Long Yan laughed!

Very proud!

While watching the excitement, Wang Yi directly shook his head!

"Challenge the master? What do these idiots think?"

He came to the living room with a fruit plate, only to find that Jiang Fan was looking at the air with a dull expression!

"Master, the fruit plate is here!"

"Well, let it go!"

As Jiang Fan said, he resumed his previous expression again.

But no one knows, he is now looking at the detailed explanation of the gold level trial authority!

Forget the previous ones, but the last two:

——The portal to the trial site opens!

——The trial set is open!

These two directly shocked Jiang Fan!

Portal to Trial:

The host can spend causal points to generate trial portals with different permissions!

The portal can be loaded on the target person designated by the host!

After having a portal, the target person can enter the trial ground, but can only enter it alone!

The cooling time of the teleportation is equal to the cooling time of the host's trial!

The meaning is simple and clear, that is, as long as the portal is generated, even if you are not there, the people under your hand can freely enter the trial ground!

"System! How many causal points does the portal cost?"

"Ding! According to different grades, the generated portal prices are different!"

"Given the good performance of the host, the Dark Iron Portal is given away for free! But this portal can only enter the Dark Iron Level Trial Site!"

"Bronze-level portals cost a thousand causal points! You can enter the Bronze-level and below trial sites!"

"Silver-level portals cost 10,000 causal points! You can enter the silver-level and lower trial grounds!"

"The golden portal cannot be opened temporarily due to host authority issues!"

"System prompt: After the portal is generated, every time you enter, you still need to charge 100 causal points as an activation fee!"


Jiang Fan was silent for a long time before suddenly showing a sincere smile:

"Can we not talk about money?"

The system was silent for three seconds, and finally spoke:

"Everyone is grown up, you behave!"

"I'm good, your sister! A profiteer!"

Jiang Fan sighed and finally looked at the other authority.

Trial set:

This function is activated when the gold level permission is reached!

When killing in the trial ground, you will get a varying number of trial points.

Use the trial points to exchange for the standard set provided by the system.


Jiang Fan suddenly looked at a sample!

That is a black iron grade armor.

Dark Iron Armor: Armor

Equipment Level: Black Iron Level

Defense: low

Attribute: upgradeable

Exchange value: 100 trial points

Set: 1/3

Set attributes: 3% increase in all attributes

Upon seeing the attributes of this suit, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly brightened!

I was still hesitant to open the portal before, but now it seems that I have to open it if I don't open it!

Although the trial set is not as good as your own equipment, it is better than getting it convenient!

Just swipe the picture!

And these equipment can be upgraded!

In the beginning, there was only the Black Iron level, but as long as you have time, you can reach the Gold level sooner or later!

At that time, even if it is standard equipment, defense and attack will not be much different!

The most important thing is that this thing works with the portal, so you don't have to worry about getting equipment for your subordinates in the future!

You can let them do it themselves!

After quietly calculating, Jiang Fan finally gritted his teeth!

"System! Generate ten portals!"

"Ding! Generation begins!"

With the disappearance of Jiang Fan's 100,000 causal points, the ten little-finger light clusters have fallen into Jiang Fan's hands!

This thing is the portal of trial!

Looking at these light groups, Jiang Fan gritted his teeth again, and injected another five thousand causal tolls into each portal!

At this point, counting the cost of opening the map before, after doing all this, Jiang Fan's accumulated millions of causal points have been completely squandered!

After dividing these portals, Jiang Fan suddenly looked sadly at his backpack!

Now he only has more than 30,000 causal points left!

Looking at the remaining causal points, Jiang Fan thoroughly understood the advertisement of Huiyuan Shenbao, his genuine body was hollowed out!

The point is, the more he earns now, the more he spends!

It was like a golden trial ground, Jiang Fan didn't even dare to look at it now!

And after removing this, there is a bottomless pit like Jianmu Seed!

It will also cost money to upgrade your own attributes in the future!

Sadako and Lu Bu must also follow their own levels!

When I thought of this, Jiang Fan was suddenly big again!

Involuntarily glanced at the tablet!

Now that there is a trial ground and a trial set that can be exchanged, all points of the sword of thorns can be converted into causal points!

According to the previous algorithm, these 200,000 points are at least equivalent to 800,000 causal points!

It's a huge sum of money!

Jiang Fan wanted to turn it on and watch, but at this time, a burst of fatigue came.

He had just opened up the entire Silver Rank trial ground in one breath, and now he was really sleepy.

Let the tablet continue to charge, Jiang Fan fell asleep after going to bed.

At the same time, the capital!

An airplane from the other side of the ocean is slowly landing!

Accompanied by the hustle and bustle, the passengers on the plane quickly walked out of the airport.

Among them, two unremarkable men wearing masks have directly boarded an equally unremarkable Toyota Corolla.

Seeing the two get on the bus, the driver suddenly smiled and asked politely:


The two men nodded.

The driver immediately kicked the accelerator!

An hour later, the car had reached the downstairs of Song Minghe's villa.

And Song Minghe, who was smiling, and Song Yue, who was full of flattery, had been waiting at the door long ago.

Only then did the two men take off their masks.

One of the thin, middle-aged men gave Song Minghe a cold look before speaking:

"Song Minghe?"

Song Minghe looked stagnant!

The other party actually called his name directly, it was not at all polite!

But Song Yue didn't seem to notice this at all, and she spoke with excitement:

"Yes, you are the ones sent by the George family to save Gal, right?"

The man didn’t even look at Song Yue, but continued:

"My name is Bishop, this is Eugene, Mr. Song, are you sure that we are our identity and won't attract Tianding Shiji's attention?"

"Of course! The two of you are now our international partners, I have specifically reported to the Dragon Team, there is absolutely no problem!"


Bishop nodded in satisfaction, but his back was stern:

"In that case, when will we start with Jiang Fan?"

Song Minghe didn't expect the other party to be so direct, he hesitated, and then he spoke:

"There is no news from the Zhou family, so..."

"We don't need any **** Zhou's family!"

The short Eugene smiled coldly:

"You should be aware of the affairs of our George family and Zhou's family, that group of trash will only get in the way!

And Bishop continued to speak coldly:

"Mr. Song, for the benefit of our George family, your Song family has already received half of it!"

"If your Song family insists on waiting for the Zhou family, then hand over this benefit and we will kill Jiang Fan ourselves!"

Seeing that the two are so powerful, Song Minghe frowned suddenly!

Together with the Zhou family, the confidence of success is undoubtedly greater!

But the other party didn't want to cooperate with Zhou's family at all!

He was thinking what to say, just now!

"I, I will take you there!"

Song Yue on one side spoke directly!

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