Jiang Fan was startled!

I vaguely remembered it!

There are countless Toyo Shrines, but all the main shrines recognized by the shrines are Ise Jingu!

The status of this shrine in Dongying is like the Shaolin Temple in martial arts novels!

And the one enshrined in it is the famous Amaterasu God!

The demons in the sea of ​​trees are actually related to Ise Jingu, so what is suppressed there is definitely not simple!

"Interesting! Since Ise Jingu can cooperate with them, it seems that the suppression below is really good!"

"If I can get this stuff out..."

Jiang Fan's face is greedy!

Seeing Jiang Fan's expression, Hasegawa and Kameda immediately shuddered!

The two of them turned pale, and suddenly screamed!

"My lord, don't be impulsive!"

"Ise Jingu is definitely not that simple!"

"Many people think that Ise Jingu is just a false name, but their true strength is beyond imagination!"

"The tens of thousands of shrines in Dongying are mostly their people!"

"And I have seen a priest take action many years ago!"

"The opponent is obviously an ordinary person, but he can actually use his divine power to directly beat a tenth-level kendo master into flying ash!"

"And this priest is just a middle-level man!"

"A You Yidu is so strong, not to mention that there are even stronger young palaces, grand palaces, and even the strongest... the priest!"

"My lord! Since this matter has something to do with Ise Jingu, you, you must be careful!"

Both Hasegawa looked at Jiang Fan nervously!

After all, the strength of Ise Jingu in Toyo is too strong!

Even if they are Iga-ryu, I'm afraid it's worse than that!

Jiang Fan dared to fight their ideas, he was crazy!

However, Jiang Fan seemed to have heard the words of the two at all, just narrowed his eyes!

"Ise Jingu, it seems to be in... Mie Prefecture?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"Yes it is!"

Hasegawa hurriedly spoke!

"Iga-ryu, you are in Mie Prefecture, right?"

Jiang Fan continued to ask.


The expressions of Hasegawa and Kazuo Kameda changed!

The two looked at each other and Hasegawa spoke hurriedly!

"My lord, although our Igaryu's residence is not far from the shrine, we have never had much intersection with the shrine!"

"Yes, sir! You should know that whether we are Iga-ryu or Koga-ryu, we served the generals during the shogunate period!"

"And the general has always regarded the Emperor as a puppet!"

"The shrine has always served only the emperor!"

"So although we are not enemies, we never talk about friends!"

Kazuo Kameda also hurriedly explained!

Jiang Fan couldn't help laughing!

"You two think too much. What I want to say is that I seem to understand why you masters of Iga-ryu and Koga-ryu are so taboo to enter the sea of ​​trees!"


The two were taken aback!

But Jiang Fan smiled:

"Think about it, those suppressed there must be enemies of Ise Jingu!"

"And you Igaryu and others are the opponents of the shrine. If your people go in, don't you make the shrine suspect that you have an affair with their enemies?"

"All this should be to avoid suspicion!"

"In other words, the current principal of Igaryu, Masharu Hattori, I am afraid he knows something!"

"Since you don't let me attack Ise Jingu, let's use Masharu Hattori as a breakthrough point!"

The two finally breathed a sigh of relief!

"It's easy! The thing that Masharu Hattori knows, Granny Qiandao should also know a lot!"

"My lord! Don't be impulsive! I'm going to contact Mother Qiandao!"

Hasegawa said, he must take out his phone!

"Wait! Just ask, just in case..."

Christine hurriedly spoke!


"It doesn't matter! I was raised by mother-in-law Qiandao. If there is another person in this world that I can trust, she is the only one!"

Hasegawa said hurriedly, but after finishing speaking, she suddenly looked at Jiang Fan a little nervously:

"My lord, I didn't mean that..."

"It's okay, I like frank people, that old woman, she's really nice!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Then look directly at Sadako!

"Twist the memory of the three of them!"

What Jiang Fan said was the three of Hojo Temple!

Sadako nodded and looked directly at the three of them!

"look at me!"

The three of them were already shocked by the news!

At this moment, I heard Sadako speak, and immediately looked at her at the same time!

next moment!


A white light flashed in Sadako's eyes!

The three of Hojo Kosi suddenly seemed to have drunk too much, and they directly showed a smirk!

And Jiang Fan has already looked at the God of Bow Shot Mountain!

Gong She Shan Shen shuddered suddenly and knelt down with a "plop"!

"My lord! I, I know, I said it all!"

"I know! So, you can go to death!"


Jiang Fan snapped his fingers suddenly!

next moment!


The whole body of Gong She Shan Shen suddenly exploded into dust in the sky!

And a whirlwind suddenly appeared, and directly swept the dust out along the cracks in the ground!

At the same time, in the distant sea of ​​trees, there was a sudden roar!

"Bastard! Who is it!"

"Dare to annihilate my clone!"

"Damn it! You better pray, don't let me meet you forever!"

This sound was made by a black rabbit that was bigger than a wild boar!

But this rabbit is full of fangs!

And beside it, there was a torn apart human corpse that had been eaten!

This rabbit is the God of Bow Shooting Mountain!

It just shivered suddenly after it finished shouting!

Throwing his legs into a crypt not far away!

And just after it disappeared, a man suddenly appeared in the distance like a sharp arrow!

This man is wearing a white kimono and long hair cape. He is obviously a man, but his whole body is full of enchanting smell!

He first covered his nose, looked at the corpse on the ground coldly, and then looked at the crypt that Gongshe Mountain God had just rushed into!

"Huh! It's fast! Baby, it seems that I can't give you a snack tonight!"

This person's voice is actually full of the smell of a girl!

And along with his opening, there was a charming female voice on the back of his head!

"It doesn't matter, I seem to smell a living person!"


The man was taken aback!

next moment!

Several complaining voices of men and women faintly sounded in the distance!

"Obviously, I just left with some souvenirs!"

"I blame you! I have to come in and have a look!"

"Now I'm completely lost! I can't get through the phone! What should I do?"


"Hee hee hee!"

Hearing these voices, the man smiled weirdly, and rushed to the direction of the sound!


"who are you?"

"Wow! Little brother is so handsome!"

"Help us!"


"Wait! What are you doing!"

"My God! Monster!!"

"Help!! Jamaica is falling! Don't come here!!"


"Crack! Click!"


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