The moment he saw Tianyuan Shizhong, Jiang Fan was stunned!

Immediately afterwards, a very strange emotion arose in his heart!

Wouldn't it be so coincidental?

Actually saw another Tianyuan Shizhong!

This is the fourth one I have seen!

And the other three, except the first one became the key, the other two are still lying in their backpacks!

Jiang Fan also inquired about the origin of this thing, but according to the record, it was made by ancient alchemists and could increase lifespan. Other things seemed to be of no use at all!

The point is, in the legend, this thing should have disappeared long ago!

But how did I meet so many?

Could it be that this is--

It must be a special fate~~

Only then can it become--

Suddenly Zhang Yu's deep voice popped out of Jiang Fan's mind!



Not when you think about this!

Jiang Fan reacted instantly, and then looked at the rest of the things carefully!

He was absent-minded before, and he didn't pay much attention to the long picture sent by the weight. Now, when he takes a closer look, he actually sees a lot of good things!

Even among them, there is actually a golden scepter from the Sumerian civilization!

As for everything else, they are all world-class antiques!

It is no exaggeration to say that any one thing flowing out of this is enough to make the entire capital and academia crazy!

"Mr. Jiang, you can choose slowly. After all, time, what we have is!"

The confident and arrogant voice of the weight sounded again!

After reading the picture carefully, Jiang Fan suddenly said:

"what do you want to do?"

The weight smiled, with the pride of a winner in his voice!

"Mr. Jiang, you brought back that deep-sea magic bottle among the ruins in Bermuda, right?"


"Then, do you know what the purpose of that magic bottle is?"

As soon as this problem came up, Jiang Fan frowned!

"What's the role?"

"Hehe, it seems Isaac doesn't trust you that much either!"

The weight chuckled softly, but also didn't explain the purpose of the Deep Sea Bottle, just said:

"As long as you bring us the Demon Bottle of the Deep Sea, not only will the above three conditions be counted, we will also give you other benefits!"

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled!

And the more you laugh, the louder, and the laughter is full of ridicule!

"Mr. Jiang, what are you laughing at?"

The voice of the weight is obviously a little low!

"What am I laughing at? What do you say?"

Jiang Fan asked back!

"how could I know?"

The weight was taken aback!

"Don't you know? Haha..."

Jiang Fan smiled, but then suddenly roared!

"Fuck Nima! You are a stupid lao!"

"Stealing from Isaac? You can really think of it!"

"Although I don't know the specific strength of that guy, depending on my level, 10,000 people are dead!"

"Fuck you code! I don't need points!"

"You dare to ask me to die, you **** wait for me!"

"If Lao Tzu enters the domain level, you will be the first to do it!"

After Jiang Fan roared, he just hung up the voice!

The weight on the opposite side was stunned!

I, I was scolded just now?

Jiang Fan!

You bastard!

Actually dare to scold me!

Too arrogant!

Kill him!

Must kill him!

The weight snarled frantically!

But after only half a second, he calmed down!

No way!

Leander is dead, as for the thorn lords of Field, all of them are Isaac's diehard fans!

The only thing that can be used now is Jiang Fan, a snobby man who has an eye for money!

If this matter is broken, the lord, but he can't forgive himself!

After all, the idea of ​​wooing Jiang Fan was exactly what he came up with!


The weight exhaled a long breath, and finally reopened the voice connection!

On the Jiang family's side, seeing Jiang Fan being so irritable, a group of people also opened their mouths!

"Big, sir, you are just like that, refused to him?"

The 13th has a dumb face!

"My lord, if we don't join them, it will be difficult for us to grasp the clues of that group of people!"

Number two also hurriedly spoke!


"Huh! I knew this person was definitely a cheap bone!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"This kind of person is like licking a dog, the more you kick him, the more he gets up!"

"What's more, now besides me, who else can he buy?"

"The most important thing is that among the lords, I am the closest to Isaac!"

"Wait, no more than a minute at most, this idiot has to..."

Jiang Fan hasn't finished speaking!


The voice communication has sounded again!

No. 2 and others shut up completely!

Your lord really is, things are like a god!


Jiang Fan clicked on the voice at will!

"Weight! You don't need to threaten Lao Tzu's suit, remember! Lao Tzu has done it for you!"

Jiang Fan directly spoke viciously!

The whole body shivered with anger!

It's so arrogant!

However, I will bear it!

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang misunderstood. I may not have made it clear just now. Although this matter has certain risks, it is definitely not as big as you think!"

The weight suppressed the anger, and laughed!

"Do you think I believe it?"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Really! Mr. Jiang, I promise, as long as you agree, the success rate of this event will be as high as 80%!"


Jiang Fan's tone eased!

"Yes it is!"

The weight hurriedly spoke:

"Listen to me, now in the thorn castle, there is only your living place, in the tower of Isaac!"

"Moreover, it's still in the closest position to him!"

"We just need to lead him out. You enter Isaac's bedroom and take the Demon Bottle of the Deep Sea. It's so easy!"

The weight said the plan briefly in one breath!


"Huh! Simple! What about Joshua? Besides, Isaac has been managing the Sword of Thorns for many years, how can there be no hidden master around him? Are you really a fool?"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"Of course, what I just said is just the outline of the plan! Mr. Jiang, with your wisdom, it should not be difficult to judge the success rate of this plan, right?"

Hehehe smiled!

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment, and finally nodded!

"Indeed, with my cooperation, no matter how low the success rate is, it will not be less than 60%!"

"So, did you agree?"

The weight is happy!


"Do not!"

Jiang Fan said flatly!

"Damn! You fool me!"

The weight is also angry!

"Jiang Fan! You don't have to be too tight! I admit that you are the best person to complete this plan, but if you..."

"Wait, if it were you, would you work with someone whose background is unknown and just want to make you sell your life in just a few words?"

As soon as Jiang Fan said this, the weight was taken aback!

Just calm down!

Jiang Fan was right. If it were him, he would not agree to cooperate so easily!

"What else do you want?"

The weight spoke slowly.

"Simple, at least, I have to know who you are!"

"I said, we are the Throne of Thorns..."

"I don't want to hear this!"

Jiang Fan was interrupted by Jiang Fan before he finished speaking!

"Mr. Weight, just say it more clearly. I want to know who is behind you! What is your grudge with Isaac!"

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