"Mr. Jiang?"

"Boss Niu, what's the matter?"

"Hehe, this, tomorrow is a boxing match, I want to ask you how you are preparing!"

"Then it depends on you, what you intend to do with them!"

Niu Xinghe immediately refreshed!

Jiang Fan's words are like a booster!

"Okay! Then at eight o'clock tomorrow night, the three-in-one building, waiting for your drive!"


Hang up the call, Jiang Fan continues to enter the mode of running orders!

It's just that he felt exhausted before he finished running in the afternoon!

After all, crawlers are not little sheep, ordinary bullets have little effect on them, Jiang Fan, but only relying on his fists and feet, bombed those crawlers!

Physical strength is indeed overdrawn!

"Forget it, go back and rest!"

After arriving home, Jiang Fan fell asleep!

This time, Jiang Fan slept abnormally deep, and even vaguely heard some calls, but his eyelids were so heavy that he couldn't wake up at all!


When Jiang Fan opened his eyes, it was already dawn the next day!

And Uncle Zhong is lying on the bedside and napping!

Feeling Jiang Fan waking up, Uncle Zhong immediately looked surprised!

"Master! Are you all right?"

Jiang Fan looked confused!

"What's wrong with me?"

"You kept having a fever last night and the thermometer almost exploded! I wanted to take you to the hospital, but you never agree!"


Jiang Fan was startled! Own, why, don't remember anything?

"You, is there anything uncomfortable now?"

"No! Full of energy!"

"That's good, that's good!"

Uncle Zhong said and stood up hurriedly!

"Master, you happen to be, I will give you a bowl of chicken soup to make up for it!"

"No, I can do it myself!"

Jiang Fan said, jumping out of bed dexterously and heading straight to the kitchen!

"Well, it's delicious!"

Soon, a whole big pot of chicken soup was drunk by Jiang Fan!

Even the two old hens in the soup were all eaten by Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan hiccuped, hurriedly washed, and went straight to Blue Eagle!

There, there is still a good show!


The bicycle was slamming, and after a few minutes, Jiang Fan had arrived at Lanying!

However, he did not go in, just stood at the door!

"Jingle Bell!"

The bell for class finally rang!

And at this moment, the school's broadcast sound also rang!

"Ah! Teachers and classmates, this is Ning Changan, the vice principal! Regarding the handling of Jiang Fan, I solemnly apologize!"

"Mr. Jiang Fan is a rare educator and a role model for our new generation of educators at Lanying. However, because of misbelief in rumors, we have made very inappropriate handling..."

Ning Changan is sincere and sincere!

Those who heard the broadcast were all stunned!

"Oh my God! Actually, I really apologize!"

"Teacher Jiang, too domineering!"

"Awesome! It's so amazing!"

"It's worthy of being Teacher Jiang. The entire education industry, I'm afraid, can't find a second person like him!"

Both the student and the teacher looked through the window with shocked faces, looking at Jiang Fan at the school gate!

However, Jiang Fan's face was full of disdain!

These high-sounding words will fool the children!

After Ning Changan's review book, it was finally Tang Zhiyuan's turn!

However, compared to Ning Changan, Tang Zhiyuan's voice is almost the same as that of a repeater!

After the two of them read, Jiang Fan finally laughed. In the eyes of everyone's admiration and admiration, he strode into Lanying!

And in the broadcasting room, Tang Zhiyuan, who looked at Jiang Fan from a distance, had to crush his angry teeth! In the eyes, it almost burst into flames!

"Jiang Fan! I see when you can be proud of it!"

Jiang Fan went straight back to the office!

"Hey? Where's Teacher Chen?"

In the office, there is no Chen Ling!

"I don't know, I haven't come in these two days!"

"Probably something is going on at home!"

Yang Jianye and Hu Guang said!

Jiang Fan didn't think much about it. After a few people chatted for a while, Jiang Fan's expression suddenly changed!

A burst of intense hunger, suddenly, like a heavy rain!

what happened? I just ate so much in the morning!

Jiang Fan went straight to the cafeteria!

However, when I just came to the entrance of the teaching building, I ran into Ma Desheng!

"Jiang Fan! You went out privately during class time! You are a serious violation of school discipline and school rules..."

Ma Desheng looked excited! Hehe, every time he catches Jiang Fan out of discipline, he has the pleasure of being promoted on the ground!

However, as soon as he saw Jiang Fan's face, Ma Desheng suddenly felt a panic of fear for no reason!

Jiang Fan looked at his eyes, as if he was looking at a roast pig!

"You, what are your eyes?"


"Hungry, hungry is not the reason for your violation of discipline!"

Ma Desheng exclaimed in a sharp tone!

However, Jiang Fan actually licked his tongue at this time, and even attached it to Ma Desheng, sniffing!

Ma Desheng's hair is about to stand up!

"Jiang Fan, you, what do you want to do? I warn you! I'm an upright gentleman, and I will never accept the practice of being a joke!"

Ma Desheng, a cold sweat!

Could Jiang Fan, the bastard, violated the discipline again and again, because he wanted to take the opportunity to get close to him?

Humph! You want to be beautiful! My Ma Deshengbing is pure and clean! Never, do such a nasty thing!

"Okay, it smells so good!"

Suddenly, a faint blue light appeared in Jiang Fan's eyes!

Almost posted to Ma Desheng!

Even the saliva came out!

Ma Desheng was frightened and forced!

Calf trembling constantly!

Even, I have seen the picture of myself being devastated!

"Teacher Jiang, you, don't be impulsive! If you have something, say it! Aren't you hungry? The cafeteria, the cafeteria is there!"


Jiang Fan suddenly woke up and ran towards the cafeteria!

Seeing Jiang Fan left, Ma Desheng quickly wiped his cold sweat!

Then, clutching his **** and ran away!

At the same time, in my heart, secretly rejoice! too frightening! Fortunately I am smart! Otherwise, the chrysanthemum is not guaranteed!

"Master! This, this, and this! Give me ten copies too!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan only felt almost hungry and fainted!

The chef in the canteen was shocked when he saw the starving blue light in Jiang Fan's eyes!

Without a word, I desperately started cooking!

"Hmm! It's delicious! It's delicious!"

"Master, continue to serve food!"

"Bring me all the elbows!"

"Egg! And beef! And that too!"

In less than half an hour, more than 30 elbows, five pots of fried noodles, more than 50 bowls of rice, plus countless dishes, were almost all wiped out by Jiang Fan!

The chefs in the canteen almost didn't freak out!

Is this still a human?

Isn't it too edible?

A hundred people can't eat so many things!

"Quickly, let's see what else is left in the kitchen!"

"Yes! Go and see! Otherwise, he will have to eat people for a while!"

"This is the legendary super big stomach king!"

"It's terrible! No wonder Teacher Jiang is so strong! Just this amount of appetite, whoever will die!"

"I admire it! This kind of appetite, I just dumped those who don't know how many streets are eating and broadcasting!"

Until Jiang Fan ate and drank enough, the masters were almost exhausted and paralyzed!

"Huh! Comfortable!"

Jiang Fan let out a long breath!

Finally, I'm full!

Weird! When did you become so edible?

Could it be that the Nine Suns Scripture reached the fifth level, causing a qualitative change?

"Jingle Bell!"

The sound of school, unexpectedly, rang!

Jiang Fan's spirit was lifted, and he was ready to continue running the singles!

However, before leaving the school gate, a Porsche suddenly drove to the school gate, blocking Jiang Fan's way!

The door opened, and a young man with an arrogant face got out of the car and sneered at Jiang Fan!

"Are you Jiang Fan?"

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