God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1490: Yi De is still a child


Jiang Fan appeared again, and he had come to a dilapidated town!

This small town is full of groups of messy armors, and soldiers with disheveled hair. All of them look hesitant, and their eyes are full of anxiety!

It was noon at this moment, but a group of soldiers were like walking dead. Some were holding weapons tightly, some were curled up in a corner, and some were praying for God and Buddha with trembling hands...

Jiang Fan can tell at a glance, this is definitely a group of broken soldiers!

Seeing Jiang Fan suddenly appeared, everyone was stunned first, and then all jumped up!

Then they aimed their weapons at Jiang Fan!

"Who are you!"

"How can it suddenly appear!"

"Look at the weird costumes of this servant, is it Cao Jun's work?"


A group of soldiers spoke one after another, and they surrounded Jiang Fan tightly!

However, Jiang Fan just smiled and snapped his fingers suddenly!


A crisp sound!

Everyone was taken aback!

And the next moment!

"Boom boom boom boom!!!"

A series of explosions suddenly sounded from the weapons of all the soldiers!

Above those spears, the spear heads made of stainless steel exploded into countless iron powder!

The spears in the hands of all the soldiers directly turned into wooden sticks!

A group of people opened their mouths wide, dumbfounded!



"This guy knows magic!"

"Run! He's going to eat people!"

"Help! I knew that someone so handsome must be a monster!"

A group of soldiers who had already collapsed to the limit collapsed directly!

They screamed and turned around and ran away!

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth twitched, and he took a sip!

"You are the monsters! Where is Liu Bei? Where did he die?"

Jiang Fan's voice just fell!

"What are you talking about! There are no monsters!"

A voice like thunder suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a black-clad man with a big beard full of mouth and a height of two meters, like a mountain, was riding a steed horse directly in front of the soldiers!

When I saw the brawny man, all the soldiers' complexions were shocked!

"General Zhang! The monster is in front!"

"Good fellow, as soon as you snap your fingers, we will have our spear heads gone!"

"Really awesome!"

"Look at that state, at least he is a Demon King!"

"It's still black, he, he must be the Crow Demon King!"

A group of soldiers spoke one after another!

But the strong man smiled coldly, raised the huge strange spear in his hand, and pointed at Jiang Fan disdainfully!

"Hey! The Crow Demon King! Your grandfather Zhang Fei will meet you now!"

With that said, the strong man slapped the horse and rushed directly to Jiang Fan!

Zhang Fei?

This guy is Zhang Fei?

Jiang Fan was taken aback, but the next moment, he was directly angry!

"You are the Demon King!"

With a move, Jiang Fan has already grabbed Zhang Fei's Zhangba Snake Spear!

Then, in the eyes of everyone's unbelievable, Zhang Fei was directly dragged down from the horse!


Zhang Fei fell to the ground, and suddenly a piece of smoke was splashed!

"Fuck! This demon is so fierce!"

"Unexpectedly, I pulled General Zhang off the horse!"

"Quickly, go and save General Zhang!"

A group of soldiers screamed and rushed back!

And Zhang Fei was dragged under the horse, and the whole person was stunned!

How could this guy be so fierce!

Even if Lu Bu is fighting alone, although he is not an opponent, he will not be dragged down so easily!

How could the opponent be so strong!


It must be an illusion!

"Hey! You guys actually took advantage of something unprepared, no matter what, your Grandpa Zhang will fight with you today!"

Zhang Feihu roared, and the hand holding the spear suddenly twitched back!

According to his imagination, Jiang Fan will definitely be taken directly by himself at this moment!

However, the ideal is full, the reality is very skinny!

Jiang Fan not only didn't move, but smiled grimly!

"Grandpa? In front of Lao Tzu, do you dare to call grandpa? I will show you today, who the **** is grandpa!"

Before he finished his words, Jiang Fan also tugged with his right hand!

next moment!


Zhang Fei exclaimed, and was thrown directly by Jiang Fanlian with a spear!

Throw a full ten meters high!

A group of soldiers who had planned to come and help directly stopped!

Innocently looked at Zhang Fei who was thrown away!

"General Zhang, what technique is this?"

"This is a big move!"

"All scattered! General Zhang wants to use skill three's wild beast blood!"

"General Zhang! Restrain your inner strength!"

The crowd shouted!

But Zhang Fei was dumbfounded!

I didn't even figure out what was going on, so I was just thrown away!

Seeing that he is about to land, but at this moment!


Jiang Fan actually grabbed the Zhangba Snake Spear that was firmly held by Zhang Fei!

Then, watching Jiang Fan smile, he actually threw Zhang Fei with a spear again!

But this time it was not ten meters, but thirty meters!


Zhang Fei's scared beard stood up!

He is fierce, but he is afraid of heights!

In this era, no human has ever reached a height of thirty meters!

Zhang Fei, as the name suggests, really flies!

A group of soldiers were all dumbfounded!

After doing it for a long time, it turned out that it was not General Zhang who was opening up, but the other party was playing!

This gap is too big for Nima!

"This, this arm strength, how can it be so strong!"

"It's horrible! Throw a big living person so high!"

"I heard that some monsters just want to make people burst into blood before eating!"

"It's too cruel! If this is taken down, General Zhang's blood won't be sprayed like a waterfall?"

"Quickly, go find the lord!"

"What do you want to do with the lord? Do you want to add food? Hurry up and take the lord to run!"

Everyone panicked, and Sa Yazi slipped away!

But Jiang Fan had already caught Zhang Fei who had fallen again, and was about to throw it up again with his backhand!

"Stop, stop!"

Zhang Fei's face turned blue!

"Hey! Well, that guy! There is a kind of letting you down, Grandpa Zhang Fei, and fight for three hundred-Damn~~~!!! I--"

Before Zhang Fei had finished speaking, Jiang Fan threw him out again!

In the hands of Jiang Fan, Zhang Fei has become a pioneer who constantly refreshes the height of mankind!

From thirty meters, to forty meters, fifty meters...all the way to one hundred meters!

Zhang Fei's screams from the beginning, to the end began to foam!

But beyond Jiang Fan's expectation, this guy is really a man!

Up to now, there is no begging for mercy!

Just keep making a series of frightened "fufufufu" weird sounds!

It's completely different from the coquettish **** like Lü Bu who has no bottom line before!

At this moment, Zhang Fei is about to be refreshed by Jiang Fan to a new height of mankind again!

"Mr. Jiang! He is merciful!"

A voice like a bereaved concubine suddenly sounded!

The next moment, a middle-aged man with big ears and knee-length arms rushed over in tears!

This person is Liu Bei!

"Mr. Jiang! Young Master Yi De is still a kid! Xuan De apologizes for him! Please be gentle, please let my third brother go!"

Liu Bei threw himself at Jiang Fan's side, and began to cry with tears and nose!

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