"Idiot! You know you dare to say it!"

Mother Qiandao is in a hurry!

Just grab Hasegawa!

"Go with me right away! Otherwise, when that one arrives, you will all be buried with Jiang Fan!"

"What's the hurry? Isn't it the fate of Tianerwu?"

Jiang Fan sneered!

And Qiandao mother-in-law, her mouth widened for an instant, it was bigger than a hippopotamus!

"Fuck?! You know that!"

After the old lady said this sentence, she immediately covered her mouth!

not good!

It's too gaffe!

She has a gloomy face!

"Jiang Fan! You lunatic! Since you know everything, what are you going to do!"

"Don't do anything, I just want to tell you that the one who called Tianerwu's life has been killed by me!"


Granny Qiandao was taken aback!

Immediately afterwards, her eyes almost stared out, and she suddenly screamed:

"what did you say?!"

Jiang Fan was too lazy to talk nonsense, and turned his right hand!

Suddenly, a golden bell suddenly appeared in his hand!

"This is—the divination bell!"

Mother Qiandao screamed, her feet were soft, and she almost fainted!


Hasegawa and Kazuo Kameda exclaimed, and immediately held her to her!

The old lady was pale and trembling all over!

She pointed to Jiang Fan tremblingly:

"You, you... you really, killed him..."

Thousand Island is all in a bad shape now!

There is only one Divination Bell in the world, and many years ago, she was fortunate enough to meet once, and she would never admit it wrong!

In other words, the fate of Tian'er House was indeed slaughtered by Jiang Fan!

Killing God!

Jiang Fan actually killed a god!

How dare he!

"You, you're really over! Little Qiluo was miserable by you! Do you think it's okay to kill Tianerwu? In this world, Dongying is not only the only one, that god!"

Mother Qiandao wailed, her tears came down!

She has lived a lifetime, enough money!

But Hasegawa is like her granddaughter, the closest person to her in the world!

And now, she is about to be killed by Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"Huh! A pseudo-god, kill it! If there are more, kill it all!"

Qiandao trembled all over!

And Hasegawa and Kazuo Kameda are completely confused!

Both of them looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

It's just that in the shock, there is still a kind of worship that can't be concealed!

Too domineering!

Worthy of being an adult!

Apart from Jiang Fan, no one would dare to speak such bold words!

Qiandao looked at Jiang Fan incredulously!

After a long time, she finally gave a wry smile!

"Crazy! You are crazy..."

"Fine! Anyway, if you take out this bell, you will definitely be sensed!"

"We are all dead!"

Qiandao sighed and touched Hasegawa's cheek lightly.

"Little Qiluo, if I knew, I shouldn't have taken you out, alas! It's all bad for the mother-in-law..."

The old lady's nose sore, tears started to fall!

Jiang Fan rolled his eyes!

"Old lady, take a good feel, this room has been set up with a silent barrier, and this bell has been locked by my breath, no one can find it!"


Thousand Island was taken aback!

Feel it carefully!

Sure enough!


The old lady was full of joy!

However, she immediately looked at Jiang Fan viciously!

"Jiang Fan! I have no grievances with you, but this time, you played too much!"

"For the sake of Xiaoqiluo, I can only kill you! Then take this bell and go to Ise Shrine to apologize for death!"

"Although you and I are all going to die, little Qiluo still has a chance to survive!"

"Jiang Fan, don't blame me!"

The old lady couldn't take care of anything for Hasegawa, and with a move with her right hand, she had to attack Jiang Fan!

It's just that she just raised her hand, but the whole body is stiff!

He didn't even dare to move half of his finger!

"You, what did you do to me?"

Qiandao was shocked!

However, Jiang Fan smiled softly!

"I didn't do anything, it was just my own instinct! Your body is telling you that if you shoot, you will die!"

"Impossible! You, you are only level fourteen..."

Thousand Island's words can't be said anymore!

Because of Jiang Fan, finally let go of a breath!

As soon as he felt this breath, Qiandao almost fell down!

so horrible!

This breath is obviously only fifteenth level, but its powerful fluctuations are hardly below seventeenth level!

In the entire Iga-ryu, except for Hattori Masharu, only two people can reach this level!

This kid, it's only a few days!

He has actually entered the realm of grandmaster!

The key is that the fifteenth level is already so terrifying, then when he reaches the seventeenth level, wouldn't it be...

As Jiang Fan's breath receded, the old lady finally sat down on the chair with Hasegawa's support!

"Mrs. Qiandao, don't be so excited, no one can take away the lives of Hasegawa and Kameda with me!"

Qiandao spent a long time in a daze, and finally sighed helplessly!

"Jiang Fan! The two of them have been subdued by you, right?"

Hasegawa and Kameda look stagnant!

But Jiang Fan nodded:

"Yes! And we have established an organization called Tianxuan. Hasegawa is now the head of East Asia! Tianxuan's status is only under me! If you are interested, you can come to me as an enshrinement!"

"Me? Hehe, I'm old!"

The old lady shook her head and sighed again:

"You young people want to do big things, then just do it! But Jiang Fan, if you dare to treat Xiao Qiluo as a pawn, I will die and I will never let you go!"

Jiang Fan looked straight:

"Don't worry, my Jiang Fan is cruel to the enemy, but I never have the habit of betraying myself!"

"Okay! I hope you do what you say! What do you want to ask me, just ask!"

The old lady completely let go!

"You said before that the gods in Dongying's present world have other people out of their lives, and there seem to be very powerful existences among them. Who are they?"

Qiandao mother-in-law looked stagnant!

After a long time, she slowly spoke:

"Have you heard the myth of Dongying?"

"Have heard a little, not too much."

"Then do you know Tiansun Qiongqiong Chuzun?"

Jiang Fan shook his head.

And Thousand Island finally spoke:

"Qiong Qiong Chuzun, also known as Ernest Yiming, is the grandson of Amaterasu!"

"Back then, when the heavenly grandson descended, Amaterasu asked many of his gods to follow him down to the earth and come to Weiyuan China! This is now Dongying!"

"And there are several gods among them, extremely powerful!"

"They are the divination **** Tianerwu Ming, the flag **** cloth sword jade Ming, the goddess Tianyu betrayed his life, the mirror **** Isxulidu betrayed his life, the jade **** Yuzu Ming, the food-preserving **** Dengyou Yuqi, the Hercules God Tianshou Linan, and The unparalleled thinking **** of wisdom!"

"In addition, Tiansun himself has two powerful generals and gods, Tian Ren Ri Ming, Tianjin Jiumi Ming!"

"However, there were countless Chinese desolate gods in Weiyuan at the time, and there were still many remnants of the gods of the country, so many of these gods died in battle!"

"And the three strongest gods who have lived until now are the Hercules God Tianshouman, the mirror **** Isshulidu, and the goddess Tianyu have been sold!"

"However, the Hercules has long since retired, and the Mirror God always protects the emperor. The only one who stays in Ise Jingu is the goddess Tianyu being sold!"

"And she also has a name, called-Female Monarch!"

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