God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1516: It's you again

The look of this guy is the BOSS level, and the breath he releases is even more terrifying!

After giving Jiang Fan a cold look, the other party finally spoke slowly in an extremely gloomy tone:

"Humans! Dare to disturb me, the great dark king's long sleep! You are destined to pay..."

Before the arrogant King of Darkness had finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already arrived in front of him, and then blasted him with a punch!


The terrifying loud noise spread all over the land in an instant!

In the next moment, this guy's body was like flour in front of the fan. Not only was Jiang Fan smashed into pieces, it was scattered everywhere by Jiang Fan's fist wind!

Justin and the others are all dumbfounded!

Dead, dead?

The monster who played such a dazzling wind, and was still a master-level monster, was so easily killed by Jiang Fan?

The previous thirteenth and fourteenth levels are fine, but this dark king, but the real fifteenth level, is a grandmaster!

Still punched to death!

Is there a mistake?

Several people looked mad!

And Jiang Fan had already grasped it, before the unlucky Dark King died, it condensed into a golden shuttle-shaped core!

This thing is the golden core for obtaining the next level of authority!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for clearing the Dark Elegy! Successfully obtained the Golden Core!"

"Ding! The Dark King has been killed by the host, and this trial site will not reappear in the future!"

"Ding! You have two hours and twenty-two minutes left in this trial. Will you enter the other Silver Trials?"

Upon hearing the system prompt, Jiang Fan was stunned!

"Wait! You said that the Dark King will never appear in this map?"


"What about other golden monsters?"

"The same won't appear!"

"Damn! Brother, I'm still counting on the gold-level monsters to upgrade my subordinates!"

Jiang Fan was directly angry!

Originally, according to his plan, since he had figured out the map, he could go straight to Huanglong after entering the next time!

It is equivalent to killing N+1 gold monsters every time you enter!

But who would have thought that a gold-level monster would be gone after a single fight!

"Ding! The golden guard has the uniqueness of the low-level trial sites! That is, in each low-level trial site, there is only one chance to appear! If the host has any thoughts about the dark king, you can wait until the gold-level permissions are activated!"

"I have your uncle's idea! Does Lao Tzu let the bone shelf pick up soap?"

Jiang Fan yelled!

"Ding! The host has two hours and twenty minutes left in this trial. Will you enter the other silver trials?"

The system ignored Jiang Fan's anger, just continued to ask lazily.


The blue veins on Jiang Fan's forehead violently jumped, but knowing that there would be no result in fighting the system, he suddenly angered:

"Nonsense! Of course I entered!"

"Ding! Ask the host to pay 200,000 causal points and choose the next trial site to enter!"

"Money, money, money! You know how to collect money!"

Jiang Fan cursed, opened the trial map, turned his eyes around, and finally landed on the shadowless ground!

Burning Greatsword: Silver level authority belongs to!

Map level: silver level-gold level!

Entry reminder: The first time the host enters, it takes 200,000 causal points to open the map for the first time!

Entry rules: You can enter once every twenty-four hours, and each stay will last for eight hours!

Clearance conditions: Kill the gold guards in the area!

Clearance reward: experience value!

Silver level permissions: have two chances to resurrect, carry up to five members, and have a certain chance to obtain special materials in addition to experience points!

Remarks: Black flames dominate this land, and the souls of the dead are constantly crying...Go! Find the great sword burning with black flames, and you will get the power of revenge!

Inferior authority opening prompt: Kill the six gold-level guards in the silver-level map to obtain the golden core!

"Turn on the Burning Greatsword!"

"Ding! Successfully opened!"


With a white light flashing, several people have returned to the temple again!

It's just that the scenery outside the temple is completely different at this moment!

It was actually pitch black, with hills and ravines crisscrossing, and a barren land burning with black flames everywhere!

Jiang Fan stepped out of the temple, and immediately felt a wave of heat rushing toward his face!

But the magic is that once the heat wave touched his body, it suddenly turned into a gentle breeze!

This is exactly the passive ability Jiang Fan obtained in the world of evil spirit knights, and the fire immunity is at work!

Flame Immunity (Intermediate): Flame is my best friend!

Remarks: By absorbing this item, you will be permanently immune to all fire damage of gold level and below!

With this skill, Jiang Fan is not afraid of anything as long as it is not the flame of a domain-level powerhouse above level 20!

But the rest of the people are not so well treated!

As soon as I came out, I just felt the heat scorching!

"You guys are waiting at the door!"

As Jiang Fan said, his figure moved, and he suddenly rose into the air!

Since the current gold-level monster kills one and one less, then it is the business to upgrade Yue Jianhan and others first!

The remaining five gold-level powerhouses, plus fragmentary mobs, should be enough to raise a few of them to level fifteen!

What he has to do now is to find the gold guard on this map as soon as possible!

And as Jiang Fan officially entered this trial site, among those black flames, occasionally a knight condensed only by flames would spurt out!

It's just that the appearance of those knights is incredibly weird, and they don't even have a head!

Upon seeing this scene, Jiang Fan was taken aback!

The gold guard of this map, shouldn't it be...

Jiang Fan's thoughts had just appeared, and an unusually tyrannical aura suddenly came from a distant hill!

Jiang Fan quickly rushed away, and the corners of his mouth twitched!

I saw a knight riding a fierce war horse standing proudly on the hill!

The knight wore a piece of middle-world conjoined mail, with sharp barbs on the joints of the mail!

In his left hand is a huge sword burning with black flames, and his right hand is a long whip twisted and twisted by the human spine!

And like those knights condensed by flames, this guy also has no head!

As soon as he saw the other person's shape, Jiang Fan opened his mouth!

This guy is really a headless horseman!


As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, the headless knight suddenly let out a roar like thunder!

"Human! It's you!"

"Huh? Do you know me?"

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

"Even if you turn to ashes, I know it!"

The headless horseman suddenly soared into the sky with his mount!

His voice is full of endless anger and killing intent!

"You **** ant! This time, I want your soul to be completely swallowed by flames!"

Seeing the headless knight rushed forward, Jiang Fan just backed away!

This product has to contribute experience points to Yue Jianhan and others, but it can't be killed now!

At the same time, a trace of doubt arose in his mind!

The other party actually remembers himself?

How is this going?

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