God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1437: My name is Jiang Fan to kill you

As soon as Kusunakyo raised his arm, the flames on his arm that had been lingering and rising actually condensed on the fingers, forming a faint flame!

However, at the moment of seeing this flame, Jiang Fan only felt a chill behind his back!

The power hidden in the humble flame is so strong that the temperature of the entire mountain forest has risen by seven or eight degrees!

This move is absolutely shocking!

And the next moment!


Accompanied by Kusanakyo's roar, his arm has been swung down at Gonitz!

Hundred and Eighth Styles-Big Snake Naruto!

As soon as this move was taken, the entire top of the mountain seemed to boil, and countless vegetation suddenly turned into fly ash!

And that ignited sprout, unexpectedly swelled and erupted when it was shot, and almost immediately when it was released, it has formed a sky-routing flame that illuminates the entire sky with a range of 100 meters!

And the breath of this flame is even more terrifying to the extreme!

It's like a volcano that bursts suddenly!

And in the midst of this terrifying flames, Kusunakyo's fist, as if breaking through the time limit, hit Gonitz's chest heavily!

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

Fifteenth level!

At this moment, Kyo Kusanagi, his aura has actually reached the fifteenth level!

In a world dominated by moves, the King of Fighters, someone can actually break through the level restrictions and play promotion moves!



In the face of this terrifying move, Gonitz did not evade it, but laughed wildly!

"Good! Great!"

"Your move is worth my shot!"

Gonitz faced the fist coming towards his face and suddenly raised his right hand!

next moment!


Gonitz's right hand has gently faced Kusunakyo's fist, which can destroy almost everything!

Time seems to have stagnated at this moment!


"Boom boom boom!!!"

The skyrocketing flames of Osnaru have completely enveloped the two of them!

The deafening noise is like a landslide!

Everything on the top of the mountain instantly turned into crimson magma, and then in an invisible aura, it suddenly splashed up and down like a rain of fire!

And the one who looked at Jiang Fan there through the camera had already squeezed his fist tightly!

for a long time!

Accompanied by an inexplicable gust of wind!

The sight of the top of the mountain is finally revealed!

But Jiang Fan, who saw what it looked like there, suddenly shrank!

The top of the mountain at this moment has completely turned into a magma pool!

And just in the middle of this pool of water, Kyo Kusanagi still maintained the posture of bombarding and punching!

It's just that his fist, which was wrapped in flames, was lightly held by a finger at this moment!

And the owner of the finger is Gonitz!

One finger!

With just one finger, Gonitz actually blocked such a terrifying move!

Compared with the plot of using one to block Kusanakyo's trick in the plot, Gonitz at this moment is undoubtedly even more terrifying!

Jiang Fan's guess has come true!

Gonitz, really stronger!

But Jiang Fan not only didn't have a hint of fear, but directly showed a sneer!

Gonitz is indeed great, but he is not without advantages!

The system is still like a person this time, and finally there are not too many requirements for the use of props. This is the first advantage!

Secondly, I now have an understanding of Gonitz's toughness, but Gonitz knows nothing about himself, which is also an advantage!

And the most important point, this time, I am not alone!

All participants in the 96th contest can be used as chess pieces!

And in this world, there are three artifacts to restrain Gonitz!

"You're dead!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were filled with the desire to win for an instant!

On the contrary, Kusunakyo was panicked!

"No, it's impossible..."

Kusanagi Kyo was sweating and trembling all over, and his eyes were full of shock and fear!


Even Lucar can't handle this trick!

But the opponent was not only unharmed, but also easily caught the killer blow with one finger!

How could there be such a powerful monster in this world!

Gonitz frowned slightly and shook his head in disappointment!

"It's too weak, I was wrong, your trick is not worth my shot!"

Withdrawing his finger, Gonitz turned around and left!

"Wait! You, won't you kill me?"

Kyo Kusanagi's face is unbelievable!

However, Gonitz didn't look back, just spoke slowly in a mocking tone!

"You are such a waste, you don't even have the qualifications to die in my hands!"


Kusanagi shuddered all over, and he actually knelt directly on the ground!


He actually called himself trash!

However, facing such a monster that was so powerful that it was beyond common sense, he didn't even have the courage to refute it!

The other party was right, in front of him, he was indeed a trash!

Kusanagi's eyes were dull, and it was obvious that the spirit of the whole person had been completely destroyed by a word of Gonitz!

However, at this moment, Gonitz, who had already taken a few steps, suddenly stopped!

Then slowly raised his head and looked at the sky!

"not good!"

Jiang Fan's expression changed, he put his phone away and left!

However, he just moved!


A breeze suddenly blows from all directions!

In the next moment, Gonitz had suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

And in his hand, he was still holding the drone!

"Interestingly, you can actually lock the breath to this level. If it weren't for this machine to disrupt the airflow, your ability to hide, I'm afraid even I will hide it!"

Gonitz admired, and looked at Jiang Fan with some curiosity.

"You don't look like a member of the Three Sacred Weapon Family, who are you?"

Just as Gonitz was looking at Jiang Fan, Jiang Fan was also looking at him!

According to Jiang Fan's plan, he will never meet Goenitz until the last minute!

Now it has undoubtedly disrupted all previous deployments!

However, Jiang Fan will never stay the same. Compared with the long-term layout, he is also good at adapting to the situation!

Now that the plan has been disrupted, let's try our best to explore Gonitz's bottom!


Slowly exhaling a suffocating breath, Jiang Fan has completely let go of his breath!

For a moment!


The aura that resembled a landslide and tsunami suddenly rose to the sky!

The whole mountain forest is whistling!

At the top of the mountain, Kusanagi, who had no fighting spirit anymore, was taken aback and looked at the position of Jiang Fan in disbelief!

"Okay, what a strong aura!"

There are two breaths there, one of which he can recognize, it is Gonitz!

And the other aura is actually more tyrannical than himself!

Do not!

Not only is he stronger than himself, it is simply more violent!

who is it?

Actually have such a tyrannical strength?

Kyo Kusanagi gritted his teeth and rushed directly in the direction of the two!

Gonitz was even more surprised!

The opponent clearly doesn't have level fifteen, but the aura that bursts out is actually even more tyrannical than the usual fifteenth level!

Is there such a character in this world?

"Who on earth are you?"

Gonitz's eyes narrowed!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath before finally speaking slowly with a hint of a smile!

"My name is Jiang Fan, I want to kill you!"

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