"My company is bankrupt!"

Bai Xia cried, almost broken!

Jiang Fan waited for a long time, unexpectedly, there is no more text!

"Nothing? Because of this?"

"Isn't that enough?"

Bai Xia is angry!

He is a child who walked out of the mountains, without any background, everything is done by relying on his own hands!

The hardships in it, others can't understand it at all!

But everything is gone!

"And, it's not just that!"

Bai Xia wiped her nose vigorously!

"The worst thing is that after learning that I was bankrupt, my fiancee, too, left me too!"

"Even, when she just learned the news, she directly called and asked a rich second generation to take her away!"

Jiang Fan's expression sank!

In my heart, Li Shanshan's shadow flashed again!

What Bai Xia encountered today is simply a copy of what she once had!

"Don't cry! What's the big deal! Since you can start from scratch once, you can have a second time!"

"Good women, there are so many more!"

"Because of this setback, you will die. Are you worthy of your parents!"

Jiang Fan's words are loud and loud!


"Don't persuade me, don't worry, I won't die, but I don't want to stay there anymore. After a while, I will buy a ticket, go back to my hometown, and go farming!"

"What Changhai Technology, what angel financing, and Li Lu, goodbye!"

Changhai Technology?

Jiang Fan frowned suddenly!

Before the Jiang family went bankrupt, Jiang Fan signed the last order to acquire this technology company!

However, Jiang Fan clearly remembers that the reason for the acquisition of Changhai Technology was not because of the company's potential, but because he wanted to absorb the founder of this company into Jiang's family! That man is known as a business prodigy, and even Mr. Jiang is full of praise!

However, the Jiang family disappeared overnight, and this list was also invalid!

Unexpectedly, the two of them actually met here!

Destiny is impermanent!

However, since Bai Xia is known as a business wizard, how could it be bankrupt?

Just when Jiang Fan wanted to ask clearly, the door of the rooftop suddenly opened wide!

A group of reporters, like wild horses running out of hold, rushed up with long guns and short cannons!

And the leader is actually Bai Xiaoyu!

"Hello sir! Just saved a life, what is your mood now?"

Jiang Fan was still surprised, Bai Xiaoyu had already directly slammed the microphone to Jiang Fan's mouth!

If it weren't for Jiang Fan's flashing speed, Bai Xiaoyu would almost have the microphone in his mouth!

"This, it should be!"

Jiang Fan is full of black lines! Reporter, it really is one of the most terrifying creatures on earth!

However, Bai Xiaoyu suddenly looked confused when he heard Jiang Fan speak!

This voice, why, is so familiar!

I always feel like I've heard it before!

Jiang Fan looked at Bai Xiaoyu's complexion and suddenly felt bad!

Directly, to pass the Bai Xia mobile phone, enter his own number!

"Your life is destined not to be ordinary! Wait for my call!"

After Jiang Fan said this, before everyone else could react, he rushed out of the building!

Bai Xia, looking at the background of Jiang Fan's departure, only felt a palpitation!

What a strong momentum!

What Jiang Fan said just now, of course, is full of confidence!

It seems that his words are the future!

After leaving the building, Jiang Fan immediately returned to Lanying!

However, before entering the teaching building, he was stopped by Ma Desheng!

And behind Ma Desheng, followed by Tang Zhiyuan and Ning Changan!

"Jiang Fan! You still have the face to come back!"

Ma Desheng smiled darkly!

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Director Ma, what do you mean by this?"

"Jiang Fan! The school board has just made a decision, you are expelled!"

Jiang Fan was startled!



"Jiang Fan, you are late and leave early, bullying your colleagues! Moreover, you are still fighting at school! We, Blue Eagle, absolutely can't tolerate you such a black sheep!"

Tang Zhiyuan smiled!

"Jiang Fan, you! Alas~!"

Ning Changan also sighed, but his eyes were filled with joy that could not be concealed!

"Jiang Fan, Lan Ying's school motto, but Principal Xia personally drafted it. You violated discipline over and over again. Let me tell you what is good!"

"This time, the board of directors collectively decided to expel you. Although I really want to keep you, public opinion is hard to violate!"

Jiang Fan looked plain and nodded!

"Okay! I want to go back to the class and ask them a few words!"

"Bah! What's the charge? You have become a sinner of Blue Eagle! What qualifications do you have to say goodbye to the students? I tell you! You go now!"

Ma Desheng looked triumphant and triumphant!

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

Ma Desheng and others took a step back in shock!

However, Jiang Fan didn't take any further action. He turned around and walked out of Blue Eagle!

"Well, I didn't expect freedom to come so suddenly!"

Jiang Fan smiled, then put on the yellow jacket again, took out the predator mask, turned it into a mask and put it on!

"Okay! Go on, my food delivery career!"


Bike, go away in an instant!

"Huh! Count him acquainted!"

Seeing Jiang Fan leaving, Ma Desheng suddenly let out a cold snort!

Tang Zhiyuan looked at Ning Changan!

"Ning Dong, what should we do next? Let's fire Jiang Fan directly. If Han Ya asks about it, it's hard to explain!"

"If Han Ya asks, just ask me! Without Xia Fanxing as a backer, she is nothing!"


"Okay, put Jiang Fan's affairs into one piece of material, and the board meeting will be half a month later. At that time, I will completely destroy Xia Fanxing!"


Several people showed a smirk at the same time!

"Didi! You have a new takeaway order!"

Jiang Fan has just delivered his order, and the second order is coming soon!

"Happy! This is life!"

Jiang Fan smiled and ran on the road again!

But when I walked to the central square, a piece of news suddenly appeared!

"... It is reported that the two factions have gradually escalated from the online scolding war. Just this afternoon, a well-known school in Hongzhou City also broke out a large-scale brawl! Stars, forced to pay for crazy fans!"

Jiang Fan was startled!

"Wow! Amazing! What two fresh meats are they? Tsk tsk, they can actually make college students fight!"

Thinking that passersby heard Jiang Fan's words, they suddenly shook their heads!

"No, it's the dispute between Fan Jigan's dead ladyboy and the takeaway star!"


"Why are you so surprised? You are also a takeaway. Don't you know what Takeaway Star and Fan Ji did?"

"That dead ladyboy provokes the takeaway star, and he gets kicked back. It's so pleasing!"

"After that, his navy began to attack the takeaway star, but our fans of the takeaway star are not vegetarian!"

"Shoot, who is afraid of whom!"

On the Hongzhou side, it was probably the dead ladyboy who lost, the first move!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

Especially, after that day, unexpectedly, there are still these broken things!

I opened the mobile news and saw that there were all kinds of posts about myself and Fan Jigan!

"The takeaway star is the pure man! Fan Ji kills the ladyboy! Get out of the entertainment circle!"

"The side face is against the sky, Fan Jigan is over! The real peerless beauty-the takeaway star!"

"The takeaway dared to fight for a brother? Fan Jiqian expressed disdain!"

"The realistic version of Peerless Shuangjue, Fan Jiqian and the takeaway star are better or worse!"

"It's in your body, it hurts in my heart! Fan Yuxing's stubborn essay!"

"Seeking Fan Xing fit picture!"

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