God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 165: One shot seven dogs headshot


Jiang Fan appeared again, already in a corridor!

It's all made of metal, full of science fiction!

However, in the air, there is a smell of rotten things everywhere!

Jiang Fan frowned and looked at the slightly blue light. Obviously, the story had already developed to the point where the brain was turned off after being turned off!

In other words, all the zombies have come out now!

At this moment, not far away, there was a scream!

Listen to the voice, exactly, Alice!

Jiang Fan hurried away!

I saw that in a room, a very beautiful blonde woman was desperately avoiding a zombie turned into by a security guard!

This woman, it is, Alice!

When the virus leaked, the security personnel on the ground were also affected. After being red, they used poison gas to clear their memories!

Obviously, Alice has not recovered yet, forgetting that she is a strong fighter!

While dodging, Alice's feet suddenly slipped, and she was directly pressed to the ground by the zombie!

And the zombie, with a big scarlet mouth, is about to bite Alice's neck!

Seeing Alice is about to die!

At this moment!


Jiang Fan yelled and flew out in the air!


The neck of the zombie was actually kicked off by Jiang Fan!

Alice's eyes lit up!

What a chic skill!

So handsome!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing an ordinary zombie and gaining 1 causality point!"

Killing zombies, unexpectedly, there are rewards?

Jiang Fan couldn't help being startled! Then he grabbed Alice!

"Are you OK?"

As soon as Alice saw Jiang Fan's appearance, she couldn't help being lost again!

What a handsome Chinese little brother!

And not only is handsome, but also has a kind of iron-blooded temperament!

Could it be that China’s mercenaries?

It makes people fall in love at first sight!

"Handsome guy, are you a soldier from China?"

"No! I'm just an ordinary takeaway!"

Jiang Fan said, ready to take out!

However, at this moment, a deep growl suddenly sounded!

Jiang Fan looked back and saw that seven or eight zombie dogs were staring at him!

"Oh! What can I do!"

Alice was scared, Hua Rong turned pale!

"Don't be afraid, with me, these things won't hurt you!"

Jiang Fan looks confident!

Alice suddenly refreshed!

Since ancient times, a miracle has come from China!

That's right! Nothing, Huaxia people can't do it!

At this moment, those zombies had already flew up and headed straight for the two of Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan just smiled disdainfully, took out the pistol from the security corpse, and squeezed the trigger!


A bang!

In Alice's incredible gaze, the bullet actually drew an arc! Go through seven zombie dogs in an instant!

Seven dogs with one shot, headshots!

Alice was stunned!

So handsome!

Simply unbeatable!

"It's not safe here, go find Matt first!"

Matt is the only one who survived with Alice! It is also the most powerful reform fighter in the second part!

Jiang Fan is very fond of this young man!

The two will find Matt soon!

Then, immediately joined the remaining mercenaries in the central control room!

However, the real culprit, the big villain Sibansi, saw Jiang Fan, but showed a cautious look!

In the movie, it was him who was intrigued by profit, not only stole the T virus and prepared to sell it on the black market, but also spread the virus to the entire base!

"who is he?"

"His name is Jiang Fan, yes, China's takeaway!"

"What? A takeaway from China?"

The remaining two mercenaries were shocked!

Nima! This is the secret base of the umbrella company! How did he come in, a Chinese takeaway?

However, this Chinese person is really handsome!

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me how to go, I will save you all!"


Sibans suddenly sneered, and then said in a calm and unpleasant way!

"You, a takeaway, actually want to save us? Who do you think you are?"

"I am your father!"

Jiang Fan stunned and went back!

"Follow me if you want to live, stay away if you don't want to live!"

All these people were saved because of Alice! Otherwise, Jiang Fan will not care about their life and death!


Sibans gritted his teeth angrily, but he dared not say anything!

Because Jiang Fan's momentum is really too strong!

"You believe Jiang Fan, he is the most powerful person I have ever seen, he must be able to save us!"

Alice, confident!

The two mercenaries hesitated, and finally nodded!

Jiang Fan picked up a slight charge, and at the same time said to everyone!

"Don't shoot for a while, save wasted bullets!"

Except for Alice, a group of people suddenly looked hard to look!

This Chinese person really regards himself as the savior?

It's just a takeaway, it's so rampant!

After a while, it depends on how you died!

However, Jiang Fan simply ignored their thoughts and opened the door directly!

"Oh oh oh~~"

A group of zombies suddenly rushed in!

Everyone was shocked!

The central control room is only tens of square meters!

Dozens of zombies! Once rushed in, everyone will die!


"Da da da!"

Jiang Fan stood at the door, and shot directly without hiding!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing an ordinary zombie and gaining 1 causality point!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing an ordinary zombie and gaining 1 causality point!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing an ordinary zombie and gaining 1 causality point!"


In an instant, the sound of screen swiping sounded like a sound of heaven!

Everyone rushed to Jiang Fan's zombies, all of them headshot and died!

Nothing is spared!

A group of people opened their mouths wide! I can't believe it, my own eyes!

"Ou Mai Karma! This, is this too fierce?"

"Alice, are you sure he is a takeaway?"

"It's amazing! It's amazing!"

"This is simply better than the most elite special forces in the mold country!"

"He's right, let alone shooting, compared to him, I don't deserve to have a gun at all!"

A group of people looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!


Jiang Fan blew the smoking muzzle lightly, then frowned and looked at a group of people!

"What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you leave?"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

No one dared to object, all, with a flattering expression, followed Jiang Fan!

"Kaplan, you come to lead the way, don't be afraid, go forward boldly!"

Jiang Fan said to one of the mercenaries!


Kaplan looked at ease and kept leading the way!

Along the way, the zombies that rushed out couldn't get within ten meters of everyone!

With Jiang Fan, everyone doesn't seem to be fleeing, it's almost like a walk!

Alice approached Jiang Fan and kept chatting with Jiang Fan! He even invited Jiang Fan to have dinner!

In this scene, Sibansi clenched his fists tightly and looked at Jiang Fan with envy and killing intent!

Damn Chinese people, so tough! No, you have to find a way to kill him! Otherwise, when Alice recovers her memory, he will definitely help Alice and kill me!

He, in fact, has long recovered his memory, but he has been pretending!

Just to escape here first! Then, sell T virus!

"Jiang Fan, arrived at restaurant B!"

At this moment, Kaplan, who was exploring the way ahead, suddenly shouted!

Jiang Fan frowned. Restaurant B, but the base for the cultivation of creepers!

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