When Jiang Fan's level was not high, he once inquired that pedigree cleaning would cost 100,000 causal points!

With the increase in strength, the price of descent cleaning is also rising!

But he now has more than three million causal points!

Have the confidence to clean!


Don't inject?

Just hesitating for a second, Jiang Fan gave up his plan to inject!

The T virus lineage is only one biohazard lineage, and one gold-level blood can be synthesized!

And his team also needs strength!

Using it on yourself is undoubtedly a waste of resources!

Putting away the Hulk bloodline, Jiang Fan looked at the other two rewards again!

Hulk Experience Card: Hulk strikes out! !

Grade: Legendary!

Remarks: Become a Hulk, with infinite power, duration, three minutes!

System reminder: After using this item, the host will change to a third-person perspective, and will lose control of the body. All the actions of the body will be conducted with Hulk as the main personality!


Jiang Fan gasped directly!

Although this introduction is simple and rude, the three words "legendary" alone are enough to prove the power of this item!

The most important thing is that this is a prop that can truly unleash the full power of Hulk!

Far more perverted than the transformation of the gold bloodline!

But the shortcomings of this item are also obvious!

Once used, Jiang Fan can't control his body at all!

What will Hulk do at that time, only God knows!

In other words, when using this item, it's best to have no friends around!

For people like Jiang Fan who have everything in their hands, things that are too low in control are often their most annoying things!

Although this item is a legend, to him, its value is not as good as the Hulk blood!

Shaking his head, Jiang Fan put this thing away directly, and then looked at the last item!

gamma rays!

This thing looks like a detection gun, with a small radar-like muzzle embedded in the front end, which looks like a sci-fi weapon in the 50-mao special effects!

Gamma rays (once): It's a man, just shoot it at yourself!

Function: Aim the ray at a certain part of yourself, and this part will be strengthened once!

Note: Aim at yourself and launch!

Only one part can be strengthened!


This is really an artifact!

Jiang Fan frowned, then suddenly picked up the ray gun and pointed it directly at his crotch, without hesitation!


A light green light hits the crotch!

next moment!

Jiang Fan's expression suddenly changed!

He can feel that he has obtained a complete sublimation!

Quite a kind, bold and bold with a shot in hand!


Now I'm not afraid of licking my legs anymore!


What Jiang Fan considers is only combat power, very simple!

After receiving all the rewards, there is one gold draw left!

Jiang Fan rubbed his hands and was about to call the lottery roulette!

But at this moment!

"Ding! System reminder! The host is currently in the super double reward stage, and the draw can be lowered by one level in exchange for a silver heart card!"


I don’t want gold, but who wants silver--

and many more!

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly brightened!


"Ding! In exchange for success! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Silver Heart Card!"

Silver Heart Card: Use this item to exchange for any kind of silver item!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and used this heart card without hesitation!

"System! I want Resident Evil World, Wesker's blood!"

That's right!

For Jiang Fan at this moment, this heart card is definitely more important than a gold-level item!

Because Dr. Asifford's T virus research and development manuscript, only one lineage can be synthesized!

Dr. Asifford's T virus research and development manuscript: Legendary props!

Note: This manuscript records the development process of T virus in detail!

Instructions for use: When the host gathers at least four "Resident Evil" world bloodlines and obtains at least three or more gold-level monster blood, they can be synthesized into the blood of the ancestor tyrant!

Tip: For every extra bloodline or gold monster blood, the combined power of the tyrant bloodline will be even more terrifying!

Note: The highest level of the synthesized bloodline is-Legendary!


As Jiang Fan spoke, the next moment, a silver-white injection appeared in his hand!

This thing is exactly Wesker's "T virus super rebirth bloodline"!

T virus super rebirth bloodline: Silver +!

Attribute: Recovery type!

Remarks: Using this bloodline, you will get an exceptionally powerful recovery ability!

Four bloodlines, get together!

And Jiang Fan's current gold-level blood is the blood of the headless horseman and the blood of the evil eating!

It's still one of a kind!

And these two bloodlines were all obtained from the trial land!

"In that case, you still have to go to the trial ground..."

Jiang Fan frowned!

If you want to play the trial ground, you must first kill the flying centipede!

For him now, the price to pay to kill Feiwu is too great!

Jiang Fan looked at his experience value.

Because of the super double reward, this time the experience value has been directly jumped by one section!

In addition, the three subsequent orders are all super doubled, and there are at most two more worlds, and you can reach level seventeen!


Jiang Fan made up his mind and finally left the system space!

Out of the alley, Jiang Fan immediately took out the bicycle and kicked it!


Jiang Fan is racing all the way!

Soon, Blue Eagle has arrived!

Since the last parent meeting, Jiang Fan hasn't appeared in the past few days!

I thought that when I returned to study, Ma Desheng would be the first person I saw!

After all, the two are destined!

Unexpectedly, the first person I saw was Wu Tao!

This was the first class in the afternoon, and Wu Tao was leading the students to run laps on the playground!

Seeing Jiang Fan appeared, his feet were soft, and he fell directly on the ground!

"Mr. Wu, good afternoon!"

"Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang, Teacher Jiang, next, good afternoon!"

Wu Tao was trembling, his face pale!

Before, he thought Jiang Fan was nothing but rubbish, and he could kill him easily!

But a few days ago, the group of violent elements under Jiang Fan made an attack and directly frightened him!

The men are so fierce, Jiang Fan, the big BOSS, must be stronger!

The past few days he has been terrified, afraid that Jiang Fanqiu will settle accounts!

Seeing Jiang Fan now, his soul is almost scared!

Jiang Fan grinned and asked the students to continue exercising, and then he smiled and said:

"Don't worry, I didn't plan to kill you!"

"Really, really?"


"Huh? No, no! Forgive me!"

Wu Tao trembled, almost urinating!

"Just kidding, what are you afraid of?"

Jiang Fan laughed!

Wu Tao was stunned, and then he felt cold in his back!

Jiang Fan's words, true and false, are more scary than just saying that he will kill him!

"Okay, stop teasing you, let me ask you, the things you used to find people have always been summarized to you, right?"

"Find someone?"

Wu Tao was taken aback, but he reacted immediately. Jiang Fan said that it must be the middle-aged man they were looking for, with a scar on his left neck!

"Yes, it is!"

Wu Tao nodded hurriedly!

"How is that person looking up now?" The latest chapter address of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlReading address of the full text of God-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https:// www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway Txt download address: https://www .wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https://m. wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"favorite\" record below This time (Chapter 1684 shot at yourself) reading records, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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