God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1564: The way the parent conference is opened is wrong

All of them trembled!

"No, I dare not! I dare not!"

"Yes, yes! In front of Mr. Jiang, we, we are just shit!"

"Mr. Jiang, you, you..."

Several people turned pale, their eyes were full of fear!

And Jiang Fan finally spoke coldly:

"Take all your own dogs back! Don't put them here in the eyes!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The few upper-class figures who were full of tolerance and calm faces before, just like kowtows, nodded hurriedly!

He hurriedly scolded, and all recruited his own bodyguards!

The crowd was stunned!


Especially a group of teachers and students of Lanying!

These people include real estate tycoons, bank executives, software giants, and stock market predators...

But now, in front of Jiang Fan, these people dare not even put a fart!

"Ms. Jiang, are you too hungry?"

"Walking sideways in school, and walking sideways after leaving school!"

"It's a crab! Rageous and domineering!"

"No more! It's just eight crabs! Crabs!"


After teaching this group of people, Jiang Fan didn't stop, turned and pedaled away!

Until this time, these few talents all sat on the ground!

Wiping up cold sweat hurriedly!


Jiang Fan has arrived at the third shift!

At this moment, the third class is almost full!

Basically, a parent takes a child and sits at the desk!

All of these big names in the business and political circles before, are all sitting here as if they are facing a big enemy, with a nervous look on their faces!

And the three classes of students who were extremely arrogant before, are all honest at this moment, with their heads down, like little monks in the temple!

The atmosphere is so solemn for a while!

Seeing Jiang Fan coming in, a group of parents who were already sitting in danger, even straightened up involuntarily!

"Ahem, hello parents, I am the head teacher of the third class, Jiang Fan!"

"When we meet for the first time, please parents, please take care!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

But when I saw Jiang Fan, many people's expressions changed!

However, these people are obviously different from the arrogant people outside before, they just looked at each other tacitly!

Then they spoke:

"Hello Teacher Jiang!"

"Teacher Jiang has worked hard!"


"Haha, no hard work, I'll make a long story short. Not long ago, the exam results came out in Class 3..."

As soon as I heard the word grade, all the parents suddenly pricked their ears!

But Jiang Fan smiled!

"Cao Le, Zhu Le, you two send out your transcripts!"

The two little fat guys trembled, but they still came to the podium and began to send out the transcripts!

However, no parent dared to read the report card after it was sent out!

"Huh? Parents, take a look!"

"Haha, good, good..."

The crowd laughed awkwardly, and finally put their eyes on the report card slowly!

It's not that they don't watch it, or they don't dare to watch it!

These people, as the real upper-class people in Los Angeles, they are all people who want to face!

The children of their own family know all the virtues of their grades!

When I think of it, I want to see that terrible single digit, these people are even in the mood to jump off the building!

All the eyes were so fast that they finally moved to the transcript!

next moment!


Lu He's father, the owner of the famous Nine Degrees Gallery in Los Angeles, and a senior collector of famous paintings, Lu Wei directly exclaimed!

"Average grade of sixty-two?!"

"This, this is impossible!"

"This is definitely not my son!"

"Just like my son, he can score six points in the test, so it's because of his ancestors' virtue!"

Lu Wei directly screamed out!

Lu He, who was waiting for the performance, had a straight face collapsed!

There was a hint of unlovable taste in his eyes!

On the other side, there was another exclamation!

"What?! Fifty-eight points?"

"Cao Le! You, what's the matter with you?"

"Don't scare mom!"

"You, your score actually exceeds double digits!"

"Tell mom, you, are you terminally ill and want to leave any relics for mom?"

Cao Le looked dull and looked at Lu He with sympathy!


"Fifty-nine points? Is my Miao Yu a ghost?"

"This is impossible! This is definitely not Feng Jin's grade! Little bastard! Did you find someone to take the test!"

"Qian Yan! Is this your grade? Bastard! See if I won't kill you!"

"No wonder there was bird droppings on my car before the parent meeting! That's how it is!"

"Asshole! Cheating on exams, and it's still a group cheating!"

"It's over! I, my wise life, how can there be such disdain as you!"

"Ms. Jiang! We know how to do it!"

"Don't worry! We can't spare these little beasts!"

"Teacher Jiang, I will give my family Feng Jin a one-week leave in advance! Because next, this kid won't even want to get out of bed for a week!

"Little **** Hong Lei! If I don't throw your **** out today, I won't be your father!"


In the whole three shifts, the chickens jumped up and down, murderous!

Accompanied by the three classes of students are full of screams of grievance!


Too wrong!

It's hard to get a good exam, but the reward didn't arrive. Domestic violence came first!

"Asshole! Jiang Fan! Explain quickly!"

"You still want to laugh!"

"I'm going to be beaten to death!"

"Jiang Fan! Teacher Jiang! Hurry up and prove our innocence!"

"Damn Lu He! I blame you so much! What did you say to surprise the parents! What should I do now!"

"Lu He! If I get **** out of my dad! Then I promise, I have to let you eat as much as I come out!"

The students in Class 3 are going crazy!

What is this so called!

When the exam was bad, there was no fart, and finally broke out once, and it turned out to be this end!

The point is, that **** Jiang Fan!

He actually smiled so happy!

Damn it, bastard!

We will never die with you in Class 3!

A group of bear children are desperately cruel!

Fortunately, at this moment!

"Ahem, dear parents, don't get me wrong. This is indeed the result of the third class of students!"

A group of parents were all stunned!

But, immediately!

"Lu He, you bastard! You said, did you threaten the teacher again?"

"Okay! You little beasts, dare to threaten the teacher and lie to you!"

"If you don't kill me today, I won't be your mother!"

"Wu Chengliang! Do you dare to run! Just stand there!"

It's a piece of chicken flying dog jumping again!

Jiang Fan has been trapped!

This group of bear kids are really self-inflicted and can't live!

Usually do too many wicked things, this retribution is just what it says!

Seeing that this continues, the class will be blown up by these angry parents for a while!

Jiang Fan finally said loudly!

"Parents! Calm down!"

"Let me reiterate, this result is indeed obtained by the students from Class 3, who took the test!"

"This incident, the entire Lanying teachers and students, can testify!"

As Jiang Fan's last sentence fell, the entire third shift was quiet in an instant!

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