God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1688: Qingyang Feng Lang's Escape

The fact is far less relaxed than Qingyang ancestor said!

At that time, the two of them were chased by the long wind, and they were like mourning dogs!

The old guy expended a lot of primordial power, and directly activated the great movement technique, and then he avoided the long wind!

After that, he even hurried back to the vicinity of the land that should have been robbed.

But when he got there, he only passed a tribe left behind by his disciple a hundred years ago, knowing that that disciple had gone overseas with the blood sacrifice magic weapon!

Originally, if his physical body was still there, with the cultivation base of the Primordial Spirit Realm, he would be able to pass by continuously using the great movement technique!

But now he only has the soul, and Feng Lang's body can't bear the continuous movement. In addition, the long wind of hundreds of miles is the tenth pole of the heaven after all. If he takes the official route, he will be exposed in an instant!

Suddenly got into trouble!

Fortunately, Feng Lang has rich experience in fleeing and found a snakehead. The two first went to Southeast Asia, and then found a ship to smuggle to Citigroup.

Along the way, the two of them ate and sleeplessly, and were afraid of being discovered by Baili Changfeng, they didn't even dare to do it, and they were insulted!

Simply embarrassed!

As for Baili Changfeng, it was the disciple of Tianding Shiji who attacked the ancestor of Qingyang back then!

When Baili Changfeng chased the place where the ancestor Qingyang should be fought, he immediately thought of his identity!

Not only raised his hand to destroy the remnants of the Qingyang ancestors, but also pursued it even more closely!

The ancestor Qingyang and Feng Lang were delayed for more than a month on the smuggling boat, and when they arrived in Citi, they kept looking for the trail of the disciple. Seeing that they were browsing just now, Baili Changfeng was killed!

The two of them were frightened, and they were hiding again along the way!

At this moment, Feng Lang actually saw Jiang Fan who went to Citigroup to promote the movie with the crew!

This new hatred and old hatred came up, Feng Lang didn't control his emotions, his breath leaked, and he was locked by Baili Changfeng again!

The two later fled to the country of Mo, and there, Baili Changfeng met Ononkanah by chance. After that, Jiang Fan also came here because of the tomb of the dark god. Only then did they know that Feng Lang was not only dead, but also by Baili Chang. Wind track news.

The two ancestors of Qingyang trembled, and escaped several times before finally finding the disciple!

And successfully retrieved the blood sacrifice magic weapon!

This blood sacrifice magic weapon is very insidious, and the ancestor Qingyang once told him that his disciple has been secretly absorbing the blood of the people in the place for a hundred years, and a lot of energy has already been stored in it!

The ancestor Qingyang used the energy not only to completely transform Feng Lang's physique, but also to raise this body to an incredible level!

And the reason why that disciple had helped Qingyang ancestor to gather his blood for so many years was not because of his loyalty!

One is that the life card of the ancestor Qingyang has not been broken, and the other is that the magic weapon has been banned by the ancestor Qingyang, as long as he does not die, others can't use it at all!

Then the Qingyang ancestor's IQ went online, and he was actually in the Amazon rainforest, relying on a magic weapon to put a hundred miles of wind, making him mistakenly think that the two are still in the rainforest.

But he and Feng Lang, but Jin Chan escaped from their shells and returned to China!

This is the itinerary of the two over the past few months!

"Huh! Jiang Fan, you just need to know that today is your death date!"

Feng Lang smiled proudly!

"Of course, you can also kneel down and beg me, and say that if I'm in a good mood, you can live a few more days!"

"This...I have steel plates on my knees, I'm afraid I won't be able to kneel down."

Jiang Fan chuckled.

"Have a steel plate?"

Feng Lang was taken aback, and then suddenly reacted:

"You **** fucking with me?"

Jiang Fan was even more surprised:

"You just reacted?"

"You fucking—"

Feng Lang gritted his teeth angrily, but he immediately smiled gloomily:

"Jiang Fan, I'm afraid you still don't know my strength at the moment! To tell you the truth, your sixteenth level is in front of me, so you can't stand a blow!"

As his voice fell, the whole person's aura suddenly burst out!

A tyrannical energy fluctuation visible to the naked eye suddenly swept across all directions!

The Ma family disciples closest to him had not yet reacted, but they were blown up by his aura fluctuations!

Such a method is even more amazing than the master!


"It's just the aura, it's reached this level!"

"so horrible!"

"Mr. Jiang help!"

A group of Ma family disciples changed their colors and screamed desperately!

"Hey hey! It's useless! Heavenly King Lao Tzu is here, and he won't be able to save you!"

Feng Lang laughed wildly!

But at this moment!


A sonic boom that resembled a muffled thunder suddenly sounded!

In the next moment, Jiang Fan was already like a tiger, and he suddenly slammed in front of Feng Lang!

At the same time, his fist was more like a meteorite falling from the sky, with a red flame ignited by piercing the air at a high speed, and suddenly hit Feng Lang's head!

Take offense as defense!

If you want Feng Lang to stop, you have to do it first!

"So fast!"

The voice of the ancestor Qingyang was full of surprise!

Jiang Fan's speed has surpassed the normal sixteenth level!

But Feng Lang smiled grimly and directly raised his hand to block!


The ancestor Qingyang suddenly exclaimed!

The strength contained in Jiang Fan's fist is definitely not level sixteen!

But it's too late!


A terrifying sonic boom suddenly resounded throughout the Ma family!

The location of the two of them is even more like a volcanic eruption, and a wave of earth tens of meters high is blown up on the spot!


In the earth waves!



The sound of broken bones suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream!

At the next moment, everyone was shocked to see that a **** figure, almost like a cannonball, directly smashed a section of Ma's tens of meters long wall, and then flew out far away!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

Ma Dongmei suddenly exclaimed!

However, when the smoke cleared, everyone found that Jiang Fan was standing in place!

It was Feng Lang who flew out!

"Mr. Jiang is mighty!"

"Hahaha! Worthy of being a character like my ancestor of the Ma family!"

"Long live Mr. Jiang!"

"Kill that ungrateful son of a bitch!"

The Ma family’s children were full of joy and laughed!

However, Jiang Fan's face was still deep!

Normally speaking, once Jiang Fan makes a move, it will be as fast as thunder, and will never give his opponent a chance to breathe!

But now, he didn't even take advantage of the situation to pursue it, which is obviously abnormal!

And not only that, Jiang Fan suddenly looked at the Ma family!

"Everyone! Leave now!"


Everyone was taken aback!

"Mr. Jiang, isn't Feng Lang already killed by you?"

Ma Donglai was puzzled.

"Even if you don't die, you won't be able to fight again if you receive such a heavy blow!"

Ma Xiangyun also followed.

Except for the silent Ma Dongmei, the other Ma family disciples were also about to talk.


"Shut up! Leave now!"

Jiang Fan suddenly let out a low growl, his voice was harsher than ever before!

Everyone panicked!

And the next moment!

"Jiang Fan!!!"

Feng Lang's very bitter voice suddenly sounded from a distance! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Reading address of the full text of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1688 Qingyang Feng Lang's Escape) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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