"Miss Fiona, is there any good news?"

As soon as he answered the phone, Jiang Fan smiled.

"Hehe, are you in a good mood? It seems that everything at home has been taken care of?"

Fiona's chuckle sounded.

"The troubles are endless!"

Jiang Fan sighed softly!

"In that case, I will give you good news! Dear Lord Jiang Fan, your points have basically been counted!"

With Fiona's voice, Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

During the tour of the ruins, it seemed that Jiang Fan had almost nothing except a "Deep Sea Magic Bottle", but in fact, he got a total of seven of them just with the culture stock solution and the culture tank!

And the most important thing is that Jiang Fan still has the production process of Atlantis' life essence!

How to make culture stock solution!

Complete cloning technology!

He had already given all these things to Isaac before!

And now is the time for real realization!

"How many points are there?"

There is an unspeakable excitement in Jiang Fan's tone!

And Fiona finally took a deep breath, and then slowly spoke:

"According to your requirements, you will get a certain point rebate for the technology submitted this time, such as the culture stock solution and other items, so in general evaluation, there is not much one-time sale!"

"And these technologies, coupled with the difficulty of the mission itself, after evaluation, Master Isaac used the power in his hands to float up slightly!"

"So the points you currently get are..."

"...Two hundred thousand!"


Jiang Fan suddenly took a deep breath!

Two hundred thousand points!

What is this concept?

The price of a Marquis of Solomon of normal difficulty is five hundred. For a tough one such as Adolf, it may reach three thousand. If the two are slightly discounted, even if it is two thousand, it is equivalent to killing a full 100 marquis!

And Solomon's Key simply cannot have so many!

In other words, these points are equivalent to killing everyone who Jiang Fan currently knows, Solomon's Key except for the Bloody Duke!

And if the blood of the Pan God that was exchanged before is used as a comparison, two thousand points and one hundred milliliters are worth eighty causal points per milliliter, then these two hundred thousand points are equivalent to a full 800,000 causal points!

And if there is a higher value of God's Blood, this number is likely to continue to increase!

With these few technologies that I can't use, the system is even more dismissive, and I actually got so much money!

The point is, this is not to buy out the sword of thorns at one time, but once the finished product appears, you can still get a draw from it!

It is undoubtedly very difficult to produce the original liquid of life, but correspondingly, once sold, this kind of thing that can increase lifespan is definitely a real sky-high price!

Although the culture stock solution is also very valuable, the demand is bound to be huge, and the points drawn will be extremely exaggerated if you simply take the amount!

It can be said that once these two things appear as finished products in the future, Jiang Fan will earn countless points when he sits!

This time, Jiang Fan simply made a profit!

"Fiona, the old rules, you can just turn away if 20% is good!"

"Hehe, my dear lord, you are really generous, but my benefits have been taken away, so these two hundred thousand are all yours!"

Fiona smiled:

"Also, because you have obtained such a large number of points, your current authority is almost the same as that of Master Isaac. Master Isaac has already sent you a special tablet. You only need to activate it in the future. You can redeem from a long distance!"

"Master Jiang Fan, you have received 200,000 points at once. You are the only one in the history of the sword of thorns! And in the future, there will probably not be any more...monsters like you!"

Speaking of the last sentence, Fiona almost chanted in a worship-like tone!


Jiang Fan slowly exhaled a suffocating breath.

"Thanks Fiona!"

"You're welcome, but..."

In Fiona's tone, a trace of solemnity suddenly appeared:

"As I said just now, your contribution this time is so great, it is so big that it makes people jealous! It is said that a certain adult can no longer sit still..."

Suddenly, behind Liandel, the shadow named "Libra" appeared in Jiang Fan's mind!

His eyes moved slightly, and then he spoke slowly:

"So, Miss Fiona, do you have any suggestions?"

"According to Lord Isaac, even if he can't sit still, he must sit still! Of course, if some ignorant fish dare to provoke you, then according to the adult, you enter anyway The time of the sword of thorns is still short, and no one recognizes it fully. If there is a manslaughter, it is reasonable! Anyway, your points are enough, and it is a big deal to lose some money!"

With Fiona's slightly mischievous voice, Jiang Fan suddenly laughed!

Isaac is telling himself very clearly that no matter which big man wants to deal with himself, he will carry it!

As for others, maybe someone named "Liander", or maybe someone else, Jiang Fanzai would kill!

It's cool to have a big tree leaning on it!

"Isaac is really interesting! Thank him for me!"


Fiona coughed with Jiang Fan's words!

At the same time, my heart is a bit envious and helpless!

So presumptuous to Isaac, Jiang Fan is alone!

But Master Isaac didn't know what was going on, any fool could see Jiang Fan's eccentric eyes!

But Jiang Fan thought, he just hit the iron while it was hot!

"By the way, Fiona, let me ask you one thing!"

"Say it..."

"If I find a ruin or something related to a god, do I need to turn it over to the organization, or can I develop it myself?"

"Oh, it's easy. You first need to report to the organization for filing, and then you can choose to develop it yourself or develop it together with the organization! As for the following things, the organization has the first purchase right at the market price! If there is a god, it must be sold to organization!"

"But what if I want this **** too?"

"Of course you can use it yourself! But if you find yourself selling privately in the outside world, you will face punishment from the organization!"

"Understood! Next time I go back, I will bring you some donkey-hide gelatin cake!"

"Huh? China's donkey skin Ejiao?"

Fiona looked surprised!

"of course!"

"Thank you in advance!"

"You're welcome!"

Hanging up, Jiang Fan finally let out a long breath!

Finally got it done!

Not only did I get a lot of points this time, but I don’t need to be sneaky when I go abroad to dig graves in the future!

Anyway, according to the meaning of the sword of thorns, things such as the blood of gods can be used by themselves, but they must not be sold to others!

And of course I used it myself to get the blood of the gods!

And at this moment!

With the sound of the spacecraft navigation prompt, Hezhou has finally arrived!

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