God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1453: The true eight childish girls are really restrained

And at the same time that Gonitz was blasted off, the four arms under Jiang Fan's ribs had instantly turned into four tentacles, directly wrapped around Gonitz!

But at this moment!


Gonitz has teleported out again!

Jiang Fan's backhand was another killing flywheel thrown out!

However, the Killing Flywheel had just let go, and Jiang Fan suddenly felt cold behind him!

Surprisingly, Gonitz tore the armor on his back!


An extremely heavy force has already hit Jiang Fan fiercely!


Jiang Fan suddenly spit out a big mouthful of blood, and the whole person rushed forward from being smashed!

And just behind him, Gonitz was already roaring frantically, rushing up again with a **** mist that was as dense as the substance!

The speed at which Gonitz was violent, his strength exploded even faster than Jiang Fan at the moment!

However, Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce, and he had activated something again!

Title: Dry wood and raging fire!

Attribute: Wearing this title will increase explosive power by 20%!

Tip: The title will take effect once every twenty-four hours in the real world, or once every time the world is ordered! Effective time is three minutes!

Remarks: If you move dry firewood to a raging fire, it's no wonder that it burns; using beautiful jade with a pearl is a good match!


In an instant, Jiang Fan's aura skyrocketed again!

Goonitz has been completely overwhelmed!

At the moment Gonitz rushed forward, Jiang Fan had already turned around and grabbed his neck!

Then in the incredible eyes of everyone, Jiang Fan suddenly roared and slammed Gonitz to the ground!


The earth is shaking!

The entire stadium could no longer withstand such a fierce bombardment, and numerous cracks burst open in the entire ground!

In the distance, a stretch of stands stretching several hundred meters long, was directly collapsed by the shock!

And the next moment, Jiang Fan was already holding Gonitz by the neck, and slammed him to the ground again!


The mountains are shaking again!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Fan threw Gonitz to the ground for the third time!




The stand of the entire stadium was continuously collapsed by the earthquake, and the ground under Jiang Fan's feet seemed to be bombarded by a continuous meteorite!

Underground drainage pipes, building foundation stones, and even groundwater are all squeezed out by live pressure!

And with Jiang Fan's continuous beating, the **** mist on Gonitz's body became lighter and lighter, and it almost disappeared in the end!

However, Jiang Fan's face is getting harder to look!

He could feel that at this moment Gonitz's bones were about to be broken in half, and the vitality of the whole person had declined to the extreme!

However, in the opponent's body, there is a very strange, even terrifying power that is bursting out!

At the same time, almost every cell of Jiang Fan was roaring!

There is only one word in that roar!

escape! !

Jiang Fan almost didn't even think about it. He threw Gonitz out, and the whole person retreated quickly!

But the Gonitz was in the air, but suddenly stopped!

Then, slowly opened those black eyes!

He actually got out of the runaway state!

However, at this moment Gonitz, his aura is stronger than when he ran away!

It's like a star burning to the extreme!

Staring at Jiang Fan fiercely, Gonitz said nothing, but slowly stretched out his claws and stabbed the sky again!

This is still the starting point of the eight-year-old girl!

However, Gonitz’s thorn is obviously the same as before, but I don’t know why, but Jiang Fan only feels that his scalp is numb, and even gave birth to a kind of cold hands and feet, as if being stared at by a ferocious beast. a feeling of!

Jiang Fan's pupils shrank!

This trick, is it--

"Jiang Fan, one thousand and eight hundred years ago, you are the first person to let me use this trick in these thousand and eight hundred years!"

Gonitz spoke slowly!

And with the sound of his voice, his face unexpectedly showed an expression that was crazier and bloodthirsty than when he ran away!

"Jiang Fan! Experience the real pain! Hahaha!"

"True·Eight Childish·Reality Gram!"

next moment!


Gonitz suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan with crazy laughter!

It was different from the time when the real eight-child female Jiao was used. At this moment, his claws were covered with black whirlwinds!

Only seeing those whirlwinds tear the air into a vacuum state, you know what the fate of a move is!

However, at this critical moment, Jiang Fan's mind has never been sober!

No matter what kind of childish girl, the first blow must be the most important first blow!

And the effect of that blow is to break through the opponent's defense!

With almost no hesitation, Jiang Fan has slowly spit out two words!


next moment!


A two-meter-high head, covered in black and strange iron armor, with flames in its eyes, wide-mouthed fangs, and blood flowing on its four hooves, a fierce monster that has suddenly appeared between Jiang Fan and Gonitz!

This is Jiang Fan's mount-the Demonized Nightmare Beast!

As soon as it appeared, the Nightmare beast saw Gonitz rushing like a **** or devil!

A helpless look at Jiang Fan, the next moment!


This knife-stopper beast that had just appeared was suddenly torn to pieces by Gonitz!

Seeing that the most important first blow to break the defense was abolished by a monster that popped up suddenly, Gonitz was also taken aback!

However, this trick of the eight-child girl is really crazy to the extreme. Once it is performed, it is no longer the imperial trick, but the recruitment!

In the blink of an eye, Gonitz's second claw full of whirlwind has torn towards Jiang Fan!

And Jiang Fan has completely closed his limbs at this moment, completely shrunk into a ball!


A piercing sound of steel tearing sounded!

Jiang Fan's arm armor was directly torn apart!

At the same time, the ubiquitous whirlwind was like a blade, and it had already wiped off a large piece of flesh in his arm armor!

And this formula is not over yet, the other claw has arrived again!

The speed of Shixiangke's moves is several times faster than Jiao!

It can't be defended at all!


Jiang Fan's damaged arm has been directly twisted by the ferocious whirlwind!

In the blood spurting up, Gonitz's other claw had once again torn apart the arm armor on Jiang Fan's other hand!


Jiang Fan broke another arm!

Gonitz had already ripped off Jiang Fan's plastron at the same time!

Then came the leg armor!



"Hahahaha! Die! Die!"

"Feel the pain!"

"Jiang Fan! I want to tear you to pieces! Hahaha!"

In Gonitz's wild laugh, Jiang Fan's armor continued to explode!

The bones of the limbs have been completely twisted and deformed by the whirlwind!

The blood was splashing out almost like a fountain!

The cruelty of this type of reality has been restrained, and Jane has reached a heinous degree!

However, this is not the most terrible!

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