God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 161: Justice will be late and will never be absent

Early in the morning, Ma Desheng stood at the gate of the school, looking at the sunrise, feeling happy, as if he had just finished major health care!

Jiang Fan, a shameless scum who ignores school discipline and school rules! The shame of the Blue Eagle! Finally, get out!

Without this eye-catching bastard, the whole school has become a lot clearer!

Even the air is sweet!

"Hello, Director Ma!"

Teachers and students who came to school greeted Ma Desheng one after another!

"Well, hello!"

Ma Desheng actually smiled in return one by one!

A group of people were stunned!

Fatty Ma, the famous cold-faced wild dog, would actually smile at them?

Could it be that this old guy scored twice and his wife is pregnant with a second child?

However, in this harmonious atmosphere, a gloomy female voice suddenly sounded!

"Director Ma, what's the matter with Teacher Jiang being fired!"

Han Ya, her face is frosty!


"Ms. Jiang was fired?"

"How is this going?"

"It's obviously Fatty Ma avenging his personal revenge!"

"I don't think it is necessarily! Fatty Ma must have taken advantage of Yue Yang's people!"

"Those people in the next three classes must be crazy happy!"

A group of teachers and students talked a lot!

Ma Desheng shook his heart!

However, he immediately laughed!

"Assistant Han, this is the case. Jiang Fan has had a very bad influence on Blue Eagle because he has repeatedly violated school rules and regulations, and has fought and fought. Therefore, yesterday, after a discussion by the board of directors, he was expelled!"

"Board of Directors?"

Han Ya's face was gloomy: "I am also one of the directors. Why, I haven't received the notice of the meeting?"

"This one……"

Ma Desheng suddenly panicked! However, he immediately remembered Ning Changan's words!

"Ah! Assistant Han, the specific matters are determined by Ning Dong, you can ask him!"

"Ning Changan?"

A chill flashed in Han Ya's eyes!

Then, there was some helplessness!

Without Xia Fanxing, his own strength could not compete with Ning Changan!

Even if I go, I go in vain! It seemed that I had to wait for Xia Fanxing to return before making a decision!

Seeing Han Ya's helpless look, Ma Desheng immediately felt relieved!

Haha! This little girl! Let you cover Jiang Fan! Deserve it!

Humph! However, you don't have to be disappointed. After half a month, you and Xia Fanxing have to get out together!

At that time, I, Ma Desheng, will be the next principal of Ning Dong's promise!

Ma Desheng was so complacent, even his fat face was red!

Only at this moment!


Seven or eight interview vehicles, unexpectedly, stopped at the gate of Blue Eagle School at the same time!

One of them, unexpectedly, was from the Los Angeles Daily News!

The car door opened, and a glamorous middle-aged man strode out of the car!

And Bai Xiaoyu, the number one entertainment player in Los Angeles, can only follow behind the man!

"Hello, I am the editor-in-chief of the Los Angeles Daily, and my name is Li Zhida!"

Li Zhida was so excited at this moment!

Unexpectedly, the person who got on this news was actually his benefactor!

If Jiang Fan were here, he would definitely recognize him, he was the epilepsy patient Jiang Fan saved when he first got the "Qing Sang Jing First Edition"!

Ma Desheng was stunned!

Los Angeles Daily? Editor-in-chief? What are they doing here?

"Excuse me, Teacher Jiang Fan, are you there?"

Ma Desheng's heart beats!


It must be Jiang Fan this **** who has done something! Maybe he killed someone? That's right! That kid looked like a violent! Let alone murder, maybe it's worse!

fortunately! Blue Eagle has long since broken off with this bastard!

And Han Ya was also confused!

Los Angeles Daily, why do you want to find Jiang Fan?

"Ah! Hello, Editor-in-Chief Li! I am Blue Eagle's teaching director Ma Desheng! Jiang Fan has been expelled by our Blue Eagle because of a serious violation of discipline!"

