God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1562: I've helped think about the future

There was no sound in the whole room except for the screams of the subordinates!

Both Song Hexuan and Song Yi looked blank, looking at these heads with chills on their backs!

for a long time!

Song Hexuan finally squatted down slowly, and slowly closed Song Heyang's eyes wide open!


Song Yi also reacted, his eyes filled with hesitation!


Song Hexuan slowly exhaled a foul breath, and then reluctantly closed his eyes!

"No wonder... No wonder, Jiang Fan, would say such things!"

"Either hand over the body of the person who planned this incident, or, with my Song family, will never die!"

"This little beast, unexpectedly, really has such confidence!!"

In the last sentence, Song Hexuan almost gritted his teeth!

He squeezed his fist tightly, and even squeezed it, the skin on the joints was taut, almost cracking!

Song Yi suddenly gritted his teeth!

"Master! Let me do it!"

"If this kid is not eradicated in time, the Song family's eternal enemy will be the future!"

Song Hexuan was silent, and his face was full of hesitation!

Such a look really shouldn't happen to such a decisive master!

In fact, even after spending half his life with Song Hexuan, Song Yi has seen him show such an expression for the first time!

This can only show that Song Hexuan has lost his square inch!

for a long time!

"Alright! Song Yi, you..."

Before Song Hexuan finished speaking, Song Yi's cell phone suddenly rang!

Song Yi picked it up and suddenly frowned:

"Master, Mingzhuo is calling!"

"Take it!"

Song Yi picked it up and turned on the speaker!

The next moment, Song Mingzhuo's slightly gloomy voice sounded directly!

"Song Yi, is my father here?"


"Father, the news that I just got, the Zhou family and Jiang Fan have made peace!"

"what did you say?!"

Song Hexuan's expression suddenly changed!

"Zhou's family and Jiang Fan have made peace! Just this afternoon!"

"This, how is this possible! The Zhou family and Jiang Fan are deadly enemies!!"

"Yes, it is said that the Zhou family paid a great price, and even the qualification for the auction of strange objects was given to Jiang Fan! In return, all the goods in Jiang Fan's hand have been returned to the Zhou family!"


Song Hexuan suddenly roared!

At this moment, his eyes were red and his whole body was shaking!

"Zhou's family! These bastards! They dare to yin us!"

"Father, what are you talking about? Zhou Jiayin us?"

Song Yi was taken aback!

"Yes! Zhou Jiaming and Jiang Fan hated the deepest, but this time they didn't make any moves at all!"

"They are using our Song family, throwing stones to ask for directions!"

"For the Zhou family, the most important thing now is that batch of goods!"

"So as soon as you find that Jiang Fan's strength really exceeds the warning line, you will immediately negotiate!"

"Zhou's family! Damn it!"

The fierce light flickered in Song Hexuan's eyes!

And Song Mingzhuo obviously doesn't know what happened!

Song Yi said it briefly!

At this time, Song Hexuan finally sneered!

"good very good!"

"This loss, my Song family recognizes it!"

"Contact Jiang Fan!"

"Contact Jiang Fan?!"

The voices of Song Yi and Song Mingzhuo were all full of surprise!

"Yes! Tell him that our Song family is willing to hand over the planners of this assassination!"


"Father, but this time, it's obviously you..."

Song Mingzhuo's voice suddenly stopped, and then he seemed to understand it!

"I see, father, I'll make arrangements! But, do we really just forget it?"

"Of course not so much!"

Song Hexuan had restored the grace that Song Family Patriarch should have at this time!

"Jiang Fan, the little beast and the Zhou family have such a deep hatred, no matter what, it is impossible for the two sides to really let each other go!"

"So, they will go to war sooner or later!"

"When that time comes, our Song family will make another move!"

"By then, not only Jiang Fan, but the Zhou family dares to pit us, and they will also have to pay the price!"


Los Angeles!


Jiang Fan smashed Song Yue's phone with a sneer!

"Master, we have just negotiated with the Zhou family, and here is a war with the Song family, isn't it..."

Wang Yi looked at Jiang Fan tentatively.

However, Jiang Fan looked at him curiously:

"War with the Song family? When did the war go?"

"Ah? You, what you just said to Song Minghe..."

"Hehe, don't worry, once the Song family learns that we have made peace with the Zhou family, they will never choose to go to war with us!"

"Everyone with a discerning eye knows that we and the Zhou family are absolutely deadly enemies, and there is absolutely no room for change!"

"That's why Song Hexuan's old dog, he will definitely wait until we and Zhou's family are fighting and we lose each other before we take action!"

Wang Yi suddenly realized:

"That said, the Song family will definitely die out?"

"More than that! If they are smart, they will definitely choose the first condition!"


"Because the Song family is outside the capital, they also have business! If you don't want their business to become a second Lingzhou, then you have to be honest and do things according to my rules!"

Jiang Fan smiled proudly!

"That's it!"

Wang Yi looked admired!

"But master, you said before that the planner of this assassination must be the old thing Song Hexuan! How could he hand over himself?"

"Of course he won't hand over himself, but it's not easy to find a wasteful thing like this?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Wang Yi was full of admiration!

"You have even thought out the future for them!"

After dealing with this matter, Jiang Fan ran a few more orders before going home to sleep!

Early the next morning, after Jiang Fan finished washing, he went straight to Blue Eagle!

Today is the day of the Parents' Conference!


Jiang Fan sprinted all the way, and soon arrived at Blue Eagle!

At this moment, the gate of Lanying's school is overcrowded, with luxury cars gathering!

There is even a group of bodyguards who don't know who they are, helping the security guards to maintain order!

And not far away, there are many people with strong backgrounds, who are greeting each other!

"I'll take it~~ I didn't see it, it turns out that all the local tyrants in Los Angeles are here!"

Jiang Fan thought for a while, took out a mask and put it on!

Among these people, he actually knew a few, but it would be troublesome, so keep a low profile!

Prepared properly, Jiang Fan pedaled his bicycle into the gate!

But at this moment!

"Hey! Stop!"

I don't know who's a bodyguard, and suddenly stopped Jiang Fan!

Then he spoke with an arrogant face:

"Riding is not allowed in the school! Also, take off the mask!"

"I am a teacher!"

Jiang Fan smiled.

But the bodyguard sneered directly!

"Teacher? Does the teacher need to be sneaky?"

And several of his companions also sneered!

"Hurry up and take off the mask!"

"Who knows who you are!"

"Tell you, those who came today are all big shots!"

"Who knows if you have a bad heart and want to do something!"

At this moment, seeing the riots happening here, many people are looking towards this side!

"Huh? Isn't that Teacher Jiang?"

"He was also stopped!"

"These bodyguards are too much!"

"Yes, several teachers have been made things difficult by them!"

"Hush! They are from the Huang family!"

"That Huang family who is in full swing? No wonder it's so arrogant!"

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