This flower will actually attack?

And the attack power is so amazing!

At this moment, Corrupted Soul Flower missed a hit, and the huge flower suddenly flickered!

next moment!


A patch of pitch-black pollen suddenly sprayed towards Jiang Fan like a torrential rain!

At the same time, the ground trembled suddenly, and then a dozen vines suddenly rushed out of the ground, directly sealing Jiang Fan's front, back, left, and right sides!

Although Jiang Fan's body is tough, this vine can completely break the defense!

If you can't get out, you will definitely be sifted by these vines!

The point is that the black pollen, like a rainstorm, is not a good thing at first sight!

It is even more troublesome to be touched by that stuff!

"The system will help you uncle! Why don't you say this thing will fight back!"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared!

"Ding! You didn't ask again!"

"I wipe..."

Jiang Fan was too late to scold the system. At this critical moment, he turned like a ballerina, desperately spinning!

While spinning, he had already cast the Diamond Curse, and then suddenly activated the ability of body alienation!

In just a moment, Jiang Fan's limbs have turned into countless arc-filled shields!

With these shields covering his body, Jiang Fan turned into a high-speed spinning ball in an instant!

In the next moment, those vines were already screaming, stabbing Jiang Fan!

It's just that these vines with amazing offensive power just fell on Jiang Fan, they rubbed the ball and were thrown out one after another!

Jiang Fan actually used the arc and centrifugal force to solve this mortal attack!

The system seems to be stunned!

Never thought that there is still this way!

"Ding! Host, you really have two brushes!"

"I have two kitchen knives! Sooner or later I will chop you off!"

Jiang Fan cursed, taking advantage of the moment when all the vines were thrown away, steeply and then retreated!

It's a pity that after all, it was a step too late, and the black pollen directly raised him!

As soon as this thing fell on Jiang Fan, countless black blisters appeared on Jiang Fan's skin!

This thing is really poisonous!

But the next moment!


Those black blisters are disappearing quickly!

In just a few seconds, Jiang Fan's skin has become extremely smooth again!

Jiang Fan was startled slightly, but immediately understood what was going on!

This is one of the abilities that Jianmuzhijie gives back to himself when he grows up!

Aoki Nosuke!

Aoki nosuke: From now on, you will be immune to any attacks with gold level and below wood attributes!

In other words, as long as it is a phytotoxin that does not exceed level 20, you can all be immune to it!

That's it!

Poison is useless to oneself, and these vines already have a way to deal with it, then the next step is to destroy this rotten soul flower!

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily, he must do it!

But at this moment!


The ground trembled violently again!

Immediately afterwards, in front of Jiang Fan's eyes, the tunnel above the Rotting Soul Flower, a full tens of meters long, was blown into dust in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, a huge head with six blood-red eyes, which was extremely ferocious, had already plunged in!

This guy is the flying centipede!

Just after coming in, Feiwu had already bit this huge rotten soul flower in one bite!

Feeling the threat of life, the vines of the Rotting Soul Flower have desperately attacked the Centipede!

It's a pity that its vines bombarded the flying centipede, just piercing a large area of ​​sparks!

And the next moment, Fei Fu had already exerted a sudden force, tearing the rotten soul flower off in one bite, and then swallowing it directly in his stomach!

Jiang Fan was stunned!

This flying centipede is so fierce!

While swallowing the rotten soul flower, Feiwu was about to retreat, but at this moment, it sniffed, but stared at Jiang Fan in the tunnel!

"Human! It turned out to be you!"

"Yes! It's your father and me!"

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth!

Can't run, just enjoy the addiction!

"You, why are you still not dead?"

Flying centipede was stunned!

"Leave me alone!"


With a roar of anger, Feihu suddenly rushed towards Jiang Fan!

For a time, the whole tunnel was rumbling, and smoke and dust filled it!

Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce, and he didn't bother to run, and suddenly he roared!

"Grandson, what are you giving me...huh?"

Just when Feiwu rushed to a distance of more than ten meters from Jiang Fan, his whole body suddenly stopped!

Jiang Fan was startled, and suddenly laughed!

The diameter of this tunnel is only about three meters, and the head of the flying centipede can come in without a fake, but the body can't squeeze in!

Flying centipede was also stunned!

Its head is actually stuck!

But Jiang Fan smiled grimly, and clenched his fists "cockingly"!

This is simply a good time to beat a dog in the water!

"Triple! Charged to detonate!"

"Ah, dad, dad, dad!!!"

Accompanied by Jiang Fan's roar, his two fists have blasted out like a rainstorm!

After upgrading to level 16, triple detonation is already a routine operation!

For a time, Feihu's entire head was scurried by sparks beaten by Jiang Fan!

"Asshole! Asshole!!!"

Flying centipede roar desperately!

Although the triple charge detonation is terrifying, it can't break its defense at all!

However, the so-called harm is not high, and it is extremely insulting!

If this falls in the eyes of others, then Jiang Fan is slinging the flying centipede!

"Damn human! Stop it!"

"Stop it? Okay! Call Dad!"

Jiang Fan played harder!

For a moment, Feiwu's head seemed to have opened seventeen or eight blacksmith shops!

"You, you **** human..."

Flying centipede trembled all over!

Struggling desperately!

Under its terrifying force, the entire tunnel is covered with cracks!

Flying centipede is actually going to open this whole tunnel!

The point is that with the continuous appearance of cracks above the tunnel, the entire ground above the head is trembling slightly by the flying centipede arch!

This monster!

Jiang Fan was shocked!

The tunnel is more than ten meters above the ground!

And the surrounding ground with a length of 100 meters, plus this depth, is a full hundreds of thousands of cubic meters!

Normal agricultural soil is about one ton per cubic meter, and this kind of concrete filled with concrete will only be heavier!

In other words, the weight of the soil within a hundred meters of the surrounding area is more than 100,000 tons!

And now, this extremely terrifying weight was trembling by the flying centipede!

"Human! This time, I must let you die without a place to die!!"

Flying centipede roar desperately!

"Oh shit!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce too!

Anyway, once this monster gets out of trouble, he is still dead!

He actually took advantage of the effect of the Diamond Curse before it had passed, and again began to charge five times!

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan's power up, Feiwu suddenly panicked!

Five times the charged detonation will not kill him, but being bombarded by this kind of attack is really painful!

"Damn it! Damn it!!"

The power of the flying centipede is getting bigger and bigger!

The whole land began to tremble!

The tunnel was crumbling, and the concrete on the upper wall fell one after another, almost collapsed!

However, no matter how hard it exerts, it is too late!

Just look at Jiang Fan's right arm, the blood mist was engulfed, and it was already completed!

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