Ma Desheng looked serious!


Li Zhida was stunned! Then, his face suddenly became gloomy!

He immediately waved his hand gently!

Behind him, a group of reporters and cameramen were immediately ready to set up the interview!

Bai Xiaoyu took a step forward, picked up the Mike, and aimed at Ma Desheng!

"Director Ma, may I ask, what is your reason for expelling Teacher Jiang Fan?"

"Well, it's because of violation of school discipline and school rules!"

"can you give me more detail?"

"Ah! Jiang Fan, who is provoking trouble and violent impulse, not only often uses violent methods on students, but also beats his colleagues, which has a very bad influence! Therefore, after the school and the board of directors decided, we unanimously approved and put him... "

Before he finished speaking, Han Ya had already spoken coldly!

"Director Ma! Your so-called school decision did not inform nor inform President Xia, and the board of directors decided that I, the director, did not receive a notice at all! I emphasize once again, this is invalid!"

Dead woman! Can't you see what is going on now?

"Assistant Han! This was ordered by Dong Ning himself! Ask him if you have something to do!"

"Comrade reporter! Leave this woman alone! What I said is true! Ma Desheng swears that we, Blue Eagle, will never tolerate a black sheep like Jiang Fan!"

Ma Desheng said, spitting, righteous and awe-inspiring!

Then, he looked at Bai Xiaoyu with a worried look: "Comrade reporter, what are you looking for Jiang Fan for? Did he commit a crime? I have long seen that he is a narrow-minded man and is definitely a hidden danger that will retaliate against society! I declare in advance, What he did has absolutely nothing to do with our Blue Eagle!"

Li Zhida's face grew gloomy!

Bai Xiaoyu sneered!

"Director Ma, the reason why we came today is that, on the one hand, the hidden danger in your mouth was that you saved a man who committed suicide by jumping off the building yesterday. On the other hand, he just saved our Li a while ago. Editor-in-chief!"

A group of teachers and students were stunned!

Han Ya's eyes brightened!

Ma Desheng was completely confused!

He stammered and asked, "Jiang Fan, will he save people?"

"Director Ma, are you questioning the authority of our Los Angeles Daily? Or, do you suspect that our editor-in-chief lied?"

Bai Xiaoyu's face suddenly became gloomy!

Li Zhida, but her teacher!

It's the Los Angeles Daily, the double editor of the Los Angeles TV station!

Jiang Fan rescued Li Zhida, not only Li Zhida's benefactor, but also Bai Xiaoyu's benefactor!

Ma Desheng panicked!

For a moment, the fat face was sweating! The nose is almost coming out!

Even at the bladder, it's urinating proudly!

Ruined! I'm doomed!

I, Ma Desheng, will definitely be nailed to the blue eagle's pillar of shame! Never stand up forever!

Do not! No way! I want to use my smart little brain!

Bai Xiaoyu sneered at this moment! Directly, look at the camera!

"Dear viewers, everyone has seen that such a hero who sacrificed himself to save others was said to be the dregs of revenge on society! I don't know how big mistakes Jiang Fan made in Lanying, but he is a person. You will not cheat!"

"Since its inception, Lanying has been known for teaching students in accordance with their aptitude and teaching without distinction! Was rated as one of the best high schools in Los Angeles and even in Luohai Province! However, today, without the knowledge of the principal, the board of directors does not even have any directors. In the case of notification, a good teacher was fired privately, which made us have to doubt the gold content of Blue Eagle!"

"Especially, among these, is it because Teacher Jiang Fan harmed the interests of some people and was framed? We don't know!"

"However, I believe that justice will be late, but it will never be absent!"

"Welcome everyone to watch today's Los Angeles News, follow-up reports, our reporter will continue to follow up!"

After Bai Xiaoyu finished speaking, Li Zhida waved his hand directly!


A group of reporters immediately packed their equipment and prepared to leave!

at this time!

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