou Da's head had already risen into the sky!

Everyone was stunned!

That's a master!

Actually being given a second by Jiang Fan's sword!

Zhou Yuanhai was even more stunned!

At this moment, he just felt cold all over his body!

However, he hadn't figured out whether to walk or fight, Jiang Fan had already stepped a little and rushed directly to Zhou Yuanhai on the roof!

"court death!"

Zhou Yuanhai was so angry that he became angry, and his true energy was all over his body in an instant!

Then the two fists were like thunder, and they suddenly blasted towards Jiang Fan!

But at this moment, a set of silver-white one-piece armor appeared on Jiang Fan's body instantly!

Jagged suit!


Zhou Yuanhai's two fists slammed Jiang Fan's body, unexpectedly blasted two dents on the iron suit!


Zhou Yuanhai's expression suddenly changed!

What is on Jiang Fan's body?

How can it be so hard?

But before he could react, Jiang Fan had already clasped his arms!

Everyone was taken aback!

Zhou Yuanhai was even more shocked!

And at this moment, the weird and hideously shaped gun on Jiang Fan's shoulder was already lit up with a bright blue light!

Ion Cannon!


Feeling the threat of the ion cannon, Zhou Yuanhai suddenly roared!

Desperately want to break free!

But it's too late!


A flash of light accompanied by the ion cannon!


Zhou Yuanhai's body guard's true energy trembled suddenly!

It was thinned into a thin layer in an instant!

The ion cannon actually failed to blast his body guard infuriating!

And Zhou Yuanhai was already laughing wildly!

"Hahaha! Kid! It's useless! Grandmaster's true qi is innate! Even if I don't do anything, I can quickly recover!"

Just as Zhou Yuanhai laughed wildly, his bodyguard's true energy was actually refilled with naked eyes!

However, Jiang Fan didn't seem to hear it, and the ion cannon had been lit up again!


There was another explosion!

Zhou Yuanhai's bodyguard was really angry, and it was almost wiped out again!

But it filled up quickly!

It turns out that once it reaches the master, the zhenqi is transformed into innate, and it can really be endless!

It's just that Jiang Fan's mouth twitched, and the ion cannon's light had already lit up again!

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