Jiang Fan's smiley expression directly froze on his face!

He had thought about it before that the difficulty of this three-revolution mission seemed a bit too low!

And also make two guesses!

First, Gonitz is extremely strong!

This point, just now, has been certified!

The second point is what accidents will happen!

And now, this accident really came!

The three artifacts are actually abolished!

"I know!"

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan was already gloomy, and gritted his teeth!

"System! You **** don't take advantage of any loopholes!"

Suddenly squeezing his fist, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly became fierce!

I took out the compass directly!


In an instant, the needle was already pointing in one direction!

"Damn! Since you are in the first year of junior high school, don't blame Lao Tzu for doing the fifteenth!"

The next moment, Jiang Fan moved and rushed in the direction of the pointer!


Jiang Fan has come to a residential area in the city!

Here are all neat two-story single-family buildings, and it seems that there are not many residents, and they are slightly quiet.

And Jiang Fan kept moving forward following the pointer, and soon came to one of the two-story buildings!

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Fan buttoned on the iron mask, then stepped into the courtyard of the small building, and then gently knocked on the door!



The door opens!

A beautiful woman with short red hair and a black and red dress has appeared before Jiang Fan!

Just seeing Jiang Fan, she frowned!

"who are you?"

Jiang Fan did not answer, but chuckled softly!

"Miss Wei Si, hello!"

This woman, surprisingly, is also one of the Eight Great Snake Collection, Wei Si!

"How do you know my name?"

Weisi suddenly widened his eyes!

However, at the moment when she was in shock, Jiang Fan directly jumped on it!


Jiang Fan's speed was so fast, he almost came to Weisi in the blink of an eye, and then slammed Weisi directly into the room!

And at this moment, there is still a woman in the room!

That woman is equally beautiful, with blonde hair on her head and wearing a black and white dress!

This is surprisingly Wei Si's partner, Mai Zhuo, one of the eight masterpieces!

Seeing Weisi being attacked by Jiang Fan, Mai Zhuo almost didn't even think about it, and suddenly he threw it up with a side kick!

However, Jiang Fan hooked the corner of her mouth, and as soon as she lifted her left hand, she grabbed her slender calf!

"Miss Mai Zhuo, how are you!"


Mai Zhuo's eyes suddenly widened!

But Wei Si had already reacted at this moment, bowed, and instantly slid to Jiang Fan's side, and then suddenly shot, he was about to hug Jiang Fan's waist!

Surprisingly, she wants to use her best throwing skills!

However, before she could encircle Jiang Fan's waist with her hands, Jiang Fan had already smashed her backhand with an elbow!

Wei Si's complexion changed, and her body suddenly leaned back!

Jiang Fan had already thrown Mai Zhuo out, and then suddenly turned back and blasted Wei Si's lower abdomen with a punch!

Think about it with both hands!

But Jiang Fan hooked the corner of his mouth, and his right fist shot again with an incredible speed!

"Wild bite?!"

Weisi suddenly exclaimed!

What the other party used was the martial arts of Kusanaru!

Is the other party from the Kusanaru family?

But why is there no Chi Yan?

However, she can no longer think too much!

Jiang Fan blasted out his left and right fists very fast!

It was the nine wounds that Kusunakyo had previously used!


Wei Si was hit by Jiang Fan, and he suddenly cried out in pain!

But Jiang Fan didn't know Lianxiangxiyu at all, so he charged up with his right hand and smashed it out!



Wei Si was bombarded by Jiang Fan directly spouting a mouthful of blood, and flew upside down!

All this just happened in a flash!

But Mai Zhuo, who was thrown away by Jiang Fan, had a point on the wall, and he rushed directly toward Jiang Fan again!

But Jiang Fan seems to be prepared!

Suddenly soared into the air, suddenly revolved, and hit Mai Zhuo with a punch!

Hundred Types-Ghost Burning!

Surprisingly, it is Kusunakyo's move!


Mai Zhuo also spouted a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground feebly!

Although Jiang Fan couldn't emit red flames, the force of the yang energy of nine yin and nine yang was stronger and more fierce than red flames!

Although the two of them are characters beyond the fourteenth level, they can't hold Jiang Fan's fist at all!

"You, who are you?"

Mai Zhuo looked at Jiang Fan with horror!

too strong!

Definitely stronger than Kusunakyo!

How could there be such a character in the Kusanaru family?

And Jiang Fan just smiled, a flash of killing intent suddenly flashed in his eyes!

Gonitz, you old tortoise, you actually abolished Lao Tzu's three artifacts, and then Lao Tzu killed your two dogs!

At the beginning, Jiang Fan didn't even want to kill Wei Si and Mai Zhuo. After all, although these two women are the same as the eight masters, their strength is not a threat to him at all!

And if you kill them, it will be troublesome if it affects the plot!

But now, it's all **** messed up anyway!

It's better to kill these two women!

On the one hand, Gonitz angered Goenitz and made him lose an inch!

On the other hand, these two women are still the gods of heaven after all!

Their blood is equally valuable!

And if you kill them, you have a chance to explode!

Seeing that the killing intent in Jiang Fan's eyes rose, Mai Zhuo's expression suddenly changed!

Suddenly rushed to Jiang Fan's side and buckled Jiang Fan's waist!

He even screamed directly in his mouth!

"Wei Si! Run away!"

next moment!


An extremely gray beam of light, condensed by countless phantoms of skeletons, suddenly rose from the foot of Jiang Fan!

This is impressively Mai Zhuo's must-kill skill-the Gate of Heaven!

Wei Si trembled all over, and turned around to run away!

But at this moment!


Among the distorted gray beams of light, an arm suddenly stretched out and grabbed Mai Zhuo's neck!


Mai Zhuo's eyes widened suddenly!

But the next moment!


That big hand has directly crushed Mai Zhuo's neck!


With the death of Mai Zhuo, the burst of energy from the gate of heaven also suddenly disappeared!

Only Jiang Fan, unscathed, stood in place!


Weisi wailed directly!

Jiang Fan clicked the corner of his mouth, and the next moment he was behind Wei Si, with his right hand claws, and he tore Wei Si's neck!


Very thick, blood with a strange energy suddenly spurted from Wei Si's neck!

Wei Si trembled all over, covered her neck tightly, and looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

"Why, why..."

However, Jiang Fan did not answer, but looked at her apologetically!

Wei Si was startled, and suddenly fell down!


Breathing out a suffocating breath, Jiang Fan spoke directly in a low voice!

"System! Both bloods are packaged and sold!"

"Ding! Such a beautiful host can handle it, it's a beast!"

"Fart! I didn't let you force it! Stop talking nonsense! Do you want it!"

"Ding! Weisi and Maizhuo's bodies are also products of the Protoss. Will the host sell them together?"

"No! Only sell blood!"

"Ding! Wei Si, the world-class inferior **** Serpent belongs to, one of the eight masterpieces of the heavenly gods, packaged and sold 200,000 causal points!"

"Mai Zhuo, the world-class inferior **** Serpent belongs to, one of the eight masters of the heavenly gods, packs and sells 200,000 causal points!"

"Is the host for sale?"

"Fuck! You're not mistaken? Gonitz is worth 100,000 yuan for a small group, and these two together only cost 400,000 yuan?"

Jiang Fan was directly angry!

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