"Impossible, Barbara, it cannot be yours!"

Liander stared at Jiang Fan, and suddenly roared!

But Jiang Fan sneered:

"Don't get excited, you are dying anyway, I might as well tell you another secret!"

"Not just Barbara, Abraham, but also mine!"


Liander screamed suddenly!

But Jiang Fan shrugged his shoulders:

"Don't be so surprised. By the way, you were lucky last time in Bermuda!"

"You, you...impossible, impossible..."

The last time I went to the Bermuda Islands to ambush Jiang Fan, only Barbara and Abraham knew about it!

However, Jiang Fan was actually clear!

Are they really Jiang Fan's people!

This, how is this possible!

How did Jiang Fan do it?

You know, they have only been in contact once!

Liander was blinded!

Jiang Fan had already squatted down, and patted Liander's head with one hand!

"Liander, Barbara and Abraham, but your most trusted men!"

"Guess, if I let you go missing for a while, and let the two of them spread a message in the Sword of Thorns, saying that you betrayed Libra, what would happen?"


Liander stared at Jiang Fan, his eyes almost bursting into flames!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan's gaze is like an immortal glacier, and he is not moved at all!

"Liander, you don't need to be angry, let alone angry!"

"If you weren't blind and found the wrong opponent, you wouldn't be where you are today!"

"All of this is your own fault!"

"It's all you, no, self-knowledge!"

Jiang Fan slowly uttered these words with a pity in his eyes and a contemptuous tone!

Liandel trembled all over!

Jiang Fan's words were like a sharp blade, piercing his heart bit by bit!

But Jiang Fan is not enough!

"By the way, I advise you, when you are caught by Libra, it is best not to try to quibble!"

"Although I don't know his identity, but I put myself in the position, he would rather kill the wrong one, and never let it go!"

"And since you are such a loyal person will betray, in order to kill the chickens and monkeys, the methods he used to you, tsk tsk...I am afraid it will be ingenious!"

Jiang Fan's last sentence completely shattered Liander's psychological defense!

"You, you monster! You devil!"

Liander squeezed his fist tightly, his teeth were broken!

But Jiang Fan just smiled:

"Thank you for the compliment! Now, you can choose!"

Liander was trembling, and the sweat on his forehead slipped down like a stream!

at last!

"Heaven, Libra, he is Isaac's enemy!"

In the first sentence, Liandel felt relieved!

In fact, this is also a normal human response!

In psychological games, it is often the most difficult to get the opponent to say the first sentence!

But once the other party utters the first sentence, then the following words will be fully revealed with a mentality of giving up!

Liander is just like that!

"The Sword of Thorns is quite huge. In addition to the current Castle of Thorns, as far as I know, there are two other castles in the world!"

"And one of them is on the horizon!"

"Libra, the master there!"

"But we don't even know his real name!"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly!

That old castle on the Pacific Ocean, as early as the first time he went to the castle of thorns, Jiang Fan knew about it!

At that time, he hooked up with a girl named Alisha in the exchange department. Not only did he know about the existence of the castle on the sea, but he also knew that there was a universal **** blood, which came from there!

It turns out that the owner of that place is Libra!

"how does he look like?"

Jiang Fan asked.

"He is tall and big, he looks like a middle-aged man, but his actual age is definitely not too young!"


As Jiang Fan asked, he picked up the pen and paper on the table and started to draw quickly!

"His face has a bit of Chinese character, his eyes are dark blue, and there is a scar on his left eyebrow..."


"Short red hair and neatly trimmed beard..."

"Iron Man?"

"Well, almost..."

"What about the character?"

"Very cautious, but also very conceited, joy and anger are invisible..."

Jiang Fan kept painting, and soon, he already passed the paper in his hand directly in front of Liander!

"is this correct!"

In the portrait, a man who was exactly the same as the one Liander had described before was already on paper!

However, the image of this man still carries a hint of domineering!


Leander exclaimed directly!

so similar!

It's exactly the same!

Even the eyes full of gloomy birds were almost all portrayed by Jiang Fan!

Liandel never expected that Jiang Fan would have such a hand!

Jiang Fan put away the portrait, nodded in satisfaction, and then continued:

"How is his strength?"

Liander was silent for a moment before speaking:

"I would rather shoot Isaac, never want to face him!"

"He is better than Isaac?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

"No, it's not!"

Liander shook his head, and there was already unconcealable fear in his eyes!

"I'm not saying that Isaac is not strong, but the feeling that Libra gives people, it's terrible!"

"It's the kind that once you dare to be an enemy, you will be completely torn apart and frustrated!"

"Even the soul will be crushed!"

"That kind of fear, you won't understand it if you don't face him!"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, but the corners of his mouth gradually aroused:

"Interesting, but I really want to see him..."

"Now you, when you see him, you will definitely die!"

Liander sneered!

"Not necessarily!"

Jiang Fan was not angry, just smiled!

Liander wanted to ridicule, but when the words came to his lips, he was stunned!

Jiang Fan's eyes are too confident!

He really believes that Libra can't do anything to him!

Damn it!

Where is this guy's self-confidence?

And Jiang Fan has already asked the last question:

"Do you know the power of Libra?"

"Ha ha……"

Liander suddenly laughed!

"This question, you should ask Isaac!"

"All the people who have seen Libra shot have died, except for Isaac!"

Jiang Fan nodded.

Finally stood up satisfied!

"Jiang Fan! Me, what should I do? I betrayed Libra, no one can keep me except Isaac! You, you must help me!"

Liander suddenly panicked!

Until now, the fear after betraying Libra has completely occupied his body and mind!

"Relax, without Isaac, I can also let you avoid Libra!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

"Really, really?"

"Of course! But, are you sure you want me to help you? My method is a bit special!"

"It's okay! As long as I can avoid Libra, anything can be done!"

Leander hurriedly spoke in a tone of ecstasy!

"Okay, then I will satisfy you!"

Jiang Fan smiled, and suddenly stepped on it!


Liander's entire head exploded into flying ash!


With a gentle wave of his hand, Jiang Fan shrugged:

"You beg me, don't thank you!"The latest chapter address of the God-level Ten Thousand Worlds Takeaway: https://www .wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlRead the full text of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www .wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway txt download address: https://www. wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot .com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" notebook below Read the record for the second time (Chapter 1611 Libra), you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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