God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1495: This kid is too evil

"catch him?!"

McKinsey was stunned!

"Yes! No matter who he is, he is the one of the Sword of Thorns! Since he caused us to lose so much! Then I will let the Sword of Thorns spit out the money anyway!"

Aldrich said viciously!

"But the deputy dean, this, this kid is really evil!"

"Since he arrived in Bermuda, the Dark Council was destroyed in just one night!"

"And after another night, even the Night Demon died!"

"The point is, the other forces seem to be very convinced by him!"

"Associate Dean, are we..."

McKinsey asked cautiously.

It's a pity that he didn't finish speaking!

"It's a fart!"

Aldrich struck the table suddenly!

"I care about the rest of the forces to die! They are not being blackmailed! Get out! Go check it out for me now!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

McKinsey didn't dare to talk anymore, turned around and ran!

Just as the so-called sorrows and joys, Solomon's Key is full of joy when the Supernatural Institute is in a state of exhaustion!

Although a snake demon died, but what is that!

How can there be an undead on a mission!

The key is that they have really got the most complete cloning technology!

The significance of this thing for Solomon's Key is too great!

With this complete set of technology, they will be able to...

As soon as he thought of this, Pampas couldn't help the smile on his face, and excitedly looked at an elegant man on the opposite side!

Where he is now, the environment here is like a cave, but there are seven huge and hideous stone sculptures on both sides of the cave!

At the end of the cave is a stone platform. On the high platform is a dining table filled with delicate dishes.

Pampas was sitting at the dining table right now, and he was watching with excitement on the opposite side, sitting with a man in a tuxedo and a gentleman's hat.

This man looks more than 40 years old, the beard on his chin is neatly trimmed, and he holds a civilized staff in his hand. The whole person looks as if he has traveled from an old age.

But no one dared to mock his clothes at all!

Even Pampas, dare not!

Because this person is one of the three butlers under the **** Grand Duke, Stuart!

Although Pampas is one of the supreme four-pillar dukes, he can be called a great official of the border, but he dare not overstep the **** great confidant's true henchman!

This is not only because of the opponent's status, but also because of the opponent's strength!

No one knows how strong the three butlers under the Grand Duke are, but there is no doubt that no one will be so stupid to test!

"Butler Stuart, although there were some twists and turns this time, but fortunately, the last thing was smooth sailing and finally brought things back!"

As Pampas spoke, a subordinate appeared silently and gently placed a silver tray by Stuart's hand.

On that tray, it is the clone slate!

When I saw this slate, even Stuart's eyes suddenly brightened!

"I actually got it!"

He watched it carefully, and finally sighed with satisfaction, and then looked at Pampas with a smile on his face:

"Master Pampas, this time, you did a very good job. I will report the actual situation to the Lord!"

"Trouble Stuart butler!"

Pampas looked happy!

But he immediately moved his eyes slightly and asked tentatively:

"By the way, I heard that the Duke of Angus..."

Before Pampas finished speaking, Stuart chuckled softly:

"The Duke of Angus is indeed slow in progress. His Marquis Angelina has been very angry recently, but just yesterday, it is said that their light ruling a certain team has already gathered the last person. If Nothing has changed, that child should already be on the way to be transported!"

Pampas' complexion suddenly stagnated!

In Solomon's Key, he and Angus have never dealt with each other. The good news of each other is undoubtedly his bad news!

Fortunately, Stuart has continued to speak:

"Of course, even if they actually complete the ritual, it is nothing but a matter of course. It is incomparable to your achievements!"

Pampas' eyes lit up!

The color of joy on his face is even stronger!

But at this moment!

"By the way, I heard that the reason why this time went so smoothly is because a man named Bai Zhou appeared?"

Stuart suddenly spoke!

Pampas' expression remained unchanged, and even smiled disdainfully:

"Exaggeration! That kid is nothing great!"

Because there is a contract with Jiang Fan, Pampas does not dare to talk about Jiang Fan too much!

As he said this, he twitched his finger slightly!

The next moment, another of his subordinates had appeared on the other side of Stuart, and a small glass bottle was gently put down in his hand.

"Stewart Steward, this is my subordinate Marquis Adolf. The culture liquid obtained from the ruins is extremely powerful in healing the injury!"

Pampas said, that subordinate had cut his finger, and the red blood suddenly flowed out!

However, the other hand of the subordinate gently hooked, and a drop of culture solution flew out of the glass bottle, and it fell directly on his injured finger.

In the next moment, not only did his fingers stop bleeding, but the wounds on it were healing quickly!


Stuart's complexion was suddenly startled!

It was the first time that even he had seen the liquid that healed his injuries so quickly!

Even out of shock, he directly threw the previous question out of the blue!

And Pampas, who cleverly avoided Jiang Fan's topic, already smiled and said:

"Stewart Steward, I believe that with the biotechnology of our Solomon Key, it is definitely not difficult to decipher the ingredients of this thing. Then...hehe!"

Stuart took a deep breath, and then almost grabbed the glass bottle!

"Master Pampas, with your performance this time, the Grand Duke's reward, you will not be disappointed!"

"Haha, but Steward Stuart will have to bother!"

Pampas smiles full of joy!

At the same time, far away in the Bright Judgment in Britain!

Not only different from the anger of the Supernatural Institute, but also different from the joy of Solomon's Key, the Bright Council at this moment is a mixed blessing!

What's good is that this time not only the Night Demon Fuzhu, the Council of Illumination also got a treasure that he dreamed of--

One of the twelve holy grails!

Belongs to the Great Sage, the Holy Grail of St. Floren!

Legend has it that when the God of Light met with his disciples for the last time, he once ordered people to create twelve golden cups. After being used by the twelve disciples of the God of Light, these twelve gold cups were full of strange magic power!

It's just that for various reasons, up to now, even in the temple of the Council of Light, there are only three left!

And this time I was able to get one. It is conceivable to what extent the joy of the Bright Council will be!

In the same way, the opposite of joy is anger!

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