God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1592: The most economical pedigree in history

Piccolo was stunned!

And the next moment!

Along with an inexplicable storm, the smoke on the court has completely dissipated!

I saw that within a few hundred meters nearby, it was burned into a piece of scorched earth!

Large tracts of colored glaze appeared on some ground!

But within a few tens of meters of Jiang Fan's side, he was completely intact!

Just now, Jiang Fan was only exaggerating, completely blocking this terrifying blow!

Moreover, he took advantage of the storm to get everyone behind him!

"No, it's impossible!"

"The power of my move is definitely not something human can contend for!"

"You, how can you be okay!"

Bick's face is unbelievable!

However, Jiang Fan sneered!

"It's a pity, it turns out that you only have level 15 power, and you don't even know how to attack!"

"Point to face attack?"

Piccolo was taken aback!

"Not bad!"

Jiang Fan nodded, suddenly raised his hand and aimed at his side!

Immediately afterwards, I saw him suddenly vomit!

next moment!


The fierce and nonchalant pure Yang Qi Jin, combined with the physical power that exceeded the limit, formed a fan-shaped Qi Jin directly beside Jiang Fan's body!

Along the way, no matter the rocks, trees, or even a hill tens of meters high, they were all completely blasted!

The destructive power that Jiang Fan exploded with this casual blow was more than ten times more powerful than Piccolo's burst magic light cannon!

Piccolo was stunned!

The others were even more stunned!

I can't believe my eyes!

And Jiang Fan closed his hand, and then looked at Piccolo with a smile!

"This method of forcibly exploding all the energy at once to increase the attack power is really simple!"

"But this is stupid!"

"Not only is the preparation time extremely long, but the increased attack power is really limited!"

"Except for wasting energy and leaving holes for the enemy, it is basically useless!"

"In my cognition, this will only happen if the injury is too serious, or the force that I can't control erupts!"

"This kind of face-to-face attack, tell your offspring, don't use it!"

Bick was stunned!


At this moment, his self-esteem as the great devil seemed to have received ten thousand critical strikes!

"Asshole! Don't be proud of you! I have stronger moves!"

"I know, it seems to be called a violent magic wave? This trick is indeed more powerful and more destructive!"

Jiang Fan nodded, then sneered:

"But believe it or not? When you launch this trick, I can kill you a hundred times in a row!"


Everyone was stunned!

Piccolo trembled even more!

However, he immediately looked hideous!

"Nonsense! I don't believe it!"

Piccolo suddenly rose to the sky!

Suddenly raise your hands!

A dazzling light appeared all over the body!

"Go to hell! Violent demon--"


At the moment when Piccolo's body was most radiant, Jiang Fan flicked his finger!

A silver sword gas soared into the sky!

It pierced Piccolo's chest in an instant!

Piccolo trembled!

Looking at Jiang Fan with unbelievable eyes!


He actually killed himself!

"Hehehe, you are really amazing! However, the Demon Race will not die!"

Piccolo suddenly opened his mouth, and then!


He actually spat out a huge egg!

Then, he sprayed the egg directly into the distance!

"Son, you must give me revenge!"

"Also, remember! This magic wave of violence, in the future... don't use it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Piccolo's whole body trembled suddenly!



He actually exploded directly into a cloud of black smoke!

Everyone was stunned!

Piccolo, dead?

Was it so easy to be slaughtered by Jiang Fan?

too strong!

Jiang Fan at this moment is definitely the strongest on the surface!

But the risotto and others, all have their faces dull!


Bick was released by them!

Now that Piccolo is finished, they are the unfortunate one!


Chowder shouted directly!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan doesn't need to do anything about these things!

Wukong directly sent a low-powered turtle style qigong, and they could do it!

At the same time, the system prompt also sounded directly!

"Ding! Successfully killed Piccolo! Congratulations to the host for gaining the blood of the Namek Star (lower)!"

"Ding! This takeaway task has been completed. You have 30 minutes to stay. You can choose to return automatically or return automatically after the time is over!"


Jiang Fan's expression moved!

After completing the compass task, he can still stay for half an hour!

Maybe this can be used in the future!

However, this world has no value for continuing to stay!

"Everyone! Goodbye!"

"Goku, if you have trouble in the future, don't forget to order my takeaway!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand directly!



With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 3617 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining the worship of Wukong-Turtle Qigong!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining the gratitude of the Turtle Immortal——Magic Rice Cooker!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the worship of Tianjin Fan-Sun Fist!"


Did Tianjin Fan actually give it a reward?

However, Jiang Fan's surprise was not over yet, and the system unexpectedly sounded another reminder!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing Big Demon King Piccolo! Successfully obtained..."

Jiang Fan was taken aback!

Hasn't it been a blast to kill Piccolo by himself?

How come there are rewards?

But he understood right away!

The pedigree refers to the instruction reward given by the compass!

And now this is a kill reward!

The two are not in conflict!

In an instant, Jiang Fan's ears were straight up!

"...Successfully obtained-spawning card!"

I wipe...

Listening to the name of this thing, it has a strong beast style!

However, it is worthy of a high-dimensional world!

The reward this time is really generous!

Jiang Fan couldn't wait to take out his blood first!

The blood of the Namek is a tube of purple blood in a syringe!

Namekian blood (lower): Gold rank (bad)!

Remarks: Injecting this bloodline will instantly increase one hundred years of life! And has the ability to rebirth from a severed limb, five senses, to become huge, to stretch the limbs, to control light weight, and to change clothes!

Tip: Injecting this bloodline will eliminate the need for additional energy intake. As long as you drink 50ml of clean water every day, you can maintain your life!

Damn it!

Jiang Fan was immediately moved!

This is simply the most money-saving pedigree in the world!

No need to eat, 50 ml of water per day is enough!

How much money will you save this month?

The key is, how much trouble is saved!

With it, there is no need to prepare the kitchen at home!

No more cooking, washing dishes, and shopping!

It's simply the ability of a dream!

Carefully putting away the pedigree, Jiang Fan finally looked at the rewards from Wukong and others!

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