God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1493: You robbed my wife twice

Cao Cao and Liu Bei looked at each other fiercely, and finally all ran over angrily!

Seeing that the two were like cockfighting, Jiang Fan suddenly sighed again!

"Brother Cao, you let him go, I won't get involved in this matter in the future, how about it?"

Jiang Fan first looked at Cao Cao.

Cao Cao gritted his teeth and stared at Liu Bei for a long time, and finally nodded.

"Okay, Jiang Xian's face must be given!"

"Okay! Liu Bei, Big Brother Cao won't chase you anymore, so quickly clean up and run away!"

Jiang Fan looked at Liu Bei again.

"But my wife has a second brother..."

Liu Bei is in a hurry!

"Come on, you are so compelling, what qualifications do you have to bargain with me!"

Cao Cao rolled his eyes!

"Hey! I have a bad temper! Who do you say Cao Thief!"

"Big-eared thief! I'm talking about you!"

"It seems you don't know how powerful my male and female sword is!"

"Hey, Lao Tzu's Heavenly Sword is also itchy!"

The two said they were about to do it!

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!

Can't control it anymore!

"Shut up!"

The two of them shuddered, and suddenly no one said anything!

"That's it! Hurry up and it's all gone!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand directly!


The two snorted at the same time!

And Cao Cao has already looked at Jiang Fan!

"Brother Xian, you and I have not seen you for many days, how about a glass of wine?"

"Next time, I still have business over there, I have to go home as soon as I finish this order!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand directly as he spoke!

"Brother Cao, see you next time!"

"Hmm! See you next time!"

Cao Cao nodded, and finally waved at his side!


A group of generals breathed a sigh of relief at the same time!

Especially Zhang Liao, he had personally worked with Jiang Fan back then, but he caught himself alive as soon as he stretched out his hand!

Even his boss at the time, Lu Bu, couldn't even hold up a single move!

If you start with Jiang Fan, it's just a fight for death!

Good withdrawal!

Good withdrawal!

A group of generals are overjoyed!

And Guo Jia's complexion changed!

Seeing Cao Cao coming back, he suddenly whispered!

"Gong Cao, this person is immortal..."

"Shut up!"

As soon as Guo Jia spoke, Cao Cao's expression changed drastically, and he suddenly shouted angrily!

Guo Jia was stunned!

Cao Cao always treated him politely, don't say yelling at him, he didn't even speak louder!

He is more spoiled than his wife!

But now, he was so angry with him!

"Cao, I, I..."

Guo Jia was blinded!

But at this moment!

"Mr. Guo! Don't blame Brother Cao, he is saving your life! Help him, as for my idea, don't fight!"

Jiang Fan, who had already walked towards the town, chuckled softly with his back to them, and then suddenly waved his backhand at the distance!

next moment!


A loud noise!

In the distance, a stone wall that was more than three meters high and more than ten meters long was left behind for unknown years, and was cast from solid rock. It was directly exploded into fine stone powder in the sky!

Guo Jia was stunned!

Look dull!

Liu Bei, Zhang Fei and others also stared!

I knew Jiang Fan was fierce!

But to this extent, this is a bit abnormal, right?

But Jiang Fan just waved!

"Let's go!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Liu Bei and the two hurried to keep up!

Soon, a group of people have returned to the town!

And Jiang Fan has directly taken out the takeaway!

Liu Bei couldn't wait to pick it up immediately and started eating!

"It's delicious! It's delicious!"

"Unexpectedly, Cao Mengde had eaten such a delicious thing!"

"Cool! The anger these days is simply gone!"

After Liu Bei finished the takeaway, he was immediately happy!

But Jiang Fan suddenly pointed at an empty house in the distance!

"Old Liu, come, let me discuss something with you!"


Liu Bei immediately followed happily!

Needless to say, there must be something good!

Zhang Fei wanted to come too, but Jiang Fan threw a bottle of the old village chief directly!

As soon as Zhang Fei saw the wine, he couldn't care about Liu Bei anymore, so he squatted to the corner to hold the bottle and drank it!

When Liu Bei entered the house, Jiang Fan immediately closed the door!

"Hehehe, Mr. Jiang, is there anything else you want to give me?"

Seeing that Jiang Fan was afraid of being discovered, Liu Bei suddenly laughed!

"of course!"

Jiang Fan also laughed, and suddenly snapped his fingers!


next moment!


A two-meter tall, handsome man has suddenly appeared!

Just seeing this man, the smile on Liu Bei's face has completely disappeared!

Instead, it is full of unspeakable fear!

"Fuck! Lu Lu Lu Lu Lu Lu Lu, Lu Feng Xian!"

The man who appeared suddenly was indeed Lu Bu!

As soon as Lu Bu appeared, he was still confused!

"Foster father, I just grabbed a four-of-a-kind card, and I'm going to be a fool soon, why are you..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Bu had already seen Liu Bei abruptly!

Rubbing his eyes vigorously, Lu Bu suddenly laughed!

"Haha! Big Ear Thief!"

At that time, if it weren't for Liu Bei's instigation, Cao Cao wouldn't kill Lu Bu!

Now that the way of heaven is reincarnation, who would have thought that Lu Bu would come back!

"Fongxian! Yes, I have something to discuss! You, don't be impulsive!"

"Woo...Mr. Jiang, what are you doing!"

"Didn't you say that Lu Fengxian will never show up again?"

"Hey hey hey! You, don't come over! Help, help!"

Youdao is extremely jealous when the enemy meets!

As soon as Lu Bu mentioned Liu Bei, he had to do it!

Fortunately, Jiang Fan spoke!

"You should know all the future history, it's almost enough!"

Just look at Lu Bu's deeply resentful personal quotations, and you know what it is like to hate Liu Bei to hate!

Now that Liu Bei takes the initiative to place an order, how can Jiang Fan not avenge his godson!

But it can't be too much!

"Knowing the foster father, I didn't want to do it! I can't deal with this stuff!"

Lu Bu grinned and took off Liu Bei's shoes!

"Damn! You, what are you doing?"

Liu Bei panicked!

But before he had any reaction, Lu Bu took out another feather with a weird smile!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

This, this should not be!


Just look at the next moment, Lu Bu had already lifted Liu Bei upside down, and the feather directly scratched Liu Bei's feet!

"no, do not want!"


"Hahahaha! Help!"

"Uuuuu...hahaha! Me, I was wrong!"

"Bong first! You and I met, don't forget that I am still kind to you!"

"If you hadn't robbed me of Peixian twice, I wouldn't be guilty of dealing with you!"

"The most important thing is that you robbed my wife twice! Twice! Am I still a man if I don't kill you!"

"Stop! Stop! Hahaha~~oooo~~"

Liu Bei cried and laughed, twitching all over, and finally he almost pulled it away!

"Okay, okay, maybe there will be more orders in the future, you can keep a long run! Besides, you are not very honest, you rob someone's wife twice, you are really a beast!"

Jiang Fan finally spoke!

"No, foster father! This guy is not a good person, he even robbed me of gold!"

Lu Bu hurriedly spoke!

"Okay, it's all over, can you really kill him? Let it go, there will be opportunities in the future!"

"...Huh! Big Ear Thief! From the face of the foster father, I will let you go this time!"

Lu Bu finally let go and threw Liu Bei directly to the ground!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Liu Bei's affection for you has increased by 50%! Your reward has been increased!"

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