God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1549: The sun came out from the black hole

"Yu Cheng?"

Zhou Yantang was taken aback!

"Big brother, what are you doing in that little place in Yucheng?"

"Go see a friend, when I'm away, Xiao Ning..."

"Big brother, don't worry, Xiao Ning will never have an accident with me!"

"That's good, I'm leaving."

Zhou Yandao smiled, and soon got in the car and left!

Watching Zhou Yandao go away, Zhou Yantang frowned slightly.

"Yu Cheng? Speaking of it, my eldest brother seemed to have been there once before...Forget it, just stay in Jinghu Courtyard these few days!"

After making up his mind, Zhou Yantang immediately went straight to the Jinghu Courtyard.

In Los Angeles, Jiang Fan hung up and smiled suddenly!

Zhou Yantang's chess piece is really useful!

"Master, what is so happy?"

"Nothing, Zhou Yantang just called and told me Zhou Yandao will come soon—"

Jiang Fan suddenly stopped, his expression even more stagnant!

Vaguely as if suddenly thinking of something!

"the host……"

Just as Curtis wanted to speak, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand!

Motion to silence him!

After a long time!


Jiang Fan suddenly exhaled a suffocating breath, but his brows were still frowning!

"Master, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, I always feel that something is wrong..."

Jiang Fan spoke slowly:

"Let me ask you, what is the relationship between Zhou Yantang and Zhou Yuande?"

"From the data we have, although Zhou Yantang is just adoptive, but he is the one who is closest to Zhou Yuande, and the relationship with Zhou Yandao is better than that of brothers, and better than that with Zhou Yanzheng!"

"That's it. He and I are now allies. But Zhou Yandao is coming to Los Angeles. He didn't say that he would let me be merciful. Instead, he just took it in one sentence. Do you think his favor for Zhou Yandao, Is it lighter?"


Curtiston was taken aback.

And Jiang Fan has continued to speak:

"Also, what Zhou Yantang said to me just now was: And my eldest brother is about to negotiate with you soon!"

"The meaning of this sentence is that he knows that I already know that Zhou Yandao wants to negotiate with me!"

"Then how did he know that I was going to negotiate with Zhou Yandao?"

"Master, this must be what Zhou Yandao told him!"

Although Jiang Fan's words were a bit confusing, Curtis still understood.

But after he said this, Jiang Fan snapped his fingers!

"Then the problem is coming!"

"The Zhou family is now completely in Zhou Yuanwang's hands. Zhou Yandao is negotiating with me, it is obviously Zhou Yuanwang's signal!"

"And since Zhou Yuanwang entrusted Zhou Yandao with such a major event, it would prove that Zhou Yandao must have taken refuge in him!"

"And I am extremely trusted by Zhou Yuanwang!"

"Then, how can this kind of thing be publicized before the negotiation has a result?"

"Especially, let Zhou Yantang, who is closest to Zhou Yuande, know?"

"You know, if the negotiation fails, it is equivalent to leaving a handle for Zhou Yuande's first department!"

"Zhou Yandao is not a fool. Since he has already gained Zhou Yuanwang's trust, how could he so easily hand over the trust he won so hard?"

Curtis was completely stunned when he heard Jiang Fan's words!

A word!

Just a word!

Jiang Fan actually analyzed so many things!

Worthy of being the master!

What a pervert!

"Master, then, what do you mean..."

"It's not interesting, I'm just wondering..."

Jiang Fan frowned, but immediately, he smiled:

"Maybe I think too much, it's just a sentence after all, let's go!"

Jiang Fan said hello, said hello to Ding Xuan, and left the Heingcheng Medical Center directly.

After eating two bites of rice at noon, Jiang Fan has started the takeaway mode again!

It was not until the afternoon that I went to Lanying for a round!

Coincidentally, unexpectedly, I met Ma Desheng again!

Jiang Fan is about to preemptively show up the photos in his phone!

But Ma Desheng was so desperate and passed him directly!

Jiang Fan looked shocked!

Damn it?

Is this the sun popping out of the black hole?

Ma Desheng didn't make trouble for himself!


"Director Ma!"

Jiang Fan made a mess of ghosts and called Ma Desheng directly!

Ma Desheng looked back at Jiang Fan, and he was overjoyed!

"Jiang Fan! You are late and leave early, in violation of—"

Before he finished speaking, Ma Desheng's voice stopped abruptly!

Then he sighed, turned around and left!

Jiang Fan blinked his eyes, and finally didn't control it, so he followed up with his foot!

"Director Ma, what's the matter with you? Could it be that your wife is pregnant with the second child, and worrying about you? Although you are now having a baby Alexander, you are also considered a successful person. You can't be so sad, right?"

"Don't be bullshit!"

Ma Desheng snorted coldly, and his pace quickened!

But Jiang Fan had already caught his curiosity, and he quickly followed suit!

"It's not a second child. Could it be that you have suffered domestic violence? Director Ma, your wife is water. You can make money when you meet water. Don't do things that are not human!"

"Fart! My wife was born in weightlifting! Even if I miss domestic violence, do I have that ability?"

Ma Desheng roared directly!

But immediately, his emotions slipped down again!

Jiang Fan became more curious!

"Then you are talking about it, maybe I have a way?"

"You? Come on! Don't bother me and I will burn the incense! Tell you the truth, you can't tell me how to cheat me!"

"How come! I look into my eyes and see the sincerity?"

"Come less! I just saw a lot of schadenfreude!"

"Oh? Is it so obvious?"

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

"Asshole! You are really ill-intentioned!"

Ma Desheng looked indignant!

"Just kidding! Tell me! Tell me!"

Jiang Fan looked forward to it!

Ma Desheng was entangled by Jiang Fan, and finally gritted his teeth and brought Jiang Fan to the corner.

"I told you, but you must never tell others!"

"Relax! I won't say anything!"

"Well, me, my mother-in-law is here!"

"Huh? This is a good thing! Mother-in-law loves her son-in-law the most!"

"I love my son-in-law? That must be an only child! My one is different! She is asking for money!"

"Then give it!"

"Do you know how much you want?"

"is it a lot?"

"Ten million!"

"How many?"

"Ten million!!"

Ma Desheng roared suddenly!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

"Your mother-in-law wants to build an aircraft carrier?"

"Huh! For her son, the kid had a girlfriend in Beijing, and the other party asked to buy a house in Beijing!"

Jiang Fan suddenly understood!

And Ma Desheng completely opened the chatterbox:

"Originally, all the money for my brother-in-law's schooling was paid by us. This is actually nothing, so I gave it away!"

"But my mother-in-law didn't know who told me the other day, I won the lottery..."

Having said this, Ma Desheng suddenly gave Jiang Fan a fierce look, apparently remembering the scene of being blackmailed by Jiang Fan!

"Anyway, after she heard about it, she ran to my house last night!"

"Until now, I haven't left, I just want money, and if I don't give it, that's not filial piety!"

"I didn't even dare to return home at noon!"

Ma Desheng sighed, showing the exhaustion of adults.

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