Liu Cuifen was stunned!

Suddenly screamed!

"Hey! It's Ma Desheng who borrowed the money!"

"What are you doing with me?"

"You are kidnapping!"

"Call the police! Call the police!"


The strong man directly raised his hand and slapped Liu Cuifen heavily!

Liu Cuifen's big tooth was almost lost!

"Call the police? Tell you, if you dare to call the police, I will just tear up the ticket!"

"When you sink in the river, you won't even be looking for the corpse!"

"I don't want this old guy to die, you better be obedient!"

The brawny smiled grimly!

Liu Cuifen was completely frightened!

"No, no! I, I don't want to die!"

"Desheng, Dali, you guys, think of a solution!"

Liu Cuifen was scared to pee directly!

Ge Li was even more panicked!

"Give it money! I give it! Give it now!"

As Ge Li said, she was about to run to the bedroom!

But at this moment!

"No! Can't give it!"

Ma Desheng suddenly grabbed Ge Li!

"Ma Desheng! What are you doing? Are you crazy?"

Ge Li's face was unbelievable!

Liu Cuifen even screamed:

"Ma Desheng, you are still not a human being! My mother is going to be **** by Shen Jiang! I'm your mother-in-law!"

But Ma Desheng looked firm!

"Mom! This money is for Da Zhuang to buy a house!"

"It's not good to say, you haven't been for many years anyway!"

"And I bought you insurance!"

"You can go with peace of mind! If something really happens to you, I will pay the insurance money directly to Da Zhuang!"

"With this money, Da Zhuang can definitely buy a big house! No worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life!"

"Mom! You can go without worry!"

Liu Cuifen was completely confused!

With a dull face!

Ge Li was stunned!

Several brawny men are even more at a loss!

for a long time!

"Ma Desheng! No, no, big, big..."

Liu Cuifen screamed, but found out that she didn't know what to say!

And a few brawny men scolded even more:

"Bah! I don't believe that you can really give up your mother for your brother!"

"Give you two hours! If you don't take money, I will really kill this old thing!"

The strong man shouted angrily and left with Liu Cuifen!

Liu Cuifen trembled all over!

Suddenly screamed:

"Desheng! Don't! Help me!"

"Da Zhuang, Da Zhuang has grown up!"

"He can buy a house by himself!"

"You listened to Mom, Mom has treated you well all these years!"

"The things that you can't eat or use in your house are handled by your mother!"

"If it weren't for mom, you must be too fat to walk now!"

"Also! Before, if it wasn't for her mother to tell Feifei all day long, it is useless for a woman to go to school, and sooner or later she will get married. Can she be inspired to get admitted to Qingbei University in Beijing?"

"Desheng! You, take the money soon!"

Liu Cuifen's scared **** and urine flow!

It's almost smoking!

But Ma Desheng shook his head painfully, and said affectionately:

"But, Mom! Da Zhuang is your own son!"

"Really give them the money, what about Da Zhuang? Da Zhuang is your lifeblood!"

"As long as you don't want your life, he can fight for 20 years less!"


Liu Cuifen suddenly cried!

"He's such a big man! What's wrong with fighting harder!"

"Young people can't eat together and wait to die!"

"I'm alive, it's the best motivation for him!"

"Desheng! Help me!"

"Don't drag me! Please! Don't! Don't drag me! Let me go!"

"Desheng! Give the money quickly!"

Feeling the strength of several strong men dragging her more and more, Liu Cuifen was going crazy!

"Mom, are you sure? Give them the money, we have nothing!"

"Give it! Give it quickly! I still have one million private money! I will make up for you at that time!"

Liu Cuifen cried out of breath!

"Okay, okay!"

Ma Desheng looked decadent, and finally waved his hand to Ge Li helplessly!

"Strongly, go, go get the money!"


Ge Li hurriedly agreed, and immediately took out the bank card at home!

And Liu Cuifen hurriedly took out the bank card he had just snatched from Ma Desheng!

"Huh! Count you guys!"

The brawny man took the bank card and suddenly sneered!

However, after asking for the password, they still did not let go, instead they were about to leave with Liu Cuifen!

"You, what else are you doing?"

"The money is already in hand!"

Liu Cuifen screamed in a hurry!

"Huh! Of course I have to check the card a priori to see if it's true!"

"Don't worry, the money is already in your hands, I'm not interested in killing your old thing!"

The brawny man said, already looking at Ma Desheng!

"Remember! Don't do stupid things, up to two hours, this old thing can come back on its own!"


The brawny man turned around and left after speaking!

Soon, a group of people had put Liu Cuifen into the van!

After a while, the car stopped near an ATM machine!

Several brawny men got out of the car and checked the card with excitement, but Liu Cuifen was left in the car!

Soon, Liu Cuifen heard the excited laughter of several strong men!

"Haha! Really rich!"

"Damn, this time I made a profit!"

"Unexpectedly, this fat man is quite rich!"

"Brother, if you make this deal, the boss will definitely appreciate you more!"

"Congratulations, brother!"

A group of people rejoiced!

And Liu Cuifen was finally relieved!

But at this moment!

"Brother, what about this old thing? Really put it back for her?"

"This old thing looks like that kind of force!"

"Put it back, maybe you will be the first to call the police!"

"Big brother is right! Just kill him directly, Shen Jiang!"

"Yes! This saves trouble! As for Ma Desheng, that guy is very timid. When he threatens him with her wife's life, he won't be able to get over the waves!"

"Yes! Just do it!"

A group of people were quiet, but Liu Cuifen heard it clearly!

She was scared for a while, she almost collapsed!

But at this moment!


The leading brawny suddenly cried out!

"Big Brother! What's the matter? Is this a stubborn foot?"

"Big brother, are you okay?"

A group of people surrounded the brawny!

But Liu Cuifen saw that no one was looking at him, and immediately rushed out of the car and ran away!

"Damn! This old thing ran away!"

"Hurry up!"

A group of people shouted!

Liu Cuifen panicked and didn't choose his way, and finally hid directly in the trash can!

The trash can smells so bad, but Liu Cuifen can't care about the smell!

And a few brawny men chased here, and stopped panting!

"Big brother, what should I do?"

"Huh! This old thing must go to the police!"

"Tell my brothers, keep an eye on the nearby police station, as long as she goes, we can catch her as soon as possible!"

"Big Brother is really clever!"

"Huh! Unless this old thing leaves Los Angeles, he can catch her sooner or later! Go!"

Soon, the crowd left!

Until then, Liu Cuifen got out of the trash can in fear!

"It's over! It's over!"

"Damn Ma Desheng! What kind of loan shark are you borrowing!"

"This idiot!"

"No, Los Angeles can't stay, I have to go!"

"Yes! Go to the capital and find Da Zhuang!"

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