In a word, the Lord recalled with a face:

"Although the Guojin God Elementary School has absorbed the power of faith for many years, it still has too thin a foundation and impure blood, so it can't be compared to the Gaotianyuan God Element!"

"And at this time, the ancestor of our country Jinshen, Suzhan Mingzun, is in the country of Huangquan!"

"Even if he wants to set foot on earth, he must pay a terrifying price!"

"And if you really pay this price, even if he can get out of the country of Huangquan, he will not be Amaterasu's opponent at all!"

"But Gao Tianyuan's first line is originally a strong, and there are peerless powerhouses like Jianyu Thunder God!"

"So the battle started, it was almost a one-sided situation!"

"And after discovering that we were vulnerable, Gao Tianyuan's first line became more and more distracted!"

"Even the idea that they only wanted to occupy Weiyuan China at the beginning has completely changed!"

"We must completely kill all of us with impure bloodlines!"

"However, just when Jian Yulei wanted to kill my father and brother, God the Father suddenly appeared!"

"It turned out to be the ancestor Suzhan Mingzun, begging the Father to take action and save the God of Guojin!"

"However, although the ancestors and Amaterasu and Yueye Jianzun are both Sangui sons born to God the Father, God the Father has never been happy with the ancestors!"

"It's just a promise to the ancestors to save the lives of Guojinshen!"

"With God the Father's promise, Gao Tianyuan's line had to stop!"

"It's just that Gao Tianyuan and Guojin God have become deadly enemies at this moment. If Guojin God is released, I am afraid that they will come back one day!"

"But you can't kill it. After all, the Father God is famous for his cruelty. If he really disobeys him, then Gao Tianyuan's family will be even more miserable!"

"So Sijinshen suggested that Guojinshen should be completely sealed and suppressed!"

"From then on, Guojin God has been Yongzhen Shuhai!"

After talking about this, Yiyan finally looked at Jiang Fan seriously!

"Now, you should understand, what are you going to face if you want to kill the country?"

In a word, the Lord’s meaning is obvious. First of all, behind Guojin God is Suzhan Mingzun!

Once Guojinshen is killed, Suzhan Mingzun will never let him go!

And then, Gao Tianyuan!

After all, Izanaki had instructed him not to kill Guojin God!

Once the gods of Guojin who were suppressed by Gao Tianyuan died, they would have to endure the anger of Izanaki!

After all, no matter whether it was their hands or not, people are the things that happened to them!

And Gao Tianyuan suffered from such a dumb loss, naturally he would not let Jiang Fan go!

Finally, what Jiang Fan has to face is Izanaki!

If you dare to kill Guojinshen, you will not give Yixanaqi face!

How could this old guy let Jiang Fan go!

However, looking at the solemn expression of the Lord, Jiang Fan suddenly spoke:

"The story is a bit simpler, in a word, there seems to be no part of your role in this!"

With a word, the Lord's complexion suddenly stagnated!

But Jiang Fan smiled:

"Don't worry, I'm too lazy to inquire about your role here!"

"Now I just want to know all the details of Guojin God! And what is there in the sea of ​​trees!"

With a word, the Lord was stunned, and looked at Jiang Fan incredulously:

"You, you are crazy! Didn't you hear me clearly?"

"If you dare to attack Guojin God, it's not just Suzhan Mingzun who angers!"

"It's the father **** Izanaki, and all the gods of Gao Tianyuan!"

"I admit that you are terrible, but you are definitely not the opponent of God the Father!"

However, Jiang Fan only smiled:

"Whether it is Gao Tianyuan, Suzhan Mingzun, or Izanaki, this is all my business!"

"What's more, if they want to deal with me, they must know that I did it!"

"No one knows it's me, can't it?"

"Of course, unless it is you, want to betray me!"

A word of the Lord is directly shivering!

"I, I will never betray you!"

"Very good! Then, tell me now!"

"...Yes! But again, this matter must never be known to people, I said it!"

"Don't worry, now you and I are grasshoppers on the same rope! In a word, it will be good for you to be made this time!"

"Me, am I good too?"

"Of course! And it's more than the same!"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

"What do you mean?"

"It's very simple! Guojinshen is all over, and you have a worry, and you don't have to worry about someone looking for you for revenge!"

"Secondly, Guojin is dead, and Gao Tianyuan has to bear the primary responsibility!"

"And in order to calm the anger of Izanaki and Suzhan Mingzun, some compensation must be paid!"

"And this compensation matter, of course, can only fall on you, the only one left, Guojinshen Zhizhi!"

With a word, the Lord's eyes lit up, and his breathing became heavy!

"You, what you said, is it true?"

"Of course! You and I are in the same boat, and I might as well give you more details! If this time dealing with Guojinshen smoothly, then in the future, Gao Tianyuan is not incapable of plotting!"

"You! You are crazy! Do you still want to deal with Gao Tianyuan?!"

With a word, the Lord suddenly exclaimed!


Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully:

"Nonsense! Think about it, even if you can't get rid of all of them, and just get rid of everything in the world, then will you be the only one in the world?"

"Even if they have someone else to show up in the future, how much power of faith can you absorb in this blank window period?"

"If you say the Lord, you don't want to taste it too, the taste of being a great god?"

The Lord is sweating again!

Only this time, I was excited!

The power of faith for the entire Dongying!

Not to mention the absorption for too long, even if it is only three to five months, the improvement is terrifying to the extreme!


After a heavy breath, the Lord nodded suddenly!

"Okay! I know, I will tell you everything!"


With the narration of the master, Jiang Fan kept writing and painting back and forth on the ground!

He remained silent for a long time until the end of Yiyanzhu's speech, and finally asked the last question!

"In the sea of ​​trees, whose handwriting is that suppressing the barrier?"

After a word, the Lord was taken aback, and then said:

"Father God, Izanaki!"

"Hehe, it really is him!"

Jiang Fan finally laughed!



When the door opened, Jiang Fan had already walked out!

Unexpectedly, his pants were intact at this moment!

And the expression is extremely joyful!

A group of people were dumbfounded!

Priest Matsumoto had changed his clothes at this moment, and when he saw Jiang Fan, he hesitated and walked over!

"Sir, before..."

"It's okay! By the way, your God Lord is looking for you, go in!"

"Huh? Oh, good!"

Seeing Matsumoto walked into the main hall, Jiang Fan waved his hand and took Curtis three people away!

A few people just left the shrine when they vaguely heard the word "forget" sounded inside!

Surprisingly, it is the master of a word, and all the memories of all the tourists, even all the priests of the shrine during this period, are erased!

Jiang Fan nodded with satisfaction!

One word that the Lord’s cautious behavior fits his mind!

"Master, next..."

Curtis asked tentatively.

"I have almost understood, the next thing to do is of course..."

Jiang Fan looked to the east far away:

"Bring the team here and let's go!"

Everyone looked excited!

But at this moment!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

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