And Wei Qifeng is the same calculation as Lu Changyun!

"Haha! Jiang Fan actually took Zhou Jiakeng so badly! Good! Good!"

Wei Qifeng, who had always looked sleepy, looked happy after hearing his report!

The whole person seems to have knocked more than 20 bottles of Red Bull in a row, and every pore in his body is filled with unspeakable joy!

For him, Jiang Fan is not a good person, but Zhou's family is also not a good thing!

No matter who is unlucky on these two parties, it is good news for him!

"Haha! Zhou family, deserve it! But Jiang Fan, this bastard, has just **** with Zhou family, hehehe, it's better to finish it together!"

Wei Qifeng excitedly lit a cigar and took a big mouthful!

"Ahem, sir, what shall we do? All those big figures in the family were asking just now!"

Secretary Wei Bin reminded carefully.

"Huh! Let the Zhou family and Jiang Fan die! This muddy water, our Wei family will definitely not mix up!"

"But sir, the Zhou family has been injured. If we make a move now, there will be a lot of benefits!"

"You know what a fart! Now Zhou's family is a wild boar who was stabbed by Jiang Fan's **** and went crazy. Everyone has to be swallowed by him! You can eat pork, but you have to wait until he finishes struggling! Wait! This is! Don't worry for a few days!"

Although Wei Qifeng was deflated everywhere in front of Jiang Fan, it didn't mean that he was an idiot. He could see the situation more clearly than others!

Jiang Fan, this kid has more cards than he thought, and the Zhou family has suffered such a big loss, and has been angry to the limit. It is just a bomb. Now anyone who wants to reach out to them will have to be bombed. Out!

"Then, then shall we just wait?"

"Nonsense! Tell your subordinates that you have not provoke the Zhou family recently, and that no matter what their actions are, they will tell Jiang Fan exactly!"

"But sir, you don't hate Jiang Fan..."

"Of course I hate him! Lao Tzu's precious daughter is in his hands! But this little **** is a bit capable, and he can actually make Zhou's family like this. If you don't say it, he can really destroy Zhou's family! If you try again at that time, you will get much more benefits than it is now!"

"Mr. Wonderful calculation!"

Wei Bin's eyes lit up!

"Ha ha……"

Wei Qifeng smiled triumphantly, but he immediately asked.

"How did the other companies react?"

"Nothing, it seems to be watching."

"Huh! A group of old foxes! But, there is always something I can't help but!"

Wei Qifeng smiled and took a cigar again!


On the outskirts of the capital, there is an exceptionally beautiful courtyard.

The rockery, vegetation, cobblestone paths, and the small pond full of lotus flowers here are like a world of its own.

This style must come from famous artists, and it seems that it has just been built.

A man with a stern face wearing a black trench coat crossed the path, bypassed the two rockery, and quickly walked near the pond.

And on the edge of the pond, a woman with her back full of tranquility was watching the lotus blooming in the pond motionlessly.

Under the shining of the moon, although it was only a background, it made this woman full of unspeakable style.

The man stopped three meters away from the woman, and then spoke softly.

"Young mistress, the news has come back."


The woman spoke slowly, but in her tone of voice, there was a trace of unbearable tension.

"The plans of the Zhou family and Qiu Yuanshan fell through, and they were all killed by Jiang Fan! Except for Zhou Yantang, there are no survivors!"


The woman sighed and her tone suddenly became full of ease.

"anything else?"

"Jiang Fan attacked Lingzhou at night and destroyed all of the Zhou family's foundations. The Zhou family evacuated the materials of Lingzhou overnight, and was looted by Jiang Fan on the three necessary roads of Xiangzhou, Wucheng, and Qingjiang!"

"Hehe, it's him, as expected!"

The woman smiled softly.

"Young mistress, what do we need to do?"

"No, we don't need to do anything, just wait, watch, and it's fine."


The man agreed, then hesitated.

"Young mistress, one more thing!"


"Yes! The master has chosen your wedding date with the young master, which is the sixth day of next month..."


The woman was silent for a moment before she slowly spoke.

"I see, go ahead."


The man turned and left, while the woman was still looking at the pond.

"Jiang Fan, be careful...The only thing I can do for you is the last thing..."

Along with her sigh that was almost inaudible, a drop of water fell gently in the pond, causing a ripple.


The whole Huaxia was boiling the same, and the news of Jiang Fan and Zhou's family was spreading. As one of the parties involved, Jiang Fan was lying in bed and sleeping!

Time soon came to four o'clock in the morning!

With a roar, a plane finally landed slowly at Los Angeles Airport!

The cabin door opened, Zhou Yuanhe with a gloomy expression had already strode off the plane!


With a cold snort, Zhou Yuanhe went straight out of the airport and stopped a taxi!

"Go to Jiang's house!"

"Good! Old gentleman, are you a relative of the Jiang family?"

The driver smiled!

"To shut up!"

Zhou Yuanhe glanced at the driver coldly!

The driver trembled and didn't dare to talk anymore, and went straight to the city with a kick on the accelerator!

However, when passing by a colleague next to him, he directly shouted: "I have somebody here, you can order a takeaway!"

"haha okay!"

The companion smiled and watched the taxi away from the other party, but then suddenly his complexion changed and he took out his cell phone directly!

"Boss, someone rushed to Mr. Jiang!"

These people are all the eyeliners of Lv Zhenglong, the leader of Los Angeles, and the words just now are the secret signals!

And takeaway is a name for Jiang Fan!


"Master! Master! Someone from the capital has come to look for you! It doesn't look like a good thing!"

As soon as Wang Yi received a call from Lu Zhenglong, he slammed Jiang Fan's door!

"Got it! Call me at the door!"

Jiang Fan turned over and shouted without opening the door!

"Damn! Your heart is too big!"

Wang Yixu said, but when Jiang Fan looked so relaxed, it was estimated that the other party was just a half-bottle of vinegar. He yawned and went back to sleep!

I didn't know that I slept for less than an hour!

"Jiang Fan!!! Shot to death!!!"

A roar like a sky thunder blasted over the entire river house!

Wang Yi rolled off the bed in shock!

Only after he hurried out did he see that all Jiang Fan's team at the moment had all appeared in the yard!

And above the air, there was a murderous and imposing old man!

It is Zhou Yuanhe!

"Who is it! Do you know what this is..."

Wang Yi hadn't finished speaking, and the scared number two had already covered his mouth!

And Zhou Yuanhe had already looked at Wang Yi coldly!

Then his eyes suddenly fierce!

"Dare to be disrespectful to the Grandmaster! Damn it!"

In an instant, the air around Wang Yi seemed to boil, and there was a sound like glass cracking!

Master means, Yu Qi kills!


Everyone exclaimed!

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