God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1621: Tianchi Twelve Evil

However, this hunter's gaze completely changed when he saw the figure walking slowly!

It has become a kind of surprise when a lion meets a fierce tiger, and the game meets opponents!


Jiang Fan stepped onto the last step of the ladder and finally got a glimpse of the full picture of the World Club!

The first thing that catches your eyes is an extremely empty space for performing martial arts!

And beyond, there are stepped trapezoidal open spaces!

It represents the different status of the helpers when the world converges!

And from here, the houses and houses that continue to spread to the surrounding area!

And at the top, on the top of the mountain, is a huge, majestic and magnificent palace!

The plaque on the palace, even here, can still be seen clearly!

On it, there are only three characters full of qi swallowing mountains and rivers——

The world will!

However, even such a majestic and majestic palace, compared with the man who looked at him, was a bit less aggressive!

Yes it is!

In the palace, the moment the man looked at Jiang Fan, Jiang Fan also looked at him!

The two looked at each other in the air, but their complexions sank almost at the same time, and the light in their eyes flashed!

Then involuntarily, they all took a half step back!


Jiang Fan slowly sighed!

At this moment, he already knew who the other party was!

In this world, there is absolutely only one person with such domineering aura!

Domineering! !

In the palace, the corner of Xiongba's eyes was twitching!

A look of unspeakable shock appeared in his eyes!

Who is this person? !

Such a domineering look is simply unprecedented!

There is such a character in the world!

Taking a deep breath, Xiongba is about to speak!

But at this moment!

"Swipe it!"

Several figures suddenly rushed out from under the palace!

As fast as thunder, suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

These people are not too many, but twelve people!

The key is that among the twelve people, seven or eight of them have reached the master level!

And among these people, the leader turned out to be an immature child riding a wooden horse!

It's just that although this young child is riding a wooden horse, he takes the lead with a speed like a streamer!

And the breath bursting out of him is even more amazing!

Far above everyone!

At the same time, there was a flash of wind behind the hero!

A tall and slender man with a tall hat, blush on his face, a small fan in his hand, long sleeves, and a squeeze, has walked quickly to Xiongba's side!

"Hehehe, helper, I didn't think anyone would dare to break into our world club! There is a good show to watch now!"

Xiongba does not look back either:

"Wen Chou Chou, you let them do it?"

"Hehehe, helper, how can I move them! They took the initiative!"

Wen Chou Chou's flattering smile:

"There are only twelve of their Tianchi killers who were killed by the Sword Saint. The whole world can keep them, and now you are the only one who can help you!"

"Now that they have the opportunity, if they still don't perform well, then they are really looking for death!"

"Hehehe, helper, they just took refuge, we haven't seen their ability yet, now someone has broken in, just take a look!"

Wen Chou Chou was full of excitement!

But Xiongba smiled coldly!

"Just rely on them? Humph!"

Wen Chou Chou was taken aback!

"Fang Lord, you mean, they, aren't the opponents of the guy who broke in?"

Xiongba is noncommittal:

"Just look at it!"


The Tianchi Killer has arrived in front of Jiang Fan!

They looked at Jiang Fan, and the young child riding the wooden horse had already spoken first!

"Boy, you dare to break into the world club, you are not brave!"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly, took a cold look at the group of people, and suddenly spoke:

"It turned out to be you, the twelve evil spirits of Tianchi!"

All these people were taken aback!

But the young child's eyes brightened!

"The twelve evil spirits of Tianchi? Haha, this name is not bad! Good! Starting today, this is our name!"

He glanced at Jiang Fan contemptuously:

"Boy, for the sake of your good name, kneel down right now, I can spare your life!"

Jiang Fan was taken aback when he heard what the young child said!

Many years ago, there was a powerful killer organization that emerged in the arena, and it was Tianchi!

There are a total of 108 people in this organization, all of whom have special skills. They are in charge of money. As long as they receive a reward, they will complete the task at any cost and by any ruthless means!

But because of this, the existence of Tianchi makes people panic all day long.

At that time, the sword saint had the highest prestige in the martial arts, so everyone begged the sword saint to take action and kill Tianchi!

The Juggernaut agreed, and a single man broke the Tianchi with a single sword, and the blood of killing flowed into a river!

Only the leader of Tianchi, Tong Huang, and eleven veteran figures escaped!

It is a pity that the Juggernaut is still chasing after him, making them terrified!

And when they were desperate, they met the hero!

After that, it was renamed, Tianchi Twelve Evil!

Secretly work for the hero!

And at this moment, they haven't changed their names, wouldn't they just take refuge in the hegemony?

In other words, the time period when he came, Xiongba had not yet accepted his disciples!

Fengyun has not yet been born!

I came to this time!


Jiang Fan suddenly felt refreshed!

If it was this time, there would be only a few people like Wuming and Mu Yingxiong who could steadily surpass him that day!

No danger!

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled.

"Asshole! What are you laughing at!"

A strong man directly angered!

"I laugh at you, I can't help myself!"

Jiang Fan shook his head:

"Tong Huang, only twelve of you were killed by the Sword Saint. They are just a group of bereaved dogs. How dare you be rampant?"


The young child's complexion changed a lot!

The others gasped at the same time!

They all looked at Jiang Fan with horror!

They were so scared that they were chased by the Juggernaut!

Seek refuge in an incognito hero!

But I didn't expect to be recognized as soon as he showed up!

If this is so special, if the Juggernaut knows, then it's worth it?

Do not!

This is absolutely a coincidence! It must be a coincidence!

"You, who are you? How can you know me!"

Tong Huang's face is extremely gloomy!

"I not only know you, but also all of you!"

Jiang Fan raised his fingers and clicked them one by one!

"Tong Huang, Iron Broom Fairy, Food as Fairy, Paper Exploring Flower, Dog King, Ghost Shadow, Drama Treasure, Husband Singing, Fu Sui, Hand Dance, Foot Dance, Matchmaker!"

Following Jiang Fan's roll call one by one, the face of the twelve evil spirits in Tianchi was extremely pale for an instant!

This kid actually really knows them!

Damn it!

Must kill him!

When I think of this, these people can no longer control it!

Glancing at each other, Paper Tanhua has already taken the lead!

Just as his sleeves flicked, in an instant, hundreds of small swords made of paper, like a storm, suddenly shot at Jiang Fan!

This trick is his stunt--

Universe sword paper!

Although these small swords are made of paper, but attached to them are the lifelong internal strength cultivation of paper probes!

Even when two of the paper swords collided with each other when they were shot, they actually wiped out sparks!

In the next moment, these paper swords had suddenly blasted onto Jiang Fan! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1621 The Twelve Evil of Tianchi) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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