God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1631: Who would have such a base affection name

Although the strength of this group of guards is good, they are far from being faster than a sports car!

Watching the car go deep into the outer courtyard and rush towards the inner courtyard, everyone's face is nothing but sluggishness!

At this moment, Kuroda Hikari is hurriedly rushing out!

However, he had just rushed to the edge of the inner courtyard, and at this moment, his intercom suddenly got up!

"It's not good! Tell Master Kuroda! The outer court has been breached! That person is rushing into the inner courtyard!"


Kuroda exclaimed directly!

Take the walkie-talkie!

"Asshole! What do you do for food! Even one person can't stop it!"

"No, my lord! That man's car skills are unheard of!"

"You didn't see it!"

"Fast & Furious!!"

"Wanted! Angelina Jolie!!"

Shouting crazy!

Kuroda Hikari's face was at a loss!

What is this Nima talking about!

"Baga!! Shut up!! You incompetent things!"

"You should be ashamed! Instead of shouting Angelina Jolie here!"

"If I were you, I would cut my belly in minutes-what is that special?!"

Kuroda's eyes widened before he finished speaking!

Looked forward blankly!

Between the outer courtyard and the inner courtyard, there is also an artificial lake!

The width of the lake is almost thirty meters!

And at this moment, right in front of his eyes!

A scarred Lexus LC, just like a river-crossing raptor, with a speed that surpassed the limit, like a hurricane, straddling this distance of tens of meters, crashing onto the ground in the inner courtyard. !

Kuroda Hikaru and his subordinates all opened their mouths wide!

"This, this is Angelina Jolie, this is simply Ke Shouliang's rebirth!"

(Mr. Ke Shouliang successfully drove a car over the Yellow River Hukou Waterfall on June 1, 1996, and took this as a tribute to the return of XG to the motherland. He was the first person to successfully fly over! In 1999, he drove over 42 in the Singapore Stadium. Rice, the Chinese are proud!)

Kuroda Hikari's face is dumbfounded!

Jiang Fan slammed the accelerator again, and the car started again and continued to rush towards the Changhe Temple in the inner courtyard!

Kuroda finally reacted!

Suddenly roar!

"Asshole!!! Stop it!!!"

Accompanied by this roar, he suddenly flew up, like a stream of light, suddenly rushed to the sports car!

The strength of the fourteenth peak is not a joke, the instantaneous burst speed has exceeded the limit of the sports car!

Almost instantly on top of the sports car!

Then, Kuroda had already volleyed a punch, and suddenly hit the sports car!

When he got here, Jiang Fan's goal was basically achieved. He simply took out the mask and put it on!

In an instant, the iron-blood mask had turned into a Tai Chi pattern, and the two points of the yin and yang fish were the positions of the eyes!

A backhand smashed the roof of the sports car, Jiang Fan waved his gloves on a windbreaker, and then he was already soaring into the sky!

With the palm of his hand, he slapped Kuroda Guang's fist, Jiang Fan was already standing proudly in the air!

Kuroda Hikari has only a fourteenth level peak, and he hasn't reached the level of flying in the air!

With this punch, he has fallen to the ground!

However, seeing Jiang Fan soaring into the sky and standing against the wind, he was directly stunned!

"Zong, Grandmaster?!!!"

A group of his men were also stunned!

All looked at Jiang Fan in the proud wind!

Grandmaster! !

Such a big man is simply not something they can contend with!

No matter how many people there are, it's useless!

The power of the master is endless, and the human sea tactics have almost lost their meaning!

They never dreamed that the one who broke into the imperial residence would be such a super power!

Kuroda Hikaru has the heart to die!

Not to mention his group of subordinates, this kind of character, he himself has no ability to stop it!

Just now he asked his subordinates to cut their abdomen, now it's his turn!

And when he thought of himself, he actually shot at a grandmaster just now, and he couldn't help trembling all over!


After all, he is the captain of the Imperial Palace guards, and his duties are, even if he is biting his head, he has to carry it!

"Front, senior! You, you violate the Eastern Law!"

"Oh? What law am I breaking?"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly in a tone that didn't have a hint of emotion!

Hearing this sound, Kuroda almost didn't pee!

The point is, Jiang Fan is right!

In order to show that it is close to the people, there is indeed no law that cannot enter!

A group of his men sat down on the ground in shock!


Kuroda swallowed and spit, and finally summoned the greatest courage of his life, and said something that could be awesome for a lifetime——

"You, you didn't buy a ticket!"


Jiang Fan almost didn't spray it out!

What a little devil's brain circuit is really strange!

And Kuroda Hikaru's group of men were all stunned!

"Sri Lanka One!"

"As expected of Lord Kuroda!"

"I can think of this reason!"

"Look! That person is speechless!"

"Yes! Grandmaster, then, then you have to buy a ticket!"

A group of guards whispered quietly!

Jiang Fan shook his head, too lazy to talk to Kuroda Hikaru!

He took a deep breath and suddenly said loudly!

"I am the Miaomu mountain clam-cough cough, Sasuke Uzumaki! I have heard that the Yanagi family's swordsmanship is excellent, and I am here to ask for advice!"

Kuroda Hikari and the others are dumbfounded!

Isn't Miaomu Mountain the **** site of the Toad Immortal?

Also, Sasuke Uzumaki?

Who would have such a passionate name!

The point is, this is all from Hokage!


Brother, you also use dim sum when you make up your name!

However, in the next moment, no one can laugh out!

When Jiang Fan finished speaking, his momentum suddenly condensed!


A sword intent that dominates the world suddenly covered the entire imperial residence!

Liu Sheng Yijian, who was in the small pavilion, suddenly widened his eyes!

Suddenly looked in Jiang Fan's direction!

In the next moment, he had already grabbed the long knife at his feet and rushed straight towards Jiang Fan!

at the same time!

In the main palace of the imperial residence, in a weird room full of mirrors, all the mirrors suddenly trembled like water waves!

Immediately afterwards, in one of the bronze mirrors that were as tall as a person, an arm was stretched out!

This arm grabbed a hand in the air, as if it had touched some kind of invisible rope!

Immediately after, watch it pull hard!

next moment!


A tall and naked man has suddenly rushed out of the mirror!

This man has long white hair, and the skin all over his body exudes a strange luster that only a mirror can have!

However, if you ignore this luster, you can feel that he is exuding an extremely powerful aura!

This guy who appeared suddenly, his strength, was not inferior to the female monarch!

In fact, he is exactly what Qiandao's mother-in-law said before, besides the female monarch, another god——

Mirror god, Isshy Lidu is working hard!

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