God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1700: Qiankun Bow Shaking Arrow

It is recommended to cast level 20!

I'll go to you to make a fool of yourself!

Jiang Fan threw this thing to the ground!

Your uncle!

What's the difference between this special and nothing!

Does Lao Tzu really need this thing at level 20?

In the realm of the smallest, that molecular level of terror damage, everything can be shattered!

Jiang Fan's blue veins jumped on his forehead!

However, after a long time, after all, I couldn't escape the true incense law, so I learned it!

"Not angry, not angry! The next thing is really good things at a real price!"

"In other words, Mrs. Yin is really generous, and she gave me all the Qiankun Bow and the Shaking Arrow!"

"This is the real baby! Hehehe!"

The Qiankun Bow and the Shaking Arrow were left by Emperor Xuanyuan, and mortals couldn't even hold them!

Nezha used this magic weapon to shoot Empress Shiji's disciple, Biyun Boy!

Jiang Fan first took out the Universe Bow!

As soon as he started, his expression moved!

No wonder mortals can’t pick it up, the weight of this bow is at least a thousand catties!

It's just that the weight is so terrifying, I am afraid that it will not take ten times a hundred times the effort to pull it away!

Jiang Fan took a closer look and found that this long arch is half a person tall, and the whole body is pitch black, simple and unpretentious, without any fancy!

But I don't know why, just by looking at it, I think it is extremely smooth and in harmony with the heavens!

Even a little more decoration seems to be superfluous!

This longbow doesn't know what material it is, it is gentle and moist, as if it has temperature!

And the bowstring is tight, and there is a mysterious light flowing!

Jiang Fan tried to pull the bowstring, but found that as the bowstring was continuously pulled apart, a dragon chant appeared vaguely on the longbow!

"Good bow!"

Jiang Fan was full of surprises!

This longbow is really perfect in terms of feel, weight, and strength!

Since Yunmeng's bow was broken, he has no bow to use. He didn't expect that such a treasure was waiting for him!

Jiang Fan looked at the attributes of Qiankun Bow!

Qiankun Bow (Lack of Tool Spirit): Legendary!

Attack power: extremely sharp!


1. Sunder Armor: Qiankun Bow contains a ray of true dragon energy left by the Yellow Emperor. During the idle period of the weapon, it will continue to accumulate dragon energy. When it accumulates to a certain level, it will inevitably trigger a Sunder Armor attack!

2. Full bow charge: When attacking, you can stretch the bowstring to charge up. The longer the charge lasts, the higher the damage, and the attack power can be increased by up to three times!

Sunder Armor Description: Sunder Armor attack status, you can ignore all legendary and below powerhouses with body protection, energy, and ability defense!

Remarks: The Yellow Emperor chose the Zhe of Taishan Nanwu Hao, the Horn of Yan Niu, the Mi of Jing Mo, and the glue of river fish, and finally became this bow!

Tip: Replenishing device spirit can improve the quality of this weapon!


Jiang Fan slowly spit out a foul breath!

Three times the attack!

too exaggerated!

The most terrifying thing is that it is still a sunder attack!

With the current Jiang Fan, even if he stood there at the 20th level and let him fight, he would not be able to break the defense at all!

But if you use the piercing armour of the Qiankun bow, as long as the opponent is not a physical metamorphosis like yourself, one arrow can penetrate the opponent!

Of course, this has to be that the other party has absolutely no other defensive means!

Otherwise, I really want to resist the level 20 and above, I'm afraid I can hit the arrow with my finger!

But in any case, with this longbow in hand, facing the existence of twentieth level, he is not without the power to fight back!

Jiang Fan looked at Shaking Arrow again!

This arrow is completely black, and only at the position of the arrow, there is faint blood circulation, full of murderous aura!

Shocking Arrow: One-time attack props

Grade: Legendary!

Attribute: Lethal!

Lethal: Ignore all defenses, once shot, legendary level and below will die!

Remarks: solemnly state that the name of Li Jing has never been on this arrow. Xuanyuan's arrow is also equipped with lettering?

lethal! !

Legendary must die!

Jiang Fan trembled with excitement!

This one is simply invincible!

Tianding Shiji is here, so I have to kneel for Lao Tzu!

After carefully storing these two treasures, Jiang Fan finally looked at the last one.

Three Heads and Eight Arms: Dharma Phase

Grade: Legendary!

Description: This dhamma is an advanced version with three heads and six arms, once it is displayed, it is infinitely powerful!

Remarks: This is a method that only real local tyrants can use. The eight hands are all magic weapons. Before starting the fight, everyone has to weigh and weigh, can they afford it!

Legendary again!

And there are no recommendations for use!

Jiang Fan chose to study without hesitation!

This time, the order is simply overturned!

Before leaving, Jiang Fan looked at the rich and honorable cocoon again. Some places around it had already faintly cracked, and it was probably coming out soon.

Returning to the real world, Jiang Fan immediately controlled the iron-blooded spacecraft and flew towards Los Angeles!

Unlike before he came, Jiang Fan was not in a hurry, and was about to take out his mobile phone to pass the time, just now!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The phone rang suddenly!

Caller ID turned out to be Qiu Mingyue!

Jiang Fan showed a toothache, and finally answered the phone!

"Haha, Mingyue..."

"Jiang Fan, have you forgotten me?"

Qiu Mingyue's voice is full of resentment!

"Where is it! This time is a bit busy, and the last time Qiuyuanfeng things...I also think you need to calm down..."

"What I need is not peace, but comfort!"

Qiu Mingyue's voice suddenly became louder!

"Haha, yes yes yes!"

Jiang Fan hurriedly laughed.


Qiu Mingyue bit her lip bitterly, Jiang Fan was nothing but hob meat!

"Forget it, don't be angry with you, I just chatted with Qiu Lu for a while, you should be interested in some things, come to me if you have time!"

"Good good!"

"You! Can't you say something else?"

The blue veins on Qiu Ming's moonlight forehead violently!

"Well, the weather turns cold, you remember to add a piece of clothing."

"Go to **** you!"

Qiu Ming hung up the phone with moonlight!

Thirty degrees weather you let my old lady add clothes!

Jiang Fan shook his head and sighed.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, the phone rang again!

Jiang Fan shuddered in shock, but when he saw the caller ID, he was taken aback!

Not Qiu Mingyue!

It's an overseas call!

"Hello, I am Jiang Fan."

"Mr. Jiang, I am a weight!"

Suddenly the calm voice of the weight sounded on the opposite side!

Jiang Fan's complexion moved slightly:

"Hehe, Mr. Weight, it seems that you have made a choice?"

"Yes, your condition can be agreed!"


Jiang Fan exhaled silently.

It's done!

"Mr. Jiang, those five antiques are okay, but it will take a little time to transform with the blood of God."

"It's okay, I can wait."

Jiang Fan smiled softly.

"Okay, let's say you want your stuff!"

Jiang Fan directly reported the serial numbers of five items, including Tianyuan Shizhong.

"Well, these five things, I will start to have them sent to you now, but Mr. Jiang, I have to remind you...Don't betray us!"

"Relax! My Jiang Fan, good word of mouth thief!"

"Very well, we also believe in Mr. Jiang's sincerity, then I will contact you one week at the latest."


Hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan looked relaxed!

Of course I will not betray them!

Never be loyal, how can you betray?

But I really can't tell Isaac about this!

According to what the weight said before, the power of the Throne of Thorns is probably bigger than he described!

And they dormant for a hundred years, who knows how many dark children have been arranged around Isaac?

Really doing fake dramas?

You can try it too...

Jiang Fan smiled at the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth, and his eyes narrowed slightly. The latest chapter address of God-level Takeaway from Ten Thousand Worlds: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.html Reading address of the full text of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https://www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms mobile phone reading: https://m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the "Favorites" below to record this time (Chapter 1700 ) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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