God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1625: You are too weak now

Just now, feeling the sword intent that Jiang Fan exudes, the Juggernaut is almost galloping all the way!

He had a vague hunch that if he could meet this person who exudes fierce and domineering sword intent, his swordsmanship would definitely be able to go to the next level!

Originally, the battle between him and the tyrant hadn't arrived yet!

But the Juggernaut can no longer control it!

Even from the first step on the ladder of the World Society, the sword intent has been gathered!

It's just that, just at the end of the ladder, the sword will be sent to the extreme, but at this moment!

Above the sky, the situation changes suddenly!

The Juggernaut, who was slowly moving upwards, suddenly got a shock!

I just felt a violent and domineering, almost like a flash flood bursting on the bank, oncoming!

He suddenly raised his head and saw a handsome and domineering man above the stairs, looking down at himself with a provocative look!

Juggernaut's pupils suddenly shrank!

At this moment, the tyrant beside Jiang Fan could no longer enter his eyes!

Among all his senses, Jiang Fan is the only one left!

Outside Jiang Fan, they are all ants!

Jiang Fan looked down, Juggernaut raised his head!

Between the two, time seems to have stagnated!

for a long time!

"Draw the sword!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

With a pass from the Juggernaut with his left hand, the Wushuang sword that could kill the enemy has been raised to his chest!

However, the sword is not out of the sheath!

The Juggernaut stared at Jiang Fan!

"Where is your sword?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and suddenly made a move with his right hand!

next moment!


The Shui Jade Sword and Mother Sword, like a jade like mist, has suddenly appeared!

"Good sword!"

Juggernaut's eyes lit up!

At the same time, Wushuang Sword has suddenly been unsheathed!

A ray of cold light shines, and its light is not under the Shuiyu Zimu Sword!

"Good sword!"

Jiang Fan also admired!

Hearing Jiang Fan's admiration, the sword saint's unchanging face unexpectedly showed a smile!

"Don't ask the name?"

"Jiang Fan!"

"A few pieces of Jiang Fan are as fast as an arrow, and the mountain springs are flying like electricity! A good name!"

The Juggernaut nodded.

Jiang Fan also nodded:

"Fighting for three thousand miles in one body, Yijian once became a millionaire! The sword character of the Juggernaut is also excellent!"

The Juggernaut was slightly startled!

The battle between the two has actually started just now!

Although these two poems seem to be complimenting each other, in fact, they are a kind of temptation!

Compared with the two domineering poems chanted by Jiang Fan, the verses of Jiansheng Fangcai, although more than stern, are really not enough!

In this round, Jiang Fan won!

The strength of the male tyrant seems to be different from that of the two, and he is extremely proficient in the art of heart attack!

Seeing that the Juggernaut actually fell to the wind, his eyes on Jiang Fan were suddenly full of shock!

To reach their realm, strength is certainly important!

But for the swordsman, the mentality is everything!

The warrior relies on martial arts, the swordsman cultivates the heart!

At this moment, Jiang Fan has already overwhelmed the Juggernaut!

Before Jiang Fan wanted to play for him, he was still considering whether to help Jiang Fan!

But now it seems that Jiang Fan's odds of winning are as high as 70%!

Facing the Juggernaut, there is such a winning rate, which is simply exaggerated and surprising!

The Juggernaut obviously understands this too!

But his face was full of joy, and he actually laughed!

"Hahaha! Good! Before I came to the World Conference, I was still hesitating. Although Xiongba is a rare master in the world, he has impure motives and it is hard to have fun!"

"Agree to compete with him, just because of boredom!"

"But I didn't expect to meet you this time!"

"Jiang Fan! After defeating you, my swordsmanship will definitely go further!"

Jiang Fan is also laughing:

"The lofty ambition is commendable! However, you must be the one who loses!"

Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand, his sword pointed at the sky!

"Know yourself and the enemy, a hundred battles! You know nothing about me, but I know you well! One of them!"

"Although your fighting spirit is raging, but when you just attacked your mind, your mood was already flawed! The second!"

"The sword is a fierce soldier, the sword is only for life! You have no ambition to die, and the sword must not be like me, and live to death! This is the third!"

"And the most important thing is that you are too weak now!!"

Jiang Fan roared, and the Shui Yu Zi-mother sword shined brightly!

Sword Qi soared into the sky!

The stirring cloud shattered!

A ray of sunlight shone suddenly, rendering him like a god!

Juggernaut's heart shakes!

Even the hand holding Wushuangjian was already shaking slightly!

The long sword in Jiang Fan's hand slowly points to the Juggernaut!

"You can't hold your sword securely now, why should you fight me!"

The Juggernaut trembled more and more!

But the fighting spirit in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger!


Accompanied by a harsh sound, the Sword Saint finally moved!

With his movement, everyone seemed to see a sharp sword coming out of the air!

That long sword is shining, just like a swaying meteor!

But the moment he rushed to Jiang Fan!


An even more dazzling, overbearing sword light to the extreme, but like opening the world, it suddenly opened this meteor!


There is a tremor!

Between the two, all the light was condensed!

But seeing the appearance of the two clearly, everyone couldn't help but exclaim!

I saw that the Warriors Sword of the Juggernaut was piercing the ground!

And the sword in Jiang Fan's hand was already on the forehead of the Juggernaut!

A **** scar was cut directly on the center of his eyebrows!

Juggernaut, lost!

With just one sword, Jiang Fan defeated the Juggernaut!

Everyone is shaking!

That is excitement, fear, and the excitement of witnessing history!

Everyone seemed to worship the gods and demons, looking at Jiang Fan obsessively!

The sword saint is the saint of the sword, but Jiang Fan is the **** of the sword!

Xiongba even blushed with excitement!

Juggernaut lost!

The reputation of the World Club has reached its peak at this moment!

Starting today, the world will truly rise!

No one can stop his grand vision!

And the twelve evil spirits of Tianchi were so excited that they could not wait to rush into Jiang Fan's arms!

Tong Huang directly screamed with his throat!

"kill him!!"

It is a pity that no one cares about him!

Jiang Fan received his sword and looked straight at the Juggernaut!

"you lose!"

The Juggernaut’s eyes were a little strange, he stared at Jiang Fan for a long time, and suddenly said:

"What you just said was also a heart attack?"


Jiang Fan smiled slightly:

"You are the strongest swordsman I have ever seen. Actually, I don't have any certainty that I will win at all. If you do not say anything at the beginning, you will shoot. The victory or defeat is unknown!"

"Actually...it's like this..."

The Juggernaut laughed involuntarily!

"Awesome! Jiang Fan, I am convinced that I lost! I just don't know, if you face Wuming, how will your victory or defeat be!"

"If there is such a day, maybe I can kill him, but I definitely won't be able to beat him!"

The Juggernaut was startled!

"You, are you confident to kill the nameless?"

Jiang Fan smiled:

"What's so strange that people die?"

The Juggernaut was silent for a moment, and finally sighed!

"In the first half of my life, I had no chance of defeating the world, but I didn't expect that besides the nameless, there would be a genius like you! It seems that it's time for me to retire..."

The Juggernaut was full of loneliness, he drew his Wushuang sword, and was about to leave!

But at this moment!

"It's too early to say this now!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke:

"Trust me, one day in the future, you will realize a sword technique that destroys the heavens and the earth and become the strongest in the world!"

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