
Li Jing was frightened by the sound and knelt directly to the ground!


The housekeeper exclaimed and went to help Li Jing!

But when he met Li Jing, he found that Li Jing's body was as soft as mud!

I can't afford it!


The mud can't support the wall!

The housekeeper sighed in his heart!

"Master! Cheer up!"

"No, no, that monster! It's really him!"

"He really is back!"

"It's over! I'm over!"

Li Jing howl and cry!

At this moment, apart from fear, there is no other emotion in his heart!

When Jiang Fan walked into the gate, a group of guards in Li's mansion rushed out!

"Bastard! How dare you trespass into the General Armed Mansion, it's almost--"

"Simply Nima!"

Before one of the young guards had finished speaking, the head guard of the team had a big mouth and flew him out!

next moment!

The chief guard looked at Jiang Fan with a pleasing expression!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan Shangxian, you, why are you here?"

The newcomers to Li's Mansion may not be clear, but their group of elderly people are really too aware of Jiang Fan's horror!

This is a big man who even Nezha's master, the real fairy treats politely!

If it weren't for Nezha's face, Li Jing would have been beaten to death by him long ago!

The head guard looked at Jiang Fan's eyes, but they were all full of fear!

The rest of the guards were all stunned!


"He is Jiang Fan Shangxian?"

Jiang Fan didn't bother to take care of this group of people at all, and his anger suddenly let go!

At the next moment, he has locked Li Jing's position!

Just ahead, a hundred meters away from here, in the study in the depths of the house!


Jiang Fan let out a cold snort, and then, in the eyes of everyone's horrified eyes, he suddenly raised his hand, and then suddenly descended, slashing in the air!


A loud noise like a volcanic eruption suddenly resounded through the entire Chentang Pass!

In the next moment, an incomparably terrifying spirit had already cut the houses, rockeries, ponds, and bamboo forests along the road in half using Jiang Fan as a starting point!

With this blow, Jiang Fan actually cut out a full ten meters wide, straight to the study, an open road!

"Dang Cang!"

All the weapons of the guards fell to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, people who didn't even dare to let go fell to their knees!

Especially the guard who yelled at Jiang Fan before, kowtow!

Even though his head was full of blood, I didn't dare to stop at all!

The people onlookers outside were all open-mouthed, and they couldn't believe their eyes!

too exaggerated!

Worthy of being an immortal means!

A group of people looked at Jiang Fan's gaze, admiring it even more!

And through this thoroughfare, Li Jing has already seen Jiang Fan!

At this moment, he just felt that his mind was blank!

There is only one voice in my heart!

he came!

he came!

He really came!

And Jiang Fan has been holding the leaf of the tree of life possessed by Nezha, striding over to the study!

Seeing Jiang Fan's gradually approaching figure, Li Jing only felt that he saw a Hades who was getting closer and closer!

"No, no, don't come over..."

"Do not!!!"

Li Jing suddenly let out a miserable cry, using his hands and feet together, backing desperately!

Seeing him so unbearable, Madam Yin sighed and turned her back!

But the rest of the people are still talking!

Although Li Jing does not treat his son like an individual, he is also a good official to govern Chentangguan!

But in the face of Jiang Fan, no one dared to dissuade him!

at last!

Li Jing leaned back against the corner and had nowhere to go!

And Jiang Fan has already reached him!

"Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang, brother Jiang! Ha ha, well, long time no see..."

Li Jing trembled all over, barely showing a smiling face!

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Fan smiled softly:

"Chief Li, why are you so afraid of me?"

"Afraid? No, no! I, I just saw Brother Jiang, so excited!"

Li Jing trembling!

"Oh? Then you and I are really the same! Seeing Chief Li, I am too excited!"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!

Li Jing shuddered suddenly, almost screaming out of fright!

"Jiang, Brother Jiang, you, you haven't shown up in a few years, and you are here today, so why not put a table here..."

"Then there is no need, by the way, why haven't you seen my son Nezha?"

"Well, Nezha, he..."

"What's up with him?"

"He he he he he..."

Li Jing's teeth trembled, but he couldn't say a complete sentence at all!

Jiang Fan really came to settle the accounts!

That's it!


Jiang Fan suddenly smiled softly:

"Zongbing Li, I haven't shown up in the past few years, don't you think I'm dead outside, right?"

"This, how is this! Brother Jiang, don't be kidding..."

"In that case..."

In Jiang Fan's eyes, a flash of incomparable killing intent suddenly flashed:

"In that case, who gave you the courage! You dared to burn down my son's temple and almost killed my son!"


Before Li Jing had finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already stomped on Li Jing's calf!


The whole ground trembled suddenly!

And Li Jing's calf has suddenly exploded into a piece of fleshy powder!


Li Jing screamed desperately!

Rolling desperately in pain!

But Jiang Fan was expressionless, looking at Li Jing without emotion!

"It's too early to call it so miserable now! The game of you and me has just begun!"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth hooked, and he had already clasped Li Jing's neck, and directly lifted him up!

"No, no! No!"

Li Jing suddenly screamed!

But Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce, and he was about to kick his other leg!

At this moment!


A voice like Hong Zhong Dalu suddenly sounded!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan didn't pay any attention at all, and suddenly kicked out!


Li Jing's other calf made a crisp sound!

Then, starting from the kneecap, all the bones of the entire calf were shaken into countless broken bones!


Li Jing's heart-piercing pain!

And the person who made that sound was even more furious!

"Dare Zhuzier!!"

Accompanied by this voice, a man wearing a Taoist robe has suddenly appeared, rushing directly to Jiang Fan!

However, at this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly looked back and stared fiercely!

At this moment, that person did not know why, there was a feeling of crashing into the whole world!

Actually stopped involuntarily!

And then, he even exclaimed:

"Friend Jiang Fan!?"

Jiang Fan's face was grim:

"True Taiyi, long time no see!"

This person is dressed in a black robes, holding a whisk in his hand, immortal wind and dao bones, exactly--

Taiyi real person!

"Jiang Fan, you, why did you appear?"

Real Taiyi was shocked!

The number of days has been fixed, Jiang Fan should never show up at this time!

But Jiang Fan's face was extremely gloomy!

"How could I show up? If I don't show up, my poor boy, I am afraid that my soul will have disappeared, and my body will disappear!"


Master Taiyi suddenly exclaimed!

And the next moment, Nezha's soul had floated out of the leaves of the tree of life!

Smiled at the real Taiyi:


"Where?! How could this happen!"

Feeling Nezha's incomparable weakness, as if the soul that would disperse at the touch of a touch, Madam Taiyi was stunned!

how so!

Nezha, even if the temple is burned, it shouldn't be as weak as this!

Absolutely have spare capacity to find yourself for help!

He pinched his fingers, but his whole body trembled!

Can't figure it out!

It is clear that someone is covering up the way of heaven and has moved his hands and feet!

No wonder Jiang Fan will appear! The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Read the full text of the god-level takeaway from the world: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"Collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 1697 Who did it) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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