The glacier goes from bottom to top, the higher the glacier, the fewer people!

And the people here are becoming more and more lifelike!

Even their subtle expressions are clear!

Especially the two people at the top!

One of them, slightly downward, is a very strong man!

This man was wearing a set of blood-red armor and had short, messy hair. His face was rough and full of domineering, and even every beard was full of aura!

His face is not as fearful as other people, on his face, there is only anger and unyielding!

As soon as he saw him, a name flashed in Jiang Fan's mind——

Jianyu Mingfang!

Among the gods of Guojin, the **** of war known as the most powerful!

He is also the only fierce man who dares to fight with Jian Yulei!

It's a pity, this God of War, although his expression is lifelike, has long since been cut off!

And at the top is a man wearing a white robe and long hair shawl!

This man has a handsome face, but he is full of vicissitudes. Although he is frozen, his expression is calm, without sadness or joy!

In his eyes, there is a kind of indifference that can break things!

However, even so, he can't hide his extravagance!

Although Jian Yu Mingfang is full of domineering, but compared with him, at best, he can only be regarded as a martial artist!

And he is like an emperor, even if he is trapped, he will not be surprised!

In fact, he is indeed an emperor!

Because, he was the first master of Weiyuan country once-

God of Great Power!

At the moment when he saw the great power, Jiang Fan didn't know why, but he always felt like he was not dead!

But Jiang Fan knew that this was just his illusion!

Whether it’s the Great Lord or Jianyu Mingfang, these people can’t really be alive!

Taking a calm look at the great power, Jiang Fan took a deep breath, and then, at the glacier, suddenly punched it out!


The entire glacier trembled violently!

It was full of cracks in an instant!

The enchantment disappeared, and the cold air dissipated. This thing is nothing more than solid ice with a strength of fifteenth level!

For others, it may be troublesome, but in Jiang Fan's eyes, this is no different from being undefended!

After a short pause, Jiang Fan punched again!


While the ice fragments were flying, the entire glacier seemed to be bombarded by a missile, and suddenly burst open!

The smashed ice burst into the sky!

Countless corpses are like hail, falling all over the ground!

The dozen or so corpses of the Great Lord had been dragged by Jiang Fan with wind energy and fell directly in front of him!

Looking at these corpses, Jiang Fan finally took a long breath!

He was about to do it, but at this moment!


The guy who was parasitic on Hasegawa suddenly burst out with a wild laugh, and suddenly rushed into the dozen corpses!

"Hahaha! So many corpses, enough! Enough!!"

His crazy laughter continued to sound in the blood mist!

In the next moment, he grabbed one of the corpses in one hand and wanted to absorb it!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan kicked that arm with one kick!


A cry of pain suddenly sounded in the blood mist!

The arm trembled suddenly, and he involuntarily let go of it!

"Asshole! What are you doing?"

The voice roared!

The blood mist condensed into a blood-red eye, staring at Jiang Fan firmly!

"grown ups!"

Hasegawa's face is full of panic!

All this just now was completely controlled by something in her body!

At this moment, except for her words, all her limbs are no longer at her disposal!

"Don't panic!"

Jiang Fan smiled at Hasegawa before looking at the **** eyeball!

"The tail of the fox is finally revealed! You didn't forget your name, but deliberately concealed it, wanting to follow me to make a profit, right?"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone was stunned!

Suddenly looked at the **** eyeball!

Only when Curtis' eyes rolled, he began to collect the corpses scattered around the periphery!

At this moment, **** eyes looked at Jiang Fan in surprise, and then he gave a cold snort!

"Huh! So what? Boy, if you are smart enough, you'd better not block me!"

"Me, Ishridu and I are working hard, and the **** of the Abe clan, it's not the same!"

"This sea of ​​trees enchantment can suppress them, but it can't suppress me!"

In that voice, there was a lot of jealousy!

But Jiang Fan smiled slightly:


"Humph! So here, none of you is my opponent!"

"Release these corpses, I can help you fight Ise Jingu!"

"Otherwise, I will kill you now!"

With this sound, Hasegawa's other arm also began to alienate!

"Boy! Get out of here now!"

"My patience is limited!"

This voice is full of contempt and contempt!


"I'm going to code for you!"

Jiang Fan's figure moved, and he suddenly arrived in front of Hasegawa!

Then, he grabbed the **** eyeball in one hand!

"court death!"

With a roar of this thing, two alienated claws suddenly pierced Jiang Fan's body!

In his expectation, Jiang Fan is indeed tough!

However, the reason why he was able to kill Isshridu's life was completely because of Issu's life-saving strength and the relationship that was suppressed by the Shuhai enchantment!

And he, but the real power attribute!

The flesh is so powerful that it is not suppressed at all!

Seeing that his two claws had already pierced Jiang Fan!

Even, he seemed to have seen the scene of Jiang Fan's body being pierced alive!

But at this moment!


A crisp sound!

At this moment, he only felt that his claws had struck a metal forged planet!



Blood splashed on his two paws!

It was because of the counter-shock force in Jiang Fan's body that all his claws were shattered!


The voice was filled with incredible disbelief for a moment!

However, Jiang Fan smiled grimly, and suddenly squeezed his right hand!


That blood-colored eyeball directly exploded into a cloud of blue smoke!


In Hasegawa's body, a terrible cry suddenly sounded!


"I'm going to kill you!!"

"I must kill you!!"

With the crazy roar of this voice, Hasegawa's mouth opened uncontrollably!

A cloud of blood-red smoke came out directly from her mouth!

With this blood mist rushing out, the abnormality on Hasegawa's body disappeared completely in an instant!

However, her breath is also falling rapidly!

Soon it was down to level twelve!

And that group of blood mist has roared, quickly condensing into a very strong man!

The man was wearing half of a jet-black full-length armor, but his upper body was impeccable, revealing a strong body covered with red fluff!

His two arms are exactly the same as when they were parasitic on Hasegawa, they are completely two sharp claws!

And his face is even more hideous, especially in the middle of his mouth, there are two blood-colored fangs sticking out!

However, his right eye was empty, apparently crushed by Jiang Fan just now!

This thing is the whole picture of Shikigami from unknown origin in Hasegawa's body!

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