"I played against him first!"

Wukong squeezed his fist!


Jiang Fan casually agreed, and suddenly asked:

"Is your Dragon Ball Tracker still there?"

"Oh! Here!"

As Wukong said, he had directly pulled out a small instrument!

As he pressed the button, seven light spots appeared directly on it!

It's just that five of the light spots are in one position, and the other two light spots are in one position!

At this moment, the two light spots are moving quickly toward the five light spots!

"Oh? How could this be?"

Wukong looked surprised!

And Jiang Fan already understands!

In the original plot, Guixianren, Tianjin Fan and others gathered five dragon **** to lure the Great Demon King Piccolo to come!

And Immortal Turtle’s trump card is the trick that once sealed Piccolo-Mo Fengbo!

He wants to use the magic seal wave to seal Piccolo again!

It's just that he not only failed, but the dumplings were also dead!

"The two light spots belong to Piccolo. He is now rushing to Immortal Turtle. We have to hurry up!"

Jiang Fan murmured!

"But we are hundreds of kilometers away from there! Big Devil Piccolo must be there before us! It's too late!"

Yaqilobei hurriedly spoke!

"It's too late!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and suddenly made a move with his right hand!


The iron-blooded spacecraft suddenly appeared!

"Wow! This, this is a spaceship?"

Both Yaqilobe and Goku were stunned!

And Jiang Fan had already mentioned the two and boarded the spaceship directly!

Accompanied by a roar, the iron-blooded spacecraft has passed away in a flash!

Hundreds of kilometers away!

In a huge stone forest!

At this moment, three people are standing!

One of them, a thin and small old man with a white beard, is the immortal turtle!

Opposite him, there is a strong young man with three eyes, and a short boy!

These two people are Tianjin rice and dumplings!

Immortal Turtle now has a serious face:

"Everything is as we just said. Once the Big Demon King Piccolo arrives, we will use the Shenlong to kill him when he is summoned!"


Tianjin rice and dumplings nodded at the same time!

"Very good! Now, hide them all!"


Soon, the three of them found a cave to hide!

But for a moment!

A huge flying machine has arrived over this stone forest!

Immediately afterwards, on the spacecraft's rooftop, an old man who was covered in green and looked terrifying had slowly walked out!

And beside him, there was a strange bird monster, and the three people of chowder!

"Respected Great Demon King, Dragon Ball must be here, but I can't seem to see it?"

Chowder looked at the old man flatteringly!

This old man is the Demon King Piccolo!


Bick smiled coldly:

"Hidden by the other party, they want my two dragon balls! But...hehehe!"

Piccolo smiled insidiously, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed two dragon **** directly into his stomach!


The Turtle Immortals who secretly looked upwards in the stone forest below were directly stunned!


"Dragon Ball was actually swallowed by this monster!"

"It seems that our plan is impossible to realize!"

"Only hit him!"

Tianjin Fan immediately took off the vest, revealing the strong tendon meat!

"Just to my liking! Then be tough!"

But just as he took off his vest, Immortal Turtle actually took out a bottle of spray and sprayed him directly!

"Teacher Wu Tian! What are you doing..."

Tianjin Fan was taken aback!

And the next moment, his feet suddenly softened, and he collapsed to the ground weakly!

"Sorry Tianjin Fan! Wukong is also dead, now only you have hope to defeat Piccolo!"

"Today, let me go!"

The turtle fairy said, already looking at the dumplings!

"Dumplings, no matter what, they are not allowed to come out!"


The IQ of the dumplings is not high. Hearing the words of the immortal turtle, he nodded immediately!

And the turtle fairy took a deep breath and finally walked out!

He walked to the place where the dragon ball was buried, and then stared at Piccolo on the aircraft!

Then, there was a sudden roar!

"Bick! Come down! Dragon Ball is in my hands! Beat me! Dragon Ball is yours!"

"Ha ha……"

Piccolo looked at the turtle fairy with a sneer on his face!

"Knowing that it is me, I dare to challenge! What a stupid thing!"

As his voice fell, the whole person jumped down directly from the aircraft!

At this moment, the gap between the aircraft and the ground is more than one hundred meters!

But when Piccolo fell to the ground, he didn't even splash any dust!

The corner of Guixianren's eyes jumped!

The strength of this Piccolo is even stronger than he thought!

"Old guy, go ahead, how do you want to die?"

Piccolo grinned!

And Guixianren also sneered!

"Bick, we've seen it before!"

"what did you say?"

Piccolo was taken aback!

"We have met! Back then, my teacher and I fought with you together!"

"My teacher's name, you should be familiar with it!"

"His name is... Wu Taidou!"


Piccolo's eyes widened suddenly!

A layer of goose bumps appeared on the skin!

Back then, he was sealed by Wu Taidou!

At this moment, the turtle fairy took out a capsule and threw it directly on the ground!


When the capsule landed, it turned into an electric rice cooker!

And on the rice cooker, there was still a piece of yellowed talisman paper!


Piccolo screamed suddenly, turned and ran!

However, Immortal Turtle suddenly yelled, and his hands were suddenly aimed at Piccolo!

"Magic Fengbo!!"

In an instant, a black hole appeared in the hands of Immortal Turtle!

Actually bound Bick in mid-air firmly in place!

Moreover, he is still dragging him into the rice cooker!

This hand is the one who once sealed Piccolo, Mo Fengbo!

"no, do not want!!"

Piccolo suddenly let out a scream of desperation!

And at this moment!

"Let go, you will die!"

A gentle male voice suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, Mo Fengbo's terrifying suction was directly interrupted by an inexplicable force!


Immortal Turtle sat down on the ground, his eyes full of disbelief!

Mo Fengbo was interrupted by someone?

And Piccolo fell to the ground!

But his face was full of ecstasy!

"Hahaha! Great! I didn't get sucked in!"

"Who is it? Who is helping me?"

"For you to be so sensible, I can make you my first slave!"


Bikhaha laughed!


Immediately, he couldn't laugh anymore!

Just above the crowd, a spaceship full of alien styles, I don't know when, it has stopped steadily!

Immediately afterwards, the spaceship suddenly disappeared like a bubble!

And there has been a tall, handsome man in the same place!

Jiang Fan!

And Wukong and Yaqi Luobei are being held in his hands one by one at the moment!

As soon as I saw Jiang Fan, Piccolo's big green face, the color almost turned black!

The little eyes are full of unspeakable panic!

Although Jiang Fan was just floating there, the faint of breath he inadvertently released completely shocked Piccolo!

Except for his other half, Piccolo has never seen such a strong person in his entire life!

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