Xin Pingmei 2.0: I am a great girl cartoonist! In order to better walk into the girl's heart, I dress like this...

Remarks: This is a comic book full of *X&#¥, which has unparalleled charm for some characters in Ten Thousand Worlds!


With a critical eye, Jiang Fan flipped two pages at will, his expression suddenly changed!

"Huh! Unreasonable! This... nothing! If it's not a reward, I must burn you!"

Jiang Fan was full of righteous words, carefully, and cherished, put the book directly in the innermost of the backpack!

Next, there is another prop!

Secondly, young people are more happy: if you stay in the house for a long time, you will stay naturally, and you will be cute to the depths! Neuropathic patients think broadly, and the second force young people to be more happy!

Remarks: With this item, the target will surely become the second young man, and there will be a lot of fun!

Jiang Fan was stunned for a long time!

Probably because of the improper relationship in the world of Brother Corpse, the rewards I received were full of improper taste!

But fortunately, there is another silver prize draw!


A silver turntable appeared!

Jiang Fan turned hard!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill-Bound Arrow!"

Bound Arrow: This is from the Perfect Continent, the feather clan ability that is good at bow and arrow!

Note: When the bow and arrow hit the enemy, it will have a restraint effect on the enemy. The stronger the opponent, the shorter the restraint time!

I actually got a rare bow and arrow skill!

However, I don't have a bow!

At the third round, Yunmeng Bow was directly stretched by himself!

Forget it, learn first!

After studying Bound Arrow, Jiang Fan finally left the space!

Returning to the real world, Jiang Fan immediately ran back into the car!



At this moment, Haneda Airport!

With a roar, a private jet from Citigroup has landed steadily at the airport!

The cabin door opened, and Liandel, with a sneer on his face, had already strode off the plane along the gangway!

At this moment, a man had already been waiting under the gangway!

This person is a local snake in Edo, and also an outsider of the Sword of Thorns that Riandel accidentally developed, Kurokawa Kazuma!

"Are you sure where Jiang Fan is?"

Leander spoke slowly.

"I'm sure, it's in a hotel not far from the airport!"

Kurokawa Kazuma speaks respectfully!


Liandel was proud of it!

"Hehe, Jiang Fan, this time, I see where you go!"


He just finished speaking!

"Run? Why should I run?"

With the sound of this voice full of magnetism and mockery, Jiang Fan has slowly walked around from the other side of the plane!

"Jiang Fan?!"

Liander was stunned!

"You, why are you here?"

"Hehe, I knew you were going to kill me, so I sent it here specially, do you believe it?"

Jiang Fan smiled with great joy!

But Liander only felt a chill behind his back!

Thaksin is weird!

Jiang Fan is not only not a fool, but extremely clever!

Obviously he knew he was going to kill him, how could he take the initiative to send it to the door!

what is the problem?

At this moment, I don't know why, facing Jiang Fan, he unexpectedly felt a sense of fear!

"Master Liander, your expression doesn't seem to be very happy!"

Jiang Fan smiled more happily, and even walked to Liander's side!

Leander's eyes twitched!

He wanted to make a move, but he didn't know why, but all his limbs seemed to be paralyzed!

"Master Leander, I've already reached your eyes, don't you want to make a move?"

Jiang Fan actually stretched out a finger and nodded Liander's shoulder!

"Oh shit!!"

Liander suddenly roared, and banged at Jiang Fan with a punch!


How terrifying is a punch at level 15!

It can destroy mountains and collapse mountains!



This punch hit Jiang Fan, but Jiang Fan didn't even move!

Even the ground under your feet is intact!

This can only prove one thing!

All the power of this punch was eaten by Jiang Fan, and there was no leakage!


Liander's eyes widened suddenly!

Simply relying on the physical body to resist a fifteenth-level punch, no one in this world can do it!

Not to mention, Jiang Fan who is less than fifteenth level!

Do not!


I didn't feel the breath of this kid!

From the beginning, I didn't feel it at all!

Fourteenth level, even if it is the fourteenth limit, it is absolutely impossible to hide the breath in front of oneself!

So, in other words, Jiang Fan, this fellow, has reached...

Level 15? !

Do not!

This, how is this possible!

It has been less than a week since he returned to China!

"you you……"

Liander was trembling all over!

Now, he finally understands!

It was not that he had discovered Jiang Fan himself, but Jiang Fan was introducing him to the dead, step by step!

"Understood? It seems that you are not too stupid!"

Jiang Fan smiled and slammed Liandel's fist away, followed by a light hook with his right hand!


The three figures appeared out of thin air, directly surrounding Liandel!

"You, you guys!!!"

Liander looked at the three people who surrounded him, his face was already full of uncontrollable shock!


Three more masters are here!

The key is that he still knows two of them!

That Curtis, the last time we met, was only level twelve!

And Christine, it's only level ten!

In just over half a month, these two people turned out to be masters? !

Jiang Fan, what did Jiang Fan do!

"Master Liander, I believe you must have a lot of confusion. Get on the plane and talk slowly?"

Jiang Fan smiled and waved his hand directly!

Immediately, Sadako's eyes were fierce!

Leander opened his mouth, finally stiffened, and stepped onto the gangway again!

Back inside the plane, Jiang Fan immediately sat on the sofa and picked up a bottle of champagne in the ice bucket!

"Veuve Clicquot Champagne? It seems that you think that to kill me, it should be a very easy thing to do. You even prepared the celebration champagne in advance!


Liandel was stiff now, and he couldn't even speak words at all!

For a long time, he was regarded as a weak ant, and his true identity turned out to be a violent dragon!

Such a shock made him still have a dreaming feeling until now!

Jiang Fan threw the champagne to Christine!

"Open the champagne, drink it slowly, and I have a good chat with this lovely Mr. Liandre!"

"Yes! Your lord!"

Several people sneered and walked directly to the bar not far away!

Liander's body trembled, and finally reacted!

"Jiang Fan! What are you doing!"

"What I want to do, you should be very clear!"


Liander suddenly sneered!

"Inside the sword of thorns, it is absolutely not allowed to attack each other! This is the airport, and there are surveillance everywhere!"

"If you dare to move me, then you are breaking the rules!"

"At that time, even Isaac won't be able to keep you!"


Jiang Fan smiled:

"Obviously you want to kill me before, and I shot you, shouldn't it be regarded as a legitimate defense?"


Leander smiled sadly:

"I did do it to you, but you are fine again!"

"But you are going to hurt me, that's different!"

"And, who said I was going to kill you? Do you have any evidence? I'm just here on vacation!"

Liandel was proud of it!

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