And at the moment when he met Jiang Fan's eyes, Lei Yan suddenly stiffened!

Involuntarily took a step back!

All the children of Dangshan Sect were stunned!

Look at Lei Yan incredulously!


Just looking at each other, Lei Yan actually retreated!

However, Lei Yan simply couldn't care about others' opinions!

Jiang Fan's eyes are really terrifying!

It was almost like the same head overlooking the common people, on top of that hideous-toothed claw, there was still a roaring blue dragon dripping blood down!

Lei Yan had never seen such a terrifying look in his life!

Apart from his palpitations, there was only one thought left--

This time, I am afraid that I have done an unimaginable stupid thing!

I'm afraid that if one is careless, what I will face at that time will be crushed!

So Lei Yan spoke!

With his attitude that he thought he could handle Jiang Fan, he spoke proudly!

"Huh! Boy, see that you are also at level fifteen. Cultivation is not easy. Although you have killed my sect disciple, but as long as you put down this Western demon, sever one's arm, and dedicate everything to the Jiang family, you can forget the blame!"

Lei Yan didn't think there was a problem with his words!

After all, since the other party can find Dangshan Sect, he must have enough knowledge of Dangshan Sect!

Of the three masters, one of them is still at level 16. Such strength is simply not something that Jiang Fan can resist at level 15!

Jiang Fan made the move just now, presumably because of the dignity of the master!

After all, the power of the master must not be offended!

Not to mention Jiang Fan, even if it is himself, the sect disciple dared to be disrespectful to himself, then he must be beheaded!

As Lei Yan spoke, a group of Dangshan Sect disciples finally reacted!

Showed a sudden look!

"It turns out that the third uncle backed back just to make a move!"

"Huh! This kid is really lucky! He can actually let the third master uncle let him go!"

"Boy! Don't thank you!"

"Hey! Hurry up and do what Uncle Third Master said!"

"This is Master's extravagance, don't miss the opportunity!"

"Hey, seeing this kid is not moving, isn't he already scared to be stupid, right?"

"It must be! Although it is also at level 15, the third master has been in the realm of the master for more than ten years. This kind of aura, how can this kind of Maotou boy be able to resist!"

"Uncle San is still great! Hey! Kid, hurry up!"

A group of Dangshan Sect disciples shouted triumphantly!

What if the other party is a master?

In the Dangshan Sect, it is the tiger that you have to lie down, and the dragon you have to lie down!

With the praise of a group of disciples, the anxiety in Lei Yan's heart gradually faded, as if he really thought he had scared Jiang Fan!

He looked at Jiang Fan contemptuously!

"Boy, this seat has been very kind, you don't have to do it quickly!"

However, Jiang Fan was still expressionless, just took a deep look at Lei Yan, and then suddenly spoke!

"That night, you were the one who attacked Jiang's house at night?"

Lei Yan was startled!

Does the other party recognize himself?

How is this possible!

He was not there at all!

But it doesn't matter!

"Yes! It's this seat!"

Lei Yan smiled proudly!

"Since you know that it was this seat that made the shot, then you should know that your Jiang family is in the hands of this seat, but they are just native chickens! You can't withstand a single blow! Do it now, you can also save your Jiang family..."

"I only ask if you are right, you have too many words!"

Jiang Fan spoke calmly, without even the slightest emotion!

But at the moment Jiang Fan spoke, Lei Yan's hairs all stood up!

That is the instinctive reaction of a creature to the unknown fear!

Lei Yan almost subconsciously put his arms in front, posing a defensive posture!

At the same time, it activated a middle-grade spirit weapon that was between the silver and gold levels and used to save lives!


I saw a small bronze clock suddenly floated in front of Lei Yan. The small clock just trembled, and unexpectedly burst out a solid and incomparable seven-color light curtain, which firmly covered Lei Yan!

All this was in the blink of an eye, and just as Lei Yan had just finished his defense, Jiang Fan actually arrived in front of Lei Yan!

"Why is he so fast!"

Lei Yan's pupils shrank!

Looking at Jiang Fan almost unbelievably!

And the next moment!


Jiang Fan suddenly clenched his fists, as if accumulating strength, suddenly swayed his elbow back!

And just during this swing, the air behind Jiang Fan's elbow seemed to have become a solid body, and was actually brought out of layers of white air waves!

Lei Yan's eyes suddenly widened!

To accumulate energy to this extent, then this is about to burst a punch——


Lei Yan screamed suddenly and was about to step back!

But it's too late!

With Jiang Fan's elbow swinging to the extreme, his entire fist was already like a burning meteorite thrown by the planet's gravity, suddenly blasted out!



The entire Dangshan Sect trembled fiercely!

next moment!


The seven-color light curtain in front of Lei Yan and the small clock were all completely blown to pieces!

And Jiang Fan's fist had already drove straight forward, directly hitting Lei Yan's arms!


A crisp sound!

Lei Yan's two arms spewed with flesh and blood, and the two arm bones exploded into countless pieces of bone!

However, Jiang Fan's fist was still surviving, and it had already hit his chest fiercely!


A muffled sound!

Lei Yan suddenly let out a miserable cry, and his whole body was blown upside down by Jiang Fan, and directly hit the dozens of Dangshan Sect disciples behind him!

"Puff puff puff puff puff!!"

Those disciples of the Dangshan Sect who were hit by Lei Yan didn't even have time to make a scream, and they were directly hit by Lei Yan into pieces of flesh in the sky!

And Lei Yan was in the midst of this flying flesh and blood, and smashed fiercely on a stone monument standing in the square, blessing countless runes!


The brilliance of various colors flashed on the stone tablet, and then suddenly exploded into rubble!

And Lei Yan had smashed the stone tablet and rolled on the ground more than ten times before finally stopping at the edge of the square!

It's just that at this moment, his arms are broken, his entire chest has almost collapsed, and his body is covered with broken bones and blood!

It's like a hog thrown into a blender!

The entire Dangshan Sect is silent!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan with a dull expression!

Is this a fist?

Even the legendary fairy weapon, I am afraid it does not have such power!

Lei Yan's small clock is a real middle-grade spiritual weapon!

A normal fifteenth-level master, let alone a punch, even if he hits dozens of punches, he will definitely not be able to break through the defense, let alone smash the magic weapon together!

And Lei Yan is one of the few masters in the cultivation world!

It can be called a copper-skinned iron bone!

But now, the opponent was just a punch, Lei Yan was not only crushed by the magic weapon, but also crippled!

This, how is this possible!

The opponent is obviously only level fifteen!

Is he a monster?

All the Dangshan Sect disciples no longer had the slightest trace of pride on their faces, instead they were full of unspeakable fear!

"Fuck, bastard!"

After all, Lei Yan is the body of a grandmaster. After such a heavy injury, he is not dead yet, just staring at Jiang Fan firmly!

However, in addition to hatred in his eyes, there was even more deep fear!

This kid, how could he be so strong!

It makes no sense!

It makes no sense!

And Jiang Fan just glanced at him coldly, that look was like looking at a pile of rubbish!

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