God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1582: This is not where you should be

Jiang Fan still doesn't give up!

"Professors, you are talking about the Suruga country ruins, there is no other value?"

"Ha ha……"

Professor Zhong laughed.

Hojo Kodera took the initiative to speak:

"Young man, Dongying is different from your Huaxia. Since ancient times, it has been barren and everything is hard-won!"

"For the ancients of Dongying, even if it is a bowl, it must be cherished!"

"Because of this, we Dongying only have artifact worship! Believe in the spirit of all things!"

"Just like the eight million gods in our myths and legends, among them there are actually umbrellas!"

"So, this Suruga country site is very valuable from the academic point of view of Dongying!"

"But from the point of view of the value of the artifacts, I am afraid that even if we can find anything, the entire site combined, I am afraid that it is not as precious as any of China's random antiques!"

This old man can talk.

Jiang Fan was unhappy!

I thought I could make some extra money, but after a long time, this Suruga country is so poor!

For Jiang Fan, if he didn't take advantage, it would be a loss!

That's it!

Who would have thought that these old academic purposes were so simple!

As for some other things that may exist in it, let's just wait for Professor Zhong to take out and talk about it!

Jiang Fan winked at Curtis!

Curtiston opened his mouth:

"Xiao Jiang! Well, since several professors want to leave, it's better to send them back first!"


As Jiang Fan said, he was about to leave with a few people!

But the moment he turned around!

"Hee hee hee……"

That creepy laughter, unexpectedly sounded again!

"Damn! You're not done yet!"

Jiang Fan is very angry now because he didn't take advantage of it!

These resentful spirits dared to come out and scream, they are simply looking for death!

Just as Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce, his left hand stretched out, his **** and ring finger interlocked with his thumb, directly showing the most basic Dow Fingering Seal!

Then suddenly he let out a low drink!


For a moment!

"Boom boom boom boom!!"

Within a hundred meters of the surrounding area, countless hidden wraith spirits screamed with piercing horror, all burst into black smoke!

Even Sadako couldn't help but tremble!

Although Jiang Fan only got the scrap copy of "The Secret Technique of Maoshan Heavenly Master" given by the Jiu Shu, this thing is used with Chunyang Zhenqi to kill resentful spirits, just like cutting melons and vegetables!

The only drawback is that it is useless for living things!

Professor Zhong looked stunned!


"Tianshi means!"

"Unexpectedly, Huaxia still has genuine Taoist priests!"

"No wonder Professor Curtis dared to come here!"

"There is such an expert around, and the world is so big, you can go!"

Hojo High Temple looked at Jiang Fan with a face full of admiration!

"Brother, here, is this the Huaxia Dao Fa? It's amazing!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly:

"It's just fur! It's nothing!"

Not only great, but also so humble!

What a gentle, handsome guy!

Several people admired!

After getting these resentful spirits, the surrounding breath is faintly refreshing!

"Let's go!"

Jiang Fan finally got a bad breath, and immediately led everyone out of the sea of ​​trees!

Just now everyone entered the sea of ​​trees, and the smell has been left along the way!

As long as Jiang Fan walks away with the smell, it is not difficult to get out!

But at this moment!


The ground trembled faintly!

"No! It's an earthquake!"

Hojo Kodera suddenly exclaimed!

However, apart from him, Professor Zhong and Qin Lebang, everyone else suddenly turned around and stared behind them firmly!

At a location quite far away from everyone, an extremely powerful aura broke out!

And as soon as that aura appeared, it was like running into thunder, rushing towards everyone frantically!

"Take the three of them and leave here now!"

Jiang Fan pointed to the north and said flatly!

That breath is quite strong, if you fight against each other, you should have no problem here, I am afraid that it will affect Professor Zhong and them!

I haven't asked any clues to repair snakes yet, so I can't let them die!

And the side he was referring to was outside the barrier where the power was suppressed!

As long as he stepped out of the enchantment, Christine himself, who had recovered his strength, could take everyone out!


Kirra Hasegawa and the others agreed, grabbed Professor Zhong and the three of them, rushed out of the barrier!

But Jiang Fan stood motionless in place!

Like a rock, just waiting for the breath to come!

At first sight, that breath was less than a few hundred meters away from Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly fierce, and his whole body has entered a state of charge in an instant!

But at this moment!

That breath suddenly stopped!

Then, he actually gradually started to retreat!

Everyone was taken aback!

But Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly!

Take a step forward suddenly!

The master of that breath seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and he was actually set in place!

Separated by this dense forest of several hundred meters, the two sides have entered a state of confrontation!

After a long time!

A gloomy male voice suddenly sounded!

"Never come again! This is not a place you can enter!"

After saying this, the aura seemed to ebb, disappearing in an instant, and gradually disappearing!

Jiang Fan was a little surprised!

Because the guy who spoke just now is actually a human!

There are people living in the sea of ​​trees?

Who is the other party?

But now is obviously not the time to consider this matter!

Jiang Fan saw that he was not far from him, and Christine and the others had already strayed away!

It seems that even if they point out the direction, these people can't go out without themselves!

Shaking his head, Jiang Fan finally left Shuhai with a group of people!

Just stepping out, everyone suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!

"It's finally out!"

"This ghost place!"

"Obviously this forest is not big, why is it so weird!"

"Stop talking, quickly find a place to have a drink and be shocked!"

The crowd is babbling!

Especially Qin Lebang, he has to drink when he speaks!

But at this moment, Professor Zhong suddenly walked towards Jiang Fan!

"Mr. Jiang, you saved our life, why don't you have a drink with us?"

The old man is a sensible person. Just when Jiang Fan asked them to take them away, he had already seen that Jiang Fan was probably the true master of this team!

"Alright! Speaking of which, I still have something to ask you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Professor Zhong was taken aback, then he laughed immediately:

"That's right! Yoshida has a nice izakaya here, let's drink and talk!"


Soon, Hasegawa's contact person sent another car, and a group of people went directly to the izakaya where Professor Zhong and three were drinking yesterday!

In Dongying, izakaya is just a general term, and it is also called "red lantern" because lanterns are usually hung at the entrance of such shops as a signboard.

And according to the ingredients they provide, the name is not the same. It is related to tofu restaurants, yakitori shops, small restaurants, beer shops, and so on!

However, as time passed, the boundaries between these stores became less obvious.

As soon as a group of people walked in, they attracted everyone's attention!

Even a few cute Dongying girls almost missed Jiang Fan's eyes!

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