God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1709: Ten years is too long for today

Jiang Fan stared at his fingers, his heart moved!

His nails are constantly being strengthened!

In the end, it turned out to be a sharp bone spur!

In terms of detailed control, cell control is indeed much more flexible than limb alienation!

And on top of this bone spur, there is a drop of azure blue, like an ocean-like liquid!

Tyrant virus!

You can secrete a tyrant virus!

It's just that this virus doesn't have the terrible contagiousness of the Resident Evil, but instead carries a tyrannical aura of the beginning of everything and natural selection!

This is the purest ancestor tyrant virus!

Jiang Fan stared at the drop of virus, his eyes narrowed slightly.

After a long time, he suddenly smiled, put away the abnormality, and left the system space.

Walking out of the room, Jiang Fan waved to Curtis and Christine:



Two hours later.

Silently, Jiang Fan had already driven the iron-blooded spacecraft and came to Xichuan!

Looking at the antique and extravagant Dou family residence in front of him, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled.

The last time I came here, Dou's family was so troubled by himself!

"Let's go!"

Jiang Fan walked towards the gate.

Stepping into the Dou family, several disciples of the Dou family in the courtyard suddenly felt intimidated and looked back!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang?!"

A group of people couldn't help but shiver all over!

Jiang Fan's method last time was too ruthless!

Now that I think about it, I still have lingering fears!

But then, everyone was excited!

Although Jiang Fan beat them badly last time, his shot gave Dou Yichang a thirty-year life!

Directly turned Dou Yichang into a mature man!

This kind of opportunity to flatter up close is almost impossible to find!

"Mr. Jiang! You have worked so hard all the way!"

"Mr. Jiang, the owner just got a good box of tea yesterday, I'll get it!"

"That who! Hurry up, didn't you see Mr. Jiang coming? Hurry up and call two technicians!"

"What kind! Of course you can do anything!"

"Don't have to be so troublesome, I'll call my cousin now!"

The entire Dou family is in a turmoil!

Jiang Fan waved his hand quickly.

"It's all right, where's Dou Yichang?"

"Patriarch went to the airport to pick you up!"

"Went in the morning!"

"Didn't you come by plane?"

Several of the Dou family's children are chattering.

Only then did Jiang Fan know that he was taking a diversion!

"Call Dou Yichang and let him come back quickly!"


One of them hurriedly called Dou Yichang, while the others hurriedly arranged tea for Jiang Fan.

No way, Dou Yichang thought that Jiang Fan would come by plane, and took away all the people in Dou's family who could be named, and went to meet Jiang Fan.

Soon, within an hour, there was a roar of cars outside Dou's house!

Immediately afterwards, Dou Yichang, who was full of red light, rushed in like a whirlwind!

Behind him, followed by a large number of powerful figures in the Dou family!

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Dou Yichang burst into laughter!

"Mr. Jiang! Long time no see!"

"Patriarch Dou looks good, huh? Has his strength improved?"

When he came last time, Dou Yichang had only the fourteenth peak, and now he has reached the fourteenth limit!

"Thanks to Mr. Jiang, if you hadn't given me 30 years of life and opened my heart, I wouldn't have progressed so fast! Within ten years, I have the confidence to enter the master!"

Dou Yichang laughed, but his gratitude to Jiang Fan couldn't be concealed in his eyes.

Jiang Fan smiled, but suddenly said:

"Ten years are too long, just today!"

"Ah? You, what are you talking about?"

Dou Yichang was taken aback!

Jiang Fan had already looked at the group of people behind Dou Yichang.

"Dou Yimao, Dou Lianrong, Dou Lianpeng..."

Jiang Fan clicked on the names of seven people including Dou Yichang!

The seven people were at a loss for a while, but all came to Jiang Fan honestly.

"Mr. Jiang, you, what are you planning to do?"

Dou Yichang couldn't help but speak.

