After listening to Theodore's narration, Heinrich's complexion became deeper and deeper!

Finally, there was a sudden roar!

"Damn Solomon's key! This group of **** actually joined forces with the Council of Light! There is also a dragon group..."

The wine in the glass in Heinrich's hand actually boiled strangely!

After a long time.

Heinrich finally suppressed his anger by force:

"Speaking of which, the rest of the powers should all get what they want?"

"Yes, except for the super power team that was wiped out, it should be like this!"

Theodore spoke softly.


Heinrich's anger that he had managed to suppress, is about to explode again!

After breathing hard, Heinrich's eyes suddenly turned fierce!

"If you dare to plot against us, don't even think about it!"

"My lord, are you planning to retaliate against them?"

"Yes! Our loss is so heavy that even Senator Disfano is dead. They have to pay the price!"

"But my lord, the dragon group is beyond the reach, and Solomon's Key is a group of field mice, hidden in secret, it will take a lot of energy to find them..."

"Dragon Team... Huaxia... Damn! Damn Kyushu Commandment!"

Heinrich scolded abruptly, but he immediately gave a grin:

"Long team let go for now! As for Solomon's key, we don't need to find it ourselves!"

Theodore's expression moved, and suddenly he spoke:

"You mean, the sword of thorns?"

"Yes! The Sword of Thorns and the Key of Solomon are deadly enemies. Although they did not fight because of the ruins, since the tour of the ruins has ended, as long as our dark council expresses the willingness to cooperate, they will definitely not let go of attacking Solomon's Chance of the key!"

Heinrich smiled triumphantly, and suddenly seemed to remember something:

"You said before that the night demon died in the hands of day and dust?"

"Yes, sir! After I went to the island, I met three of Ye Mo's men. Those guys were amazingly powerful, and none of them were under me! According to them, the Ye Mo was beheaded by the day and the dust! But it should be the dust that deserves more credit! So those few people will spare the day and keep chasing the dust!"

Theodore is different from the other major forces. The information is not comprehensive. He just heard a few words from the polymath who was fooled by Jiang Fan, so he didn't know that the Night Demon died in Jiang Fan's hands!

"Well... that's it! The identity of this dust is worth investigating..."

Heinrich's eyes narrowed slightly.

"My lord, then I should contact the Sword of Thorns now?"

Theodore asked.

"No! Sword of Thorns I will contact myself! You have more important things to do!"

"The more important thing?"

"Yes! Don't forget, besides Solomon's Key this time, there is also the Council of Light!"

As soon as Heinrich's voice fell, Theodore's face suddenly stagnated!

Heinrich glanced at Theodore lightly, then suddenly spoke:

"Why? Reluctant to start with your former colleague?"


A trace of struggle appeared on Theodore's face.


Heinrich sneered:

"Theodore, don't forget what they did to you! If it weren't for me to save you by accident, now you, I am afraid that even the bones have been eaten by rats!"

Theodore trembled all over!

The picture that made me extremely desperate once again appeared in my mind!

Suddenly his eyes were fierce!

"My lord, I understand!"

"It's good to understand. I arranged for you to follow Disfano to the ruins before, so that you can accumulate reputation and pave the way for you to become a member of Parliament. But since the mission fails, you have to change it!"

Heinrich's voice gradually slowed down:

"The people from the Illumination Council are the people from the Judgment House. If they get something, they must take it to the temple..."

Heinrich figured it out for a while, then suddenly shook a bell on the table!

After a while, a brawny man with golden earrings and a rugged face over two meters tall has directly pushed the door and walked in!

"My lord! What's your order?"

"Oleg, check out the departure time at the trial house, and lead your people to kill them!"


The brawny Oleg immediately agreed!

"Also, when the people in the trial are returning to the temple this time, they will definitely bring the treasure they got from the ruins. You can't touch that thing, so Theodore will go with you and protect him!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

"Very well, go!"

Heinrich waved his hand!

Oleg and Theodore left respectfully!

And Heinrich drank the wine in one glass!

"Solomon's Key! The Council of Light! Hehehe..."


At the same time, Dongying!

Mie Prefecture on Honshu Island!

On a lush and tall building outside Mie County, there is a continuous building complex. The architectural styles here all tend to the Huaxia and Tang Dynasty. In the center of all the building complexes, there is a mountain and rock rampart, which is full of ten. The hall a few meters high!

The hall has a rough style and a single color, but in the eyes of some people, it is a holy place!

All this is only because of the two characters on the plaque above the hall-Iga!

Yes, this is one of the Toyo Shuangnin, the base camp of Igaryu!

At this moment, Kirara Hasegawa and Kazuo Kameda, who were holding a jade box, stood respectfully outside the main hall!

After a long time!

"come in!"

A deep male voice suddenly sounded.

The two of Hasegawa's expressions were shaken, and they walked in quickly!

The area of ​​the main hall is huge, but there are countless spiritual places around it!

These dead people are the strong men of Igaryu!

And under each spiritual position, there is one thing, or a shuriken, or kunai, or a porcelain bottle containing poison, or a few darts-these are the weapons or relics of those strong. !

But in the main hall, the most conspicuous is a huge shrine in the center!

This shrine is more than three meters high, and what is placed in the shrine is not a statue, but a portrait!

The portrait shows a man, his whole body is wrapped in a black tights, only one pair of eyes is exposed.

However, these eyes are extremely vivid, full of indescribable indifference and ruthlessness!

In the corner of the portrait, there are three small characters-Oni Hanzo!

The person in this portrait is surprisingly called Ninja God in Toyo, Hattori Hanzo Masasaki!

For Igaryu, the word "Hanzo" is the honorable name that the leader of the Hattori family can get!

The real name of this strong man in the history of Dongying is actually Masaichi Hattori!

In the rest of the hall, only a few futons were placed.

At this moment, facing the location of the shrine, a man was standing there with his back to Keira Hasegawa.

A little far away from him, the protector of Igaryu who entered the ruins this time, the old woman named Qiandao Granny by Hasegawa, was sitting on a futon with her eyes closed.

"Master Hattori!"

Keira Hasegawa and Kazuo Kameda stopped five meters away from the man, and then spoke respectfully at the same time!

And this man is the current leader of Igaryu, Hattori Masharu!

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