God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1485: Kyushu Commandments

Song Minghe was startled, but immediately spoke with a gloomy voice.

"Yes! It's all caused by Jiang Fan! If he died honestly, how could the old man make such a big fire!"

"Dad, hurry up and contact the George family! Let them send someone too! I must let Jiang Fan die!"

Song Yue looked bitter!

But Song Minghe shook his head.

"This is Huaxia, and no master outside level fifteen or above can get in at all, and without going to the Grand Master, they can't deal with Jiang Fan at all!"

"Why? Why not let foreign masters come in! This is contempt for human rights!"

Song Yue was furious!

Song Minghe frowned and couldn't help but scold Song Yue as an idiot, but looking at the slap print on his daughter's face, he finally explained it.

"At that time, Tianding Shiji signed a Kyushu precept with the largest group of forces in the world! No foreign force can send an existence above level 15 to China!"

"Huh! What a joke, this is hegemonism!"

Song Yue sneered!

But her eyes rolled!

"What if you steal it?"

"Impossible! Once an existence over level 15 enters China, Tianding Shiji has the right to kill at will! The George family will never take such a big risk!"

"Ah? Then, forget it! After all, the George family is already very pitiful, they have died so many people, and Gal is suffering from Jiang Fan's beast again, how can we let them suffer?"

Song Yue immediately said to the Mother of God.

Song Minghe looked dumbfounded!

You don’t feel sorry for the death of so many people in the Song family of Nima, but you feel so sorry for the death of two in a foreign family!

The other Song Minghe's subordinates also turned gloomy, and their eyes were full of undisguised disgust when they looked at Song Yue!

Song Minghe's heart burst!

I was originally dissatisfied with the old man because of this incident, and when Song Yue said this again, I am afraid that all his subordinates have to betray!

When he thought of this, he gritted his teeth, and suddenly slapped Song Yue's face with a slap!


Song Yue was beaten to the ground!

Song Minghe shouted angrily!

"What the hell! The George family died when they died! What's worth distressing! You shouldn't have let you go abroad at the beginning! Don't ask any more about this in the future, just stay!"

After saying this, Song Minghe turned around and went to the study room upstairs!

And Song Yue covered her face, aggrieved!

"Huh! This family is so indifferent! It actually despises the human rights of international friends so much! It's almost, it's..."

Song Yue didn't finish speaking, but when he raised his head, he suddenly saw the eyes of the others full of contempt!

"What are you looking at!"

Song Yue yelled directly!

The others didn't speak, but left with a cold face!

Song Yue smiled disdainfully!

"Huh! A bunch of inferior people! No, I have to contact Andy quickly! Can't let them suffer!"

Thinking of this, Song Yue hurriedly jumped up and hurried back to his room!

At this moment, in the study, Song Minghe had already picked up the phone and dialed out!

"Mr. Andy!"

"Mr. Song? Is there anything wrong? Is Jiang Fan already done?"

Andy's expectant voice rang out immediately!

After all, the Great Elder Hayes had promised him that once Jiang Fan was dealt with, all business in Britain would be his own!

Since the last time Jiang Fan’s audio was obtained by the Illuminati Council, the George family’s manpower in Britain was completely killed by the angry Illuminati Council!

Businesses in other places have also been hit!

And the George family also knew that it was at a loss, and it took countless costs to reach a reconciliation with the Light Council!

On the British side, it’s a waste of time, once I take charge of affairs in the past, the benefits are simply unimaginable!

It's just that the smile at the corner of his mouth just appeared, and he was completely overwhelmed by Song Minghe's next words!

"Jiang Fan is still alive, our Song family went to kill his people, the whole army is wiped out!"


Andy suddenly exclaimed!

"Didn't you send a fourteenth-level limit, four and a half-step grandmasters, and... all of them are dead?"

"Yes! All dead!"

Song Minghe gritted his teeth!

"This, this, how is this possible! What the **** happened?"

Andy was shocked!

"We all underestimated Jiang Fan's strength. Not only our Song family, but the two 15th-level masters sent by the Zhou family were also killed by him!"


Andy gasped suddenly!

"Mr. Andy, the price our Song family paid was too great. If you want to kill Jiang Fan, you must use a stronger grandmaster! So the price you paid before is not enough, you have to add another 50%!"

"50%? Song Minghe! Do you know what it means to add 50%?"

When it comes to business, Andy suddenly reacted!

"Hehe, Mr. Andy, think about the trouble Jiang Fan has caused you! Add 50%, not much!"

"I can't call the shots on this matter, I want to ask the elder!"

"Yes! In addition, your George family also have to send masters above level 15 to take action!"

"What are you kidding? If our George family can make a move, then what do you want the Song family to do! Don't think I don't know! The Great Elder has already told me about the precepts of Kyushu! Once a master over the fifteenth level enters China, heaven Ding Shiji will surely kill him!"

Andy's voice sank!

But Song Minghe smiled slightly!

"Yes, but what if I help you hide the trace?"

"Hidden trail?"


Song Minghe smiled!

"To tell you the truth, once the preparations are made this time, not only our Song family, but also your George family, and even the Zhou family will do it together!"

"Tripartite cooperation, Jiang Fan will undoubtedly die!"

"And didn't your George family always want to catch Jiang Fan alive? This time with Zhou's family, although it may not be satisfactory, it is not a big problem to let Jiang Fan die in your hands!"

"Shandblade Jiangfan, what do you think, is it worth the risk?"

When Song Minghe said these words, Andy's heart beat suddenly!

If, if you can kill Jiang Fan yourself, then your status in the family will surely rise!

It is not impossible to become an elder then!

"Okay! I will fight with Elder Hayes for this matter!"

Andy hung up the phone directly, and then quickly left the room!

Outside Andy's room is a deep corridor, and at the end of the corridor is a staircase spiraling upwards.

If you look from the outside at this moment, you will find that Andy's current location is the old castle of the George family in the capital of Citi!

In fact, Andy has been living here since the last time he contacted the Song family!

After all, once Jiang Fan dies, he will go to Britain to take up his post, and there is no need to return to his original place!

Soon, Andy had come to the top of the castle, and then gently knocked on the door of the study.

"Come in."

Hayes's old but enraged voice suddenly sounded!

Andy opened the door and walked in, and immediately repeated what Song Minghe had just said!

"The price is increased by 50%? Sending a master? Do you want to join forces with the Zhou family?"

As soon as Andy finished speaking, Hayeston sneered!

"Elder, what do you mean..."

Seeing Hayes' sneer, Andy's heart was cold!

But at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Andy's cell phone rang suddenly!

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