Being caught by Jiang Fan, this sickle scorpion didn't panic, but showed a cunning smile!

"Huh! It's really fast to catch me, but it's a pity—"

As soon as it fell, the sickle in his hand suddenly passed from Jiang Fan's neck!

"It's done!"

Abe Hiromi smiled proudly!


The moment the sickle struck Jiang Fan's neck!


A crisp sound!

The sickle seemed to have hit a mountain and suddenly exploded into countless fragments!

At the same time, Sickle Itachi was holding the claws of the sickle, and was shocked by a terrifying counter-shock force into a mass of meat!


Sickle Itachi screamed suddenly!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan has just squeezed this scream without expression!


The whole body of Sickle Itachi was completely exploded into a ball of minced meat!

Everyone's eyes widened in shock!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

At this moment, he didn't even leave any scratches on his neck!


"Is this guy's body made of steel?!"

"Itachi's sickle is enough to cut steel!"

"Actually killed Sickle Itachi directly!"

And Hiromi Abe let out a miserable cry!

Suddenly spouted a big mouthful of blood!

The breath that was originally as high as fifteenth level suddenly fell to fourteenth level!

This is the weakness of Onmyoji!

Once the natal shikigami is killed, the strength will plummet!


Abe Mei dog suddenly roared!

They all underestimated Jiang Fan!

How could he be a weak person if he could be forced to look for them as a helper for Ishur Lido!

And at this moment, Abe Inuichiro had already stared fiercely, and suddenly rushed out to Jiang Fan!

"and so on!"

Abe's face changed!

But it's too late!

At the moment he rushed out, Abe Inuichiro had his mouth wide open, and he spouted a stream of extremely sticky silk!

In an instant, Jiang Fan was wrapped up sturdily!

And the next moment, eight sharp and slender spear tips suddenly appeared behind him, and they plunged into Jiang Fan abruptly!



The moment the eight spears pierced Jiang Fan, there was another crisp sound!


Abe Inuichiro's eyes widened suddenly!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and his body trembled!


The filaments that had wrapped him tightly had already exploded to shreds in an instant!

At the next moment, Jiang Fan had already extended his arm to Abe Inuichiro!

In this moment!


The whole head of Abe Inuichiro turned around one hundred and eighty degrees!

Direct the back of his head to Jiang Fan!

Seeing this weird sight, Jiang Fan couldn't help being stunned!


Before I started, I actually broke my neck!

This temperament is too great!

However, the next moment, he raised his brows!

On the back of Abe Inuichiro's head, there was a strange face!

That face is clearly the appearance of a beautiful woman!

But with her mouth, full of fangs were directly exposed!

And not only was her tongue extremely long, it actually had a spike on it!

At the same time, Abe Inuichiro's full clothes have suddenly exploded!

His body was exposed directly!

However, what makes the scalp numb is the human body, which is clearly a huge spider!

And the eight spear tips that he stabbed Jiang Fan just now were the eight sharp claws of this spider!

This thing is exactly the shikigami of Abe Inuichiro——

Network bride!

In order to improve his strength, Abe Inuichiro actually used his body as a container to directly parasitize the shikigami on his body!

Seeing such a big spider appeared in front of him, Jiang Fan's outstretched arm couldn't help but stop!

And at that moment, the bride's mouth opened wide, and she suddenly spewed out countless patterned spiders!

At the same time, its eight sharp claws have embraced Jiang Fan, and the tongue in its mouth suddenly plunged towards Jiang Fan's eye sockets!

Jiang Fan almost didn't get sick!

Apart from anything else, it's just a finger hook!


A terrifying storm suddenly rose from the ground!

She wrapped the bride and the group of little spiders in an instant!

At the fingertips, those little spiders were completely shattered by the storm!

And the bride-to-be and Abe Inuichiro were bloodied by the storm and screamed endlessly!


Abe's face changed drastically, and she suddenly exclaimed!

He suddenly put his hands together, he is about to make a move!

But at this moment!


Isshy Lidu suddenly appeared behind Jiang Fan with his life, and hit Jiang Fan's heart with a punch!

He didn't choose to face Jiang Fan, instead he chose a sneak attack!

I just blame Jiang Fan's big mouth just now for being so cruel!

Has caused him to have a psychological shadow!

Although his strength has been restored, he didn't make a direct shot before, but secretly observed it through the shot of the Abe clan!

Now, the storm engulfed Mistress Luo and Abe Inuichiro, and the jet of blood directly blocked Jiang Fan's sight!

And at this moment, he finally made a move!

This punch is fierce and fierce, and the speed is as fast as a meteor!

Even, Isshir Lidu worked hard and had already seen the scene of Jiang Fan's blood splashing five steps!

However, before this fist touched Jiang Fan's clothes, Jiang Fan turned into a breeze and disappeared completely!

Wind Teleport!

Isshilidu's pupils shrank suddenly!


Jiang Fan actually avoided it!

The speed at the eighteenth level definitely surpassed Jiang Fan!

In any case, Jiang Fan couldn't escape this punch!

The only explanation is that Jiang Fan knew that he was going to attack!

How is this possible!

Is this kid a monster?

and so on!

According to his method of dealing with the bride of the network, he can definitely kill the opponent in one move!

But not only did he not do that, on the contrary, he drew a gust of wind, blocking his vision!

This kid, didn't he know he was going to attack!

Instead, he is leading himself to sneak attack! !

Suddenly thinking of this, Isshridu's whole body stiffened almost for a moment!

And at this moment!


A ruler glowing with blue light, like a magical pen, has suddenly been drawn to his ass!

This is exactly the ruler of love!


Isshy Lidu gave his life abruptly!

For a moment, my heart was full of shame and guilt!

Me, how can I be so shameless!

Such words are unbelievable!

He and I have clearly agreed to help him break the seal of Guojin God, and he will give me the Godhead!

But he actually attracted the Abe family to deal with him!

It's treachery!

It's not as good as a pig! !

Isshy Lido flushed with shame!

However, the ruler of love is only Bronze after all, and the duration of the effect is too short!

Issh Lidu's life feels like it's coming fast, and it's going fast too!

Woke up almost instantly!

However, it is too late!

Jiang Fan's deep voice sounded in his ear!

"Three points return to the original!"

"Quadruple! Charged to detonate!!"

Isshridu worked hard for a moment only felt his hair exploded!

But before he could escape, Jiang Fan's fist, already carrying incomparable terrifying power, suddenly hit his back!


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