God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1623: The blade is out of the sheath without blood


On the field of the third campus, Jiang Fan raised his sword to the sky, the wind and the clouds changed color, and the sword spirit was full of strength!

Tong Huang and others opened their mouths in fright, but they couldn't make a sound!

There are even a few people who have been directly incontinent!

This sword has changed the color of the world before it is released, and once it is shot, it will definitely be shocking!

At that time, there will not only be the twelve evil spirits in the Tianchi Lake, but all the masters around the world will have only one dead end!

Seeing that Jiang Fan was about to smash it down with a sword!

at this time!

"Be merciful!"

There was a low voice, but with a hint of anxiety, it suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a figure rushed towards with infinite domineering, as if teleporting!

Jiang Fan said nothing, but looked at this person coldly!


The visitor stopped a hundred meters away from Jiang Fan!

Exactly, Xiongba!

"This friend, come to the world meeting, the hero is not far away to welcome, so that a group of subordinates have broken the interest of friends, ashamed and ashamed, but also look at Haihan!"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth raised:

"The sharp blade is out of the sheath, and there is no blood to return! Does the male gang leader understand?"

Xiongba's complexion changed!

And the rest of them are almost falling apart!

The meaning of Jiang Fan's words is clearly not to give the Xiongba face, he wants to hack them to death!

"Helper! Save me!"

Tong Huang suddenly howled miserably!

Xiongba's expression sank, but he ignored Tonghuang and others at all, just nodded!

"My friend said so!"

next moment!


He was teleporting, suddenly appeared in front of the Tianchi Twelve Sha, suddenly fists and feet!

He vomited blood from all these people and flew back!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, shaking his right hand, and the sky full of sword energy suddenly disappeared!

Xiongba's complexion has changed again!

Such a massive amount of sword aura was scattered, and the opponent's mastery of power, I am afraid that it has already reached the state of transformation!

However, he didn't say hello to Jiang Fan first, instead he glared at Tianchi Twelve Evil and others!

"A bunch of bastards! Don't apologize to this gentleman yet!"

Tong Huang and the others have long been mature, and Xiongba made a shot just now, seeming to injure them, but in fact they saved their lives!

Hearing the words at this moment, all of them bowed suddenly!

"Mister forgive me!"

"I was waiting for presumptuous just now!"

"Sir, please don't remember the villain's past!"

Xiongba also smiled and spoke to Jiang Fan:

"Sir, please reward Xiongba for some thin noodles!"

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"Of course the face of the male clan leader must be given! However, I am a person who always pays me back!"

His eyes were fierce, and he looked directly at Tong Huang and others!

"Kneel down and apologize!"


Tong Huang and others all changed their faces!

Xiongba frowned even more!

The atmosphere of the entire three-point school field seemed to be stagnant for a while!

But Jiang Fan just smiled coldly!

"Since you are unwilling, then go to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, his eyes suddenly fierce!

At this moment!

The male tyrant suddenly shouted angrily!

"Asshole! Don't hurry up on your knees!!"

Tong Huang and the others all trembled and reacted instantly!

Jiang Fan didn't slaughter them just now, and he already gave enough face to the tyrant!

If you don't kneel now, let alone Jiang Fan, even the tyrant can't spare them!

These people don't hesitate!

It was almost all "plops", and he fell directly to his knees!

"I have no eyes, offended Mr., and please forgive me!"


Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully, and suddenly raised his hand with a wave!


In front of everyone, an almost irresistible force rose suddenly!

He actually supported everyone!

A group of people have changed color!

So far, Jiang Fan's exposed strength has already included the incomparable strength of the body guard, the indestructible body, and the sword aura that dominates the world, but he did not expect that his internal strength was also so powerful to such an astonishing degree!

Ordinary people throughout their lives, just simple and the same, they may not be able to reach this level, but Jiang Fan turned out to be in everything, everything is fine!

Xiongba also jumped at the corner of his eyes!

Jiang Fan has already made him feel a sense of war inexplicably!

However, unlike the Juggernaut and others, Xiongba is not a pure warrior!

For him, martial arts is just a tool to contend for the world's hegemony!

And he is about to face the battle of the Juggernaut, and he will never have a branch at this time!

So he waved his hand directly and told his subordinates to retreat, and then slowly came to Jiang Fan!

"Mister's martial arts cultivation level, Xiongba has only seen him in his life, admire it!"

"The male gang master is polite!"

"You haven't consulted Mr. Name yet?"

"Jiang Fan!"

Xiongba is startled!

He has never heard the name Jiang Fan!

But he immediately smiled!

"It turned out to be Mr. Jiang, I don't know what he will do when he comes to my world?"

"I'll deliver you takeaway!"


The male tyrant has been blinded directly!


When these three characters were disassembled, he knew what they meant by any one of them!

But together, why don't you understand?

However, how can he show his ignorance in the presence of so many gangs!

"Wen Chou Chou!"

Xiongba beckoned directly!

Wen Chou Chou hurried to Xiongba's side!

Xiongba said in a low voice:

"What do you mean by delivering food?"


Wen Chou Chou is also stunned!

He has heard of these three characters for the first time!

Seeing the virtue of Wen Chou Chou, Xiong Ba suddenly knew that he could not count on it!

But he changed his mind, since Jiang Fan is not killing at this moment, it shouldn't be a bad thing to deliver this food!

So he smiled and nodded!

"There is Mr. Lao Jiang!"

Jiang Fan rolled his eyes in his heart!

If you don’t understand, just ask!

Look at Confucius!

How shameless to ask!

Sure enough, the more lacking, the more special it is to cover up!

However, looking at Xiongba like this, it does not feel like being in trouble!

Or, this guy is so cunning that he can't even see through it!

Jiang Fan simply moved his wrist and revealed the pot of mung bean soup!

For a time, the rich and refreshing fragrance directly filled the entire school grounds!

Xiongba's eyes widened suddenly, almost unstoppable, and he stretched out his hand to the pot of mung bean soup!

Then, pick it up and just want to drink it all!

But at this moment!

"Helper! Beware of poison!"

Wen Chouchou was drooling while holding down the cauldron!

"Leader! I am loyal to Wen Chou Chou, this time, it is better to let the subordinates help you test the poison!"


Xiongba kicked Feiwen Chou Chou, directly raised the cauldron, and poured it into his mouth!

"Oh my God!"

"It's delicious! It's delicious!"

"Unexpectedly, there would be such a delicious mung bean soup in this world!"

"Moreover, my anger has gone away!"

"I thought about it! Three points return to Yuan! I finally figured it out!"

"Juggernaut! I will defeat you!"

After drinking the mung bean soup, Xiongba looked happy!

Even the momentum is better than before!

But Jiang Fan was startled!

The Tianchi killer relied on the hegemon, twenty-five years ago when Fengyun broke with the hegemon!

In other words, there are still fifteen years before the tyrant takes over as a disciple!

During this period of time, the career of the tyrant has just risen, how can it be at war with the Juggernaut?

However, Jiang Fan finally understood why Xiongba got angry!

The opponent is a swordsman!

At this moment, the most famous swordsman in the world!

It's not even an exaggeration to say that it is number one in the world on the surface!

In that case, the hero is for fame!


In the arena, the name is the first!

If you want to rise, if you want to recruit people, you must have a reputation!

If the Juggernaut can be defeated, Xiongba and Tianxiahui will be in the limelight for a while!

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