Facing the roar of this strange head, Jiang Fan sneered directly!

Raise your right hand, slap on this head!


A loud noise!

The two white eyes of this head almost didn't burst out!

That mouthful of sharp teeth even dropped to the ground!

Everyone was stunned!

This Nima is too strong!

Even the special monsters can't be drawn by mistake!

The head was completely beaten!

Looking at Jiang Fan with a slumped mouth!

"You, how dare you hit me?"

"How did you hit you? A mere eighth-level resentful spirit really treats himself as a dish?"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!


The monster was furious, suddenly roared, and rushed to Jiang Fan's neck!

It's a pity that he just moved, and an extremely terrifying force field of true energy has already pressed it to the spot!

"Grandmaster?! No, it's impossible!"

The monster screamed suddenly!

The next moment, he was struggling desperately, and he was about to flee back into Hirota Shiro's body!

It's a pity that, by virtue of its strength, wanting to break through Jiang Fan's true strength field is simply idiotic!

And Jiang Fan was already throwing it up with a big mouth!


One eye of this monster was directly convulsed by Jiang Fan!


The monster screamed suddenly!

And Jiang Fan had already said gloomily:

"Explain your origins clearly, otherwise I will let you go away now!"

"I, I said, I said!"

The monster is completely honest!

"I, I am the Hundred Years Wraith Spirit in the Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees..."


Jiang Fan actually slapped it up again!


The monster was beaten and screamed again!

But Jiang Fan said viciously:

"The resentful spirit is tangible and innocent. Although you have a lot of resentment, this head is really condensed by flesh and blood!"

"This is not your body, what the **** are you!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, everyone was taken aback!

The monster also trembled, using the remaining eye to look at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

After a long time!

It suddenly smiled:

"It was discovered by you!"

"Indeed, I am not a resentful spirit!"

"I wanted to keep this puppet, but now it seems that there is no hope!"

"Human! Pray! You better not let me meet! Otherwise--"

"Otherwise your uncle!"

Before the monster had finished speaking, Jiang Fan squeezed its head!

"Hey! Wait! You, what are you going to do!"

The monster panicked!

"Don't do it! Seeing that you like pretending so much, I'll go find a heifer now and stuff it in for you!"

"You, what are you kidding?"

"I never make a joke!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"And it's not just fortresses! Lao Tzu will also post your photos on the Internet, so that all mankind will bathe in your pretense light!"

Seeing that Jiang Fan didn't mean to be joking at all, the monster panicked!

"Stop! Stop! This, there is no cow here!"

"Hasegawa! Go get a cow right away!"


Hasegawa promised and directly picked up the phone and ordered!

The monster is completely stunned!

"Human! Yes, there is something to discuss!"

"Consult your uncle! I'll tell you! This is awesome today, you have to pretend if you don't pretend it!"

"Wait! As long as you, you let me go, I can assume that nothing happened!"

"It's a pity! The facts have happened! Now, either pretend to be forced or tell me your origins!"

Everyone was stunned!

Too sturdy!

This is so cruel!

Do not!

It's like a wolf extinction!

The monster trembled!

If Jiang Fan really did that, it would be considered useless in its entire life!

It will definitely be the laughing stock of everyone!

"I, I said! But, can't be here!"

"Yes! Retract first!"

Following Jiang Fan's speech, this head suddenly became sullen and shrank back to Hirota Shiro's mouth!

It's just that Shiro Hirota at this moment is already dead!

His body is completely controlled by this monster!

Jiang Fan directly asked for a private room and walked in with Shiro Hirota!

And as everyone entered, Curtis even deployed the next silent spell!


Throwing Hirota Shiro to the ground, Jiang Fan spoke coldly!

"Say it!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

The monster also didn't show up, and directly spoke with Hirota Shiro's body:

"I, I'm actually a god!"


Everyone was taken aback!

Then they all laughed!

Professor Zhong shook his head again and again!

"We are doing archeology, but we have encountered some strange things!"

"But today this one is really...hahaha!"

"God? Just you?"

"Straight out of people's throat, what kind of **** are you? The **** of throat?"

Several old men laughed!

They are originally atheists. Although they know that there are many people with supernatural abilities in this world, they would rather believe that it is a genetic mutation!

Curtis and several people are even more mocking!

God, they have actually seen it!

Christine also drank a bottle of Pan's blood!

Moreover, before their eyes, Jiang Fan had killed one by himself!

Although the opponent is just a pseudo-god, his strength is by no means comparable to the monster in front of him!

And Jiang Fan just sneered!

"You are worthy of being called a god?"

The blood of the gods can be sold for money, and I have pinched the head of the goods, and the system has not given the slightest hint at all!

This can only show that the other party is lying!

Seeing a group of people laughing at themselves, this monster was furious!

"Bastard! You, you untouchables! How dare to be like this with me—"

This guy didn't finish speaking, but suddenly saw Jiang Fan's cold eyes!

Suddenly, he was shocked directly!

Opening with a smile on his face:

"I, I'm really a god! But, I, I'm a wild god..."

"Wild God?!"

Kirara Hasegawa was taken aback!

Professor Zhong also exclaimed!

"You all know?"

Jiang Fan looked curious.

Hasegawa and Professor Zhong looked at each other, and finally Hojo Koji took the initiative to speak:

"Mr. Jiang, this so-called desolate **** is a panic god!"

"You know that Dongying has artifacts to worship, and not only artifacts, no matter people, ghosts, demons, or even natural phenomena, as long as they receive worship and sacrifices, they can become gods!"

"And the wild gods are those who were sacrificed by a small number of people, thus possessing divine nature, the collective name for all objects!"

"In the history of Toyo, since the first emperor, Emperor Jinmu, the boundary between man and **** is no longer obvious!"

"It is said that Emperor Shenwu encountered many desolate gods during the Eastern Expedition!"

"And when Dongying Wuzun Wa Jian ordered to fight Dongying, he killed a lot of wild gods!"

"However, this is all a legend after all. This thing, I guess, Shiro Hirota was infected by some kind of parasitic fungus or virus in the sea of ​​trees!"

"I personally suggest that we might as well send him to the hospital or research institute!"

"My friends are from Edo Medical University!"

"I think that if this monster can be thoroughly studied, it is likely to have a miraculous effect in overcoming mental illness or Alzheimer's disease!"

I just received a call and my mother-in-law is in hospital. I don’t know if I can continue to change the changes at night. I’m sorry everyone, there will be ten changes this month, which is a compensation for everyone!

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