Just when Jiang Fan just played the Sun Fist, Victor, an old cunning fellow, had already slipped a step ahead!

But Jiang Fan did not intend to kill him!

After all, the follow-up plot has to wait for him to unfold!

And when she heard that Victor was not dead, Sonya was obviously relieved!

But Lucian's face sank!

He knows how the old thing is. Since he is alive, he and Sangya will never go smoothly in the future!

It seems that we have to summon the werewolves under them to expand their strength!

"Well, these vampires are almost dead, and I should go now! If you have trouble in the future, don't forget to order my takeaway!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and waved his hand directly!

Although there are still a large group of werewolves in the wilderness, they are all Lucian's men and obviously cannot be used to score points!

And I was busy going to Ise Jingu to grab the strength stone, that's the big head!

Along with the white light, Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining 26,760 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining Lucian's gratitude-The Legend of Hungry Wolf!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for gaining the gratitude of Sanya-vampire blood!"

"Ding! A vampire bloodline is detected in the host backpack. Will the two bloodlines be merged?"

Jiang Fan once got a vampire pedigree during the lottery draw, since the system has a hint, of course it is a fusion!


"Ding! Please the host pay 3000 causality points!"

"your sister!"

Jiang Fan had slaughtered Tian'erwu and Ishulidu for his life. Not only did he pay off his debts, but he also had a lot of money left. With the reward of this order, he has now turned losses into profits, leaving a total of 280,000 cause and effect. point!

After paying the money, the two vampire bloodlines suddenly floated into the air!

And with a beam of white light shed, a brand new injection has appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

Vampire Blood: Silver (Enhanced)

Lineage description: Inject this tube of reagents, and you will have all the abilities of a silver-level vampire such as rapid healing, increased movement speed, and ignorance of gravity!

Additional status: You will no longer be afraid of the sun, and have certain resistance to holy water and holy light!

System reminder: This bloodline is an intermediate bloodline. In a world with bloodlines, it is possible to get a higher bloodline!


Although this thing is still silver, its weakness has been completely stripped away!

You can ask your subordinates to see who wants it!

Putting this thing away, Jiang Fan looked at Lucian's reward again!

Hungry Wolf Legend: Love will be like a hungry wolf, and her mouth will be very sweet. If you come to play with her, she will appear fierce~~ Love will be like a hungry wolf, how can I hug it to sleep? She will give me a souvenir of the severe injury~ ~

Remarks: Using this item can produce unparalleled deterrence against any wolf creature! And can drive the other party to act according to the host's will!

This...good thing!

Jiang Fan just put it away!

But just when he was about to leave!

"Ding! The host slaughtered a large number of vampires in this world and successfully won the title-Blood Hunter!"

Kindred Hunter: Damage to all blood-sucking creatures increased by 20%!

"Ding! The host slaughtered a large number of vampires in this world, which has been highlighted by Victor!"

"When you enter this world next time, you will inevitably be found by the vampire and attacked!"

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Fan grinned!

come on!

It's all causal!

Leaving the system space, Jiang Fan immediately rushed out of the hotel, jumped, and quickly returned to the spaceship!

And with a roar, the spacecraft has gone straight to Ise Shrine!

At the same time, Dongying Kyoto!

Although the current capital of Dongying is in Edo, many years ago, Kyoto was the capital here!

And at the foot of a mountain on the outskirts of Kyoto, there is an unusually old house!

This house occupies a very large area, several times larger than the house in Shuhai Center!

Here is the real main house of the Abe family!

At this moment, an exclamation completely broke the tranquility of the house!

"It's not good! Lord! Call the Lord!"

A servant in charge of the night watch suddenly rushed out of a tall building and screamed!

As soon as the servant screamed, two men in wide suits and big sleeves had suddenly arrived in front of him!

The two of them frowned, and they just gave a low voice!

"Yamada! What are you talking nonsense!"

"Quickly, call the Lord! Something has happened!"

Yamada trembled and his eyes were full of fear!

While talking, he has pointed to the building behind him!

This building is where all the disciples Mingyu of the Abe family are placed!

Once someone dies, the life jade belonging to that person will automatically be blown up!

Yamada is responsible for cleaning this place!

The Abe family is so powerful that you only need to report your name when you are in trouble, and you can basically settle everything!

So the meaning of this building is more form than practical!

And Yamada also cleans once every morning and evening!

However, when he walked here just now, he found dozens of life jade, all broken into a ball!

Dozens of people died in one breath. Such a thing is unprecedented!

At this moment, the two men have followed Yamada's fingers and looked into the building impatiently!

However, when they saw the scene inside, the two of them suddenly widened their eyes!



"That, that is the life jade of Elder Beauty Dog!"

"God! Ken, something must have happened in that place!"

"Quick! Go and report to the Lord!"

The two of them **** off in fright and rushed directly to a tall house!

The two of them came here, without even knocking on the door, they opened the door directly!

"Lord! It's not good! Something has happened!"

The interior of this house is the same as a normal Japanese building, but the area inside is not small, and the decoration is full of low-key luxury!

At this moment, a man was sitting cross-legged on a futon looking at a book, and when he saw the two break in, the man suddenly became furious!

"Asshole! When did you two know the rules so much!"

This man is about fifty, he is not tall and has a kind face, but at this moment he is angry, he looks like a lion!

He is the current owner of the Abe family, Abe Masao!

Seeing Abe's anger, the two of them squatted their heads in a hurry!

"Lord! The villain disturbs you late at night, it's a crime!"

"But, something really happened!"

"Elder Beauty Dog and their life jade are all broken!"


Shinsho Abe suddenly exclaimed!

"Make it clear! Is it the Abe dog's own broken, or..."

"All, all broken! In the sea of ​​trees, all Abe's life jade, all broken!"


Shinsho Abe's body shook suddenly!

Almost fainted!

He reluctantly stood up, unable to even put on his shoes, and rushed towards Ming Yudian directly!

At this moment, the Abe tribe is already surrounded by Mingyu Palace!

Everyone's faces were filled with an unbelievable shock!

Seeing Abe's arrival, everyone suddenly gave way!

Shinsho Abe barely took a deep breath before he walked through the door!

However, when he saw the broken life jade, he couldn't help trembling!

"No, it's impossible!!"

I just received a call. Grandpa is critically ill. I may not be able to update these days. Sorry everyone...

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