Jiang Fan smiled slightly:

"I said last time that as long as you follow me sincerely, Jiang Fan will never treat you badly. Now is the time to honor your promise!"

"Since your Dou family is short of masters, I will send you seven masters!"

Everyone was taken aback!

Then his complexion changed drastically!

Jiang Fan said to send seven masters, and also named the names of these seven people, could it be--

Dou Yichang seemed to think of something, and suddenly looked towards Curtis!

If he remembers correctly, when Jiang Fan came last time, this Necromancer seemed to be only thirteenth level!

And now...

Seeing Dou Yichang looking over, Curtis smiled and suddenly let out a breath!

Grandmaster! !

Do not!

Not just the master!

Absolutely better than level 15!

Dou Yichang's face is unbelievable!

How long is this? A month? Two months?

And Jiang Fan had already waved to the seven, and a violent wind directly led the seven into the hall behind!

Then, the door closed!

"Everyone, close your eyes!"

Jiang Fan spoke, and the seven involuntarily closed their eyes!

Jiang Fan suddenly shot!


The seven people suddenly stiffened and couldn't move anymore!

And Jiang Fan has already called the system and directly led a few people into the Golden Trial Ground!

Throwing a few people at the temple, Jiang Fan casually killed a few monsters, and he had enough experience!

When he returned to the real world with a few people, and unlocked the acupuncture points of a few people, in an instant, the seven extremely powerful auras had suddenly soared into the sky!

These seven auras converged in one place, and they actually shattered the entire hall to pieces!

A group of people from the Dou family were stunned!

I can't believe my eyes!

"This, this breath..."

"Grandmaster! It's really a grandmaster!"

"Mr. Jiang used the method?"

"Simply means perfection!"

"My Dou family is now a master! Thank you, Mr. Jiang, thank you, Mr. Jiang!"

The crowd was so excited that it was beyond words!

And the most shocked were the seven Dou Yichang!

They didn't even know what was going on, they had already broken through all and became a master!

"This, this power..."

"In the end what happened?"

"When you close your eyes and open them, you become a master?"

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

There was already a trace of panic in his eyes!

The creation of a master at the fingertips is unheard of!

Don't say it is a heavenly tripod, I am afraid that it is a fairy in the myth, and it can't be done!

Jiang Fan can give life to life. They can accept this miracle, and they will even be surprised!

But at this point, this is no longer a surprise!

It's fright!

"Jiang, Mr. Jiang..."

Dou Yichang did not achieve the joy of the master at all, but was thirsty and panicked indescribably!

At the same time, his heart is full of happiness!

At that time, if he didn't know what was good or bad, at this moment, his entire Dou family would have been wiped out!

As for the other people, they have the same expression!

"This is my reward to your Dou family. There are no sequelae, no need to be afraid!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly.

Dou Yichang's bodies trembled and suddenly reacted!

The Dou family and Jiang Fan have a contract, as long as Jiang Fan has a thought, they can harvest the Dou family at any time!

There is no need to use other means at all!

Today, seven masters can appear in the Dou family in a row, that does not mean that they are satisfied with the performance of the Dou family!

"Grandmaster! My Dou family also has a grandmaster!"

"Mr. Jiang! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Mr. Jiang! The Dou family is willing to treat your liver and brain, and you will die!"

Dou Yichang was incoherent with excitement!

Among the crowd, an old man with a shocked face suddenly knelt down:

"Mr. Jiang! Please also save my ancestors!" The latest chapter address of the God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway: https: //www.wuxiaspot.com/book/113664.htmlReading address of the full text of God-level takeaway from Ten Thousand Realms: https: //www.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/God-level Ten Thousand Realms Takeaway txt download address: https:/ /www.wuxiaspot.com/down/113664.htmlGod-level Ten Thousand Realms takeaway mobile phone reading: https:// m.wuxiaspot.com/read/113664/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\ "Record this reading (Chapter 1709 Ten years is too long to be today), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "God-level Takeaway", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (www.wuxiaspot.com)